and laugh at our pleasure, and so we were, until such time as he (fetching a pitiful sigh from the bottom of his heart, and beating his face in miserable sort), began to say.


How Socrates in his return from Macedonia to Larissa was spoiled and robbed, and how he fell acquainted with one Meroe a witch.

Alas poor miser that I am, that for the only desire to see a game of trial of weapons, am fallen into these miseries and wretched snares of misfortune. For in my return from Macedonia, whereas I sold all my wares, and played the merchant by the space of ten months, a little before that I came to Larissa, I turned out of the way, to view the situation of the country there, and behold in the bottom of a deep valley I was suddenly environed with a company of thieves, who robbed and spoiled me of such things as I had, and yet would hardly suffer me to escape. But I being in such extremity, in the end was happily delivered from their hands, and so I fortuned to come to the house of an old woman that sold wine, called Meroe, who had her tongue sufficiently instructed to flattery: unto whom I opened the causes of my long peregrination and careful travel, and of mine unlucky adventure: and after that I had declared to her such things as then presently came to my remembrance, she gently entertained me and made me good cheer; and by and by being pricked with carnal desire, she brought me to her own bed chamber; whereas I poor miser the very first night of our lying together did purchase to myself this miserable face, and for her lodging I gave to her such apparel as the thieves left to cover me withal.

Then I understanding the cause of his miserable estate, said unto him, In faith thou art worthy to sustain the most extreme misery and calamity, which hast defiled and maculated thine own body, forsaken thy wife traitorously, and dishonoured thy children, parents, and friends, for the love of a vile harlot and old strumpet. When Socrates heard me rail against Meroe in such sort, he held up his finger to me, and as half abashed said, Peace peace I pray you, and looking about lest anybody should hear, I pray you (quoth he) I pray you take heed what you say against so venerable a woman as she is, lest by your intemperate tongue you catch some harm. Then with resemblance of admiration, What (quoth I) is she so excellent a person as you name her to be? I pray you tell me. Then answered he, Verily she is a magician, which hath power to rule the heavens, to bring down the sky, to bear up the earth, to turn the waters into hills and the hills into running waters, to lift up the terrestrial spirits into the air, and to pull the gods out of the heavens, to extinguish the planets, and to lighten the deep darkness of hell. Then said I unto Socrates, Leave off this high and mystical kind of talk, and tell the matter in a more plain and simple fashion. Then answered he, Will you hear one or two, or more of her facts which she hath done, for whereas she enforceth not only the inhabitants of the country here, but also the Indians and the Ethiopians the one and the other, and also the Antictons, to love her in most raging sort, such as are but trifles and chips of her occupation, but I pray you give ear, and I will declare of more greater matters, which she hath done openly and before the face of all men.


How Meroe the Witch turned diverse persons into miserable beasts.

In faith Aristomenus to tell you the truth, this woman had a certain lover, whom by the utterance of one only word she turned into a beaver, because he loved another woman beside her: and the reason why she transformed him into such a beast is, for that it is his nature, when he perceiveth the hunters and hounds to draw after him, to bite off his members, and lay them in the way, that the hounds may be at a stop when they find them, and to the intent it might so happen unto him (for that he fancied another woman) she turned him into that kind of shape.

Similarly she changed one of her neighbours, being an old man and one that sold wine, into a frog, in that he was one of her occupation, and therefore she bare him a grudge, and now the poor miser swimming in one of his pipes of wine, and well-nigh drowned in the dregs, doth cry and call with an hoarse voice, for his old guests and acquaintance that pass by. Likewise she turned one of the advocates of the court (because he pleaded and spake against her in a rightful cause) into a horned ram, and now the poor ram is become an advocate. Moreover she caused, that the wife of a certain lover that she had should never be delivered of her child, but according to the computation of all men, it is eight years past since the poor woman first began to swell, and now she is increased so big, that she seemeth as though she would bring forth some great elephant: which when it was known abroad, and published throughout all the town, they took indignation against her, and ordained that the next day she should most cruelly be stoned to death. Which purpose of theirs she prevented by the virtue of her enchantments, and as Medea (who obtained of King Creon but one days respite before her departure) did burn all his house, him, and his daughter: so she, by her conjurations and invocations of spirits, (which she useth in a certain

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