She saw the flash of white teeth. “Bravo, madam! Hold fast to it. Sir, be pleased to come down!”
The chafing, fidgeting horse was pulled back; the Unknown bent gracefully in the saddle, and his hand left the bridle to swing open the coach door. Letty sat grasping the pistol, and pointing it at Mr. Markham. Her eyes were bright, and her pretty mouth was set tightly. Mr. Markham took one look, with a vague notion of wresting the pistol from her, but decided that the further he got from a weapon held in such determined but inexpert hands the better. He jumped down on to the road, just as the Unknown sprang lightly from the saddle.
“You damned footpad!” Mr. Markham exploded. “By God, I’ll have you hunted down for this! You cowardly fools there, why didn’t you fire?” He had flung round angrily to look at the men on the box, and saw soon enough the reason for their inanition. In spite of that first shot no one seemed to be hurt, but the two men on the box sat huddled together, staring with popping eyes at the long barrel of a pistol held by a second horseman, who had them covered. The man on one of the leaders sat as still as the fretting horse would let him, and his gaze was as fixed and as fearful as his companion’s. On the road lay a heavy blunderbuss: there had evidently been no time to fire the cumbersome weapon, and it had been surrendered immediately. This second horseman was masked as well and greatcoated. Letty peeping out, could see only the line of a square jaw, and a stocky silhouette. He did not appear to be much interested in what his companion was about, but kept his head and his pistol turned towards the box of the coach.
The Unknown had flung off his greatcoat. “Oh, what an unkind spirit!” he mocked in answer to Mr. Markham. “But I’m generous: I offer you a fight, a fair fight, when I might shoot you like the dog you are. Come, where’s your sword, sir? Here’s the gracious moon to light us, and witnesses enough to see fair play!”
“Fight a damned cutthroat robber?” cried Markham. “If I’d a cane you should taste of it!”
The Unknown laughed merrily. “Should I, sir? Should I indeed? Keep him covered, madam!”
“I am!” avowed Letty, grasping her pistol tighter than ever.
The Unknown’s weapon was laid aside with his cloak. The plain buff coat he wore followed it, and the scabbard of his sword. “Come, sir, come! Will you not fight for the privilege of keeping the lady and the riches? Or shall I fleece you of all? What, must I call you coward?” Off came the heavy riding boots, and the elegant flowered waistcoat. He stood straight in the moonlight, a lithe figure in a white shirt, with fair hair caught in the nape of his neck, and a strip of black velvet hiding the upper part of his face. A naked sword was in his hand; he shook it in the air, and the steel flashed in the moonlight. “A fair duel, sir, and you are the larger man! Faint heart!” Again he laughed. “If I kill you the lady goes free but if you kill me you win all! Shall I rob you as you stand, or will you cross swords with me? Yours is the choice.”
“You kill me, you miserable little dwarf?” Markham cried. “You’ll fight, will you? You’re tired of life! Hand down my sword, girl, this instant! By God, I’ll teach you a lesson, you impudent dog!” He began to strip off his coat as he spoke, and kicked the buckled shoes from his feet.
The Unknown came to the coach door, and reached up a hand for the sword, and spread his fingers a moment for Letty to see the ring.
“I know! Oh, I know!” she whispered, looking down into the face that had haunted her dreams for so many nights past. “Kill him, oh, please kill him!”
“I will,” he promised, and took the sword from her trembling hold.
Mr. Markham stood ready now and snatched his rapier from the Unknown’s hand. “You asked for this!” he snarled. “You’ll regret it too late. I’m not a novice with the small sword! On guard!”
There was the briefest of salutes, and the blades rang together. Markham lunged in quarte; Letty had a moment’s sick apprehension and shut her eyes. They flew open the next instant, to see the Unknown disengaging adroitly.
There was no sound on all this deserted heath but the scrape of steel; no movement save of those two figures on the grass, fighting sternly, desperately, with lives at stake.
The silver moonlight flooded the scene, and tinted it with an unreal ghostliness, glinting along the blue-grey blades, and touching the fair head of the Unknown, and the dark head of Markham.
To Letty, standing in the doorway of the coach, it was as a dream. Her wide eyes never left the graceful figure of the masked man; they followed every lightning thrust, and every dexterous parry. He was slight and small indeed, but he seemed to be made of wires, so agile were his movements, so unerring and untiring his arm. To see both men one must feel him to be hopelessly overweighted. Markham had the advantage in height, in reach, and in strength; he was a good swordsman besides, with a quick eye and a steady wrist. He had once killed a man in a duel, Letty knew.
But even to her, ignorant of swordplay, it was plain that the smaller and the lighter man had a wizard’s cunning with the rapier. His style was quite different from Markham’s; he was a miracle of swift grace and neat footwork, with a wrist like flexible steel, and eyes like a hawk’s to descry an opening. Fascinated, Letty followed the quick thrust and parry, and she saw