“Drop on smoke. I say again, drop on smoke.”

“Bullfrog? I confirm we are prepared to deliver CBUs on purple smoke. Please say your position relative to smoke.”

“Our position is danger close. I say again, danger close.”

The first Slug popped out of the snow, ten feet away, mag rifle at the ready. I dropped it with an aimed shot. Then another came up behind it, and Howard peppered it with a three-round burst. There were a hundred more burrows just behind the first two. We couldn’t play whack-a-mole very long. We had overhead cover and Eternads. Our prisoner, however, wore no armor.

Nobody is quick to fire on his own troops, even if his own troops tell him to.

I said, “We’re being overrun! Bring the rain, Scorpion leader.”

“Roger. Keep your head down, Bullfrog.”

Howard and I scuttled as far back into our shallow cave as possible, then flipped our prisoner up on edge, belly out. The Ganglion’s Slug metal motility plate shielded all three of us as we waited three heartbeats.

Scorpion leader’s voice crackled in my earpiece. “On the way. God, I hope you’re in a deep hole, Bullfrog.”

If you believe, as certain outworld cultures do, that the ancestral human race of Earth is the spawn of Satan himself, the invention and widespread deployment over the last century of the cluster bomb unit may be the proof.

CBUs are cylindrical big bombs that split open to release a spray of a half-ton or more of little bombs, each of which explodes and spews hundreds of individual darts or fragments. If the bomber is particularly sociopathic, nerve gas capsules, radioactive pellets, incendiary pills, or germs can be substituted.

The worst of it, at least when used on humans, is that ten percent of the bomblets soft-land and don’t detonate. They fester for years, as gratuitous land mines. To aid ordnance recovery personnel, the bomblet balls are painted bright colors. Worst of all, this color also attracts children.

However, at the moment, the morality of CBUs concerned me less than their considerable efficacy at blowing the crap out of maggots.

I curled my finger cam around the edge of our motility plate shield. A half-dozen Slug Warriors swayed, backlit by the dawn, in the cave mouth, like fat black cobras.

Inside my helmet, I muttered, “Come on. Come on!”

One warrior trained its rifle on the motility plate as twenty more darkened the cave mouth.


The rock vibrated beneath my boot soles.

A one-ton CBU weighs the same as a one-ton bunker buster, but a CBU’s concussion doesn’t lift, then drop you, like a thud does.

The slugs in the cave mouth just went to pieces, chunks of armor and tissue splattering and ricocheting off the rock behind us, as well as off the Slug metal plate in front of us.

I pulled back my finger cam and shut my eyes.

Ccrraacck. Ccrraacck. Ccrraacck.

The smell of cordite leaked through my ventilator and filled my helmet.

The cave floor stopped vibrating. I counted to twenty, then peeked my finger cam out again.

Nothing moved.

“Bullfrog, this is Scorpion leader. Report fire mission effect, over.”

I coughed at the smoke, wished my filters worked.

The voice came again, higher-pitched. “Bullfrog, do you copy?” There are worse fears in combat than the fear of blue-on-blue, of firing on your own troops. But none make you feel colder and sicker.

“We’re fine, Scorpion leader. Wait one for damage assessment. Over.”

Outside the cave, wisps of purple marking smoke mixed with gray explosive smoke and with the white steam of snow vaporized by red-hot metal shards.

The bombing had melted or blown back a foot of snow, and the black-armored carcasses of Slug Warriors, sprawled in pools of their own leaked green guts, dotted the remaining snow like boulders in a pasture. There were other carcasses, brown, in red pools. Dire wolves, mammoth, some razored beyond identity.

In my earpiece I heard, “Waiting.” The voice croaked but was no longer shrill.

“Cease fire. Target destroyed. Over.”

“Bullfrog, this is Scorpion leader. You and the package ready for extraction?”

I turned. Howard had already towed our prisoner, none the worse for wear, into the sunlight.

I said, “Bullfrog ready for extraction. Send down the sling.”

Only then did I realize how successful this fiasco had been. We had captured Howard’s first useful POW, mission one hundred percent accomplished. Our little raiding party had expected to take casualties for three days, holding off legions of Slug Warriors, until the rest of Ready Brigade could deploy from the Abraham Lincoln, then land in the Slugs’ rear and decimate them. In fact, we had taken minimal casualties, and most of Ready Brigade hadn’t even had to get its feet cold on Weichsel.

I paused and swore at myself. Had my life numbed me to the point that I defined a minimal casualty as one I didn’t know personally?

The Zoomies radioed, “Bet you’re glad to see the last of Weichsel.”

I stared at a dead dire wolf and a cub-sized corpse, disemboweled beside it. Unexploded bomblets dotted the snow in the distance like spilled candy. “I’m sure the feeling’s mutual.”

The Abraham Lincoln’s return voyage from Weichsel to Mousetrap was uneventful. Ready Brigade would disembark, mourning its casualties yet feeling a bit surly over a fight most of the brigade spoiled for but never got. Then the Abe would haul Howard and its precious cargo back to Earth. I would part company with the Abe and return to my post at my headquarters on Bren.

I was in my cabin, packing my duffel to transship from the Abe to the next available transportation from Mousetrap to my headquarters when Howard rapped on my hatch frame, then stepped through, anyway.

He asked, “Jason, why are you doing that?”

“I packed my duffel when I was a spec 4. I haven’t gotten that old or that special since.” My rank entitled me to an orderly, my ego entitled me to refuse one.

“I mean why are you packing at all?”

Thermopylae s outbound to Bren ninety minutes after we dock.” As C-in-C, I could make them hold her for me, but delaying a cruiser for one VIP would cost taxpayers the price of Thanksgiving turkey for a battalion. Besides, it would make me feel and look like a prima ballerina.

“I thought you were going on to Earth, to deliver the prisoner, with us.”

I pointed with a handful of GI socks, in a general direction that I assumed was away from Earth. “Earth’s the last place I should go. You said yourself that the Slugs’ incursion on Weichsel was bait. My place is at my headquarters.”

“Your headquarters operates fine without you. It’s operating fine without you right now. And you’ve been away from Earth a long time.”

Howard was right, of course, about my staff. In a profession where unexpected death was part of the job description, only bad officers made themselves indispensable. He was wrong about the other. “I have fewer ties to Earth than a Weichselan. And I’ve spent thirty years trying to forget the Blitz, not remember it. That’s why I declined the Ganymede invitation.”

Mankind’s first interplanetary capital ships had been the chemical-fueled, cobbled-together sister ships Hope and Excalibur. I had watched the war destroy both, Hope in the victory at the Battle of Ganymede, Excalibur tilting at the windmill that had been the Slug Armada.

The first generation of starships followed, hybrids, propelled between planets by antimatter drive and between stars by Cavorite drive we pinched from the Slugs. This next class of cruisers was named for fallen human heroes, like the Abraham Lincoln. Not least among those heroes was my best friend, and father

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