code, it was thought, its inferior intelligence would find the elegant script a jumble, and the secrets of all of Elysia would fail to be revealed.
But enough of history. On with your lessons.
As with wooden stakes, sunlight, and Italian food, vampires have a natural aversion to both punctuation and capitalization. Each letter written in Elysian code is enclosed in Teneo indicators, shown here: (). As you can see, Teneo indicators are roughly similar to human parentheses, but far more eloquent. Names (otherwise known as a vampire’s Mark [2] ) are also enclosed in Teneo indicators, but the names themselves are almost always a jumbling of the vampire’s initials, as the Mark is formed by the vampire’s essence and not by the vampire him or herself. (Remember how your Mark formed after I fed some of my essence into you? It was a natural reaction by your own essence that formed your Mark.) Though Marks may be similar to one another, each Mark is completely unique, and no Mark has ever been repeated through the course of Elysian history.
Elysian code, translated below into English, is really quite simple in written form:
Therefore, if one wanted to write “Let’s go out for a bite” in Elysian code, one would write:
Likewise, if one wanted to write “I sucked rubies from his veins” in Elysian code, one would write:
Speaking Elysian code is another matter altogether, as the complex sounds of the vampire language cannot be translated onto a page. One must hear Elysian code spoken often in order to learn to speak it oneself. In fact, many young vampires of one hundred years of age or less are commonly confused by the spoken vampire language, despite their daily exposure to it. It is doubtful that you will learn to speak Elysian code at all, Vladimir, as you do not experience daily interaction with other vampires. But fear not-reading the vampire language is just as important.
Please work hard to memorize Elysian code, and immediately begin your studies of the Compendium of Conscientia. It is very important that you do.
On a personal note, I’m enjoying our exchange of letters greatly. I confess I have not felt this great a connection with another vampire since your father left Elysia. Please do keep writing. And give my best to Nelly.
Yours in Eternity,
Otis ( /// )
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[1]Please know that I do not feel this way about humans anymore, Vladimir, as knowing Nelly has most certainly changed my point of view of what wonderful beings humans are. I just wanted to illustrate that the majority of vampires do feel superior to humans. It is greatly frowned on by all of the Elysian councils for a vampire to interact with humans in any way that acknowledges them as our equals.
[2]Marks are generally given to vampires by their creator (but for the few who are abandoned by their creators early on-or as occurred in your case, but I believe yours is a unique one). As with glyphs, the vampire must feed his intention into his bite in order for the Mark to be effective. This, of course, leaves the creator with a certain amount of control over the vampire he has Marked, but as it is such a minimal amount, very few ever utilize it. (Please do not have concerns about this, Vladimir -I respect you and will not utilize that small amount of control unless your life depends on it.) Removing one’s Mark not only breaks a vampire’s bond with his or her creator, but also severs the bond with all of Elysia.