went inside, where Jesse stood for a minute taking in the changes to the once crowded quilt shop.

'This place is going to be beautiful,' he said. Tom and I both smiled proudly. We looked around. Tom was already building the new table for cutting fabric, and his assistant was attaching shelving at the far end of the shop.

'At least things aren't going to be falling all over each other anymore, ' I said.

Jesse smiled at me. 'I'll bet Eleanor will be thrilled with what you've done.' I blushed. I hoped so.

'The keys,' I reminded Jesse.

'Tom,' he said to his former brother-in-law. 'Did you find a set of keys on a leather key chain?'

Tom shook his head. 'The ladies had the place cleaned out before we started to work.'

'It could have gotten into a box and taken to Eleanor's. If Marc put them on a shelf or left them on a table…,' I offered.

'I thought of that. But we took crime scene photos. I looked at them this morning. No keys.'

'Carrie could be lying.'

'She could,' he said. 'So could you.' I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not. His voice was so steady and lacked intonation that I didn't know how to react.

'So could you,' I said, a little cocky.

'What's my motive?'

'Bored police chief. Looking for something to do. You killed Marc so you could spend a few weeks solving the crime.'

He smiled. 'I'll take my statement and fingerprints later. Right now you need to tell me if there's anywhere in here a set of keys could have gotten hidden?'

'What about in that pile of quilts that was sitting on the countertop?'

'We opened each one before we released them to Eleanor. Of course we kept the one next to Marc's body.'

'I wonder why he grabbed it.'

'Probably to steady himself. It seems to me that after he was stabbed he must have turned around and grabbed the counter, holding on to that quilt.' Jesse took a few steps toward the door. 'Then he must have walked over to the door…'

'Maybe tried to grab his killer as he fled.'

Jesse nodded. 'But instead he fell by the door. Losing his keys and fifteen thousand dollars in the process.'

'I thought you weren't convinced he still had the money.'

'I'm keeping my options open. You can't pick a theory and try to prove it. You just have to follow the facts wherever they lead you.'

'All right,' I said. I decided to ignore what I assumed was his dig at my insistence that Ryan was innocent. 'If we are following the keys, then everything that was in the shop is now at my grandmother's.'


'What is he looking for?' Eleanor asked me as Jesse methodically examined each basket, box, and bin that had come from the shop.

'Let's go in the kitchen,' I said. 'I'm starving.'

Though I was a long way from becoming the kind of cook my grandmother was, I was getting comfortable in the kitchen. I boiled some pasta and made a rosemary butter sauce. I followed Eleanor's recipe but threw in a few ingredients of my own.

'Not bad,' Eleanor said. 'It has a bit of spice to it.' She leaned in. 'Did you get your invitations mailed?'

'Oh, God. I left them somewhere.'

'You lost them?'

'No. I didn't lose my wedding invitations. I just put them down somewhere.' Eleanor rolled her eyes just slightly, but it was enough. 'I did not do it on purpose.'

'Am I interrupting?' Jesse stood in the doorway.

'Did you find what you were looking for?' Eleanor turned to him.

'No. I didn't.'

'Well, then sit and have some dinner. Some good might as well have come of the trip.'

So Jesse sat and ate some pasta and had a slice of cake from one of Eleanor's regular customers. We talked about the shop and the town and everything we could think of except the murder.

'How bad is the quilt?' Eleanor asked with a serious, quiet tone. 'The quilt found near poor Marc's body.'

'How bad? You mean is there blood on it?' Jesse asked. She nodded. 'There isn't much, actually. Marc had blood on his hand and it got on some of the fabric near the corner.'

'I could probably get it out. Or I could repair it,' she said. 'If I can get it back soon, I probably can fix it. I've had that quilt in the shop since day one. It would feel very strange not to have it hanging there when we reopen.'

'I wish I could guarantee that.'

She nodded, a sadness across her face. 'I'm off to bed then. You young people have yourselves more cake and coffee.'

Alone in the kitchen, Jesse finished the last of his coffee and looked out at the darkened hallway beyond the kitchen. 'I think it's pretty amazing that your grandmother lives here all alone. This place has to get a little spooky at night.'

I smiled. 'It does. Especially when you're here by yourself. The night Eleanor went into the hospital, I could have sworn someone was trying to break in. It freaked me out.'

He sat up. 'Why didn't you call?'

'Yeah. I was going to call the police to tell them I was scared.'

'That's what we're here for.'

'It was nothing. I came downstairs and looked around. There wasn't anybody here. The door was open, but it was a really windy night. And it's an old door.' Jesse got up and checked the door. It was locked securely. I smiled at how protective he suddenly was, and then I looked to his left at the small shelf near the door. 'The key.'

'The key?' he looked at me.

'When my grandmother went into the hospital, I couldn't find the key to the car. Marc drove me to the shop. Then later that night the door is somehow open, and the next morning, I found the key. It had to be Marc.'

'You think he made a duplicate?' Jesse's eyes darted around the kitchen. 'What would he want to take?'

'There isn't anything here. I told him, too, but he didn't seem to believe me.'

'So he's not trying to take anything.'

I shook my head. 'Maybe he wanted to leave something here.'

Jesse looked at me as if he were taking it all in. 'You think the fifteen grand is here?'

I jumped up. 'Oh, God. Do you think it could be?'

'I went through all the stuff taken from the shop when I was looking for his key.'

'So it wasn't hidden with that stuff. It's somewhere else.'

'You don't think Eleanor would have found it?' Jesse was whispering now and I started to lower my voice in response.

'No. She can barely get around. And if she had…'

'Yeah, she would have said something.'

'Okay,' I said, my heart beating louder than my voice. 'It can't be upstairs because I would have heard someone coming up the steps.'

'It isn't in the dining room, because I've searched that.' Jesse was looking around. 'Plus, he didn't have that much time. You said you got up and started to come downstairs.'

'I did-I listened for a minute or so, then I got up.'

'So, maybe the kitchen.' Jesse got up and started walking around the room. He opened cabinets and starting

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