requested anonymity, said. “But if it is in complete disagreement with what you swore to when approved, it bears looking into. Especially if it could mean a completely different Supreme Court.”

Since 1936, the House has initiated seven impeachment investigations. Only one involved a Supreme Court justice. In 1970 an investigation into the actions of Justice William O. Douglas fell short of the filing of formal charges by the House. The last House impeachment was against President Bill Clinton, which resulted in a Senate trial and acquittal.


Hollander to Be Impeached!

The House of Representatives, currently investigating Chief Justice Millicent Mannings Hollander, already has the votes to impeach! While the official request for an investigation is just in a preliminary stage, sources Burrowing in on the story tell me an impeachment (which is just like a grand jury indictment from the House) is a done deal. “This lady’s toast,” one Burrower said.

“There’s a whole bunch of stuff no one knows about yet,” this Burrower continues. “It’s really going to get hot.”

The Burrow Bulletin will keep its readers updated. But look out! Gloves are reportedly about to come off.


KING: Tonight, a distinguished panel discusses the impeachment investigation surrounding the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Joining us, from Boston, professor of Constitutional Law at Yale University Law School, Lawrence I. Graebner. In Washington, retired justice of the Supreme Court, the Honorable William T. Bonassi; joining me here in Los Angeles is Rebecca Margullis, President of the National Organization for Women. And they are all next on LARRY KING LIVE.

Good evening. The impeachment of a Supreme Court justice, the chief justice in fact, is a distinct possibility tonight. Professor Graebner, I’ll start with you. What do you make of it?

GRAEBNER: Well, Larry, the Constitution gives the people of the United States, through its representative bodies, the power to impeach federal judges. Since the federal judiciary enjoys lifetime tenure, this is the only procedure for removal at our disposal.

KING: For high crimes and misdemeanors.

GRAEBNER: No, no. That is the standard for the impeachment of civil officers. The president, vice president, and so on. The standard for judges is found in Article III, Section I, and states that judges, both of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, shall hold their seats during good behavior.

KING: So what’s good behavior?

GRAEBNER: The real question is what is bad behavior.

KING: Okay. What’s bad behavior then?

GRAEBNER: Well, as Gerald Ford said when he was in Congress, and proposed impeaching Justice William O. Douglas, an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.

MARGULLIS: And that’s right now, Larry.

KING: We’ll get to you in a moment, Rebecca. I wanted to ask Justice Bonassi what he thinks of that. Justice Bonassi, it’s an honor to have you on the program.

MARGULLIS: Can I just ask a question?

KING: Rebecca, we’ll get to you. Go ahead, Justice Bonassi.

BONASSI: Thank you, Larry. With all due respect to Professor Graebner, the House is undertaking what can only be described as a witch hunt. A person’s personal religious beliefs are being questioned, as if they were some sort of crime.

MARGULLIS: When it comes to a woman’s right to choose, there is -

KING: Rebecca, just a moment, please.

BONASSI: What? What did she say?

KING: You go ahead, Justice Bonassi.

BONASSI: I was saying that this is not a proper standard for impeachment. The framers never meant this power to be abused in this way. They did not want inquisitions for personal views.

GRAEBNER: If I may, an inquiry into personal views is what the confirmation process is supposed to be. But when a judicial candidate lies to the committee, that is surely grounds for later removal.

KING: Rebecca Margullis, you -

BONASSI: Wait, wait a second, Larry. We’ve just heard a scurrilous charge from the professor. You can’t seriously be suggesting that the chief justice was intentionally lying to the Judiciary Committee. We need proof, Professor Graebner, as you no doubt tell your first-year students.

GRAEBNER: There’s plenty of proof. We have her testimony. And as the House investigation proceeds, I am sure more will be coming out.

BONASSI: That is an absolutely outrageous statement -


BONASSI: – an affront not only to our system, but to the reputation of a fine justice who has served this country with absolute integrity and dignity.


KING: Rebecca Margullis in Los Angeles, what’s your take on all this?

MARGULLIS: Millicent Mannings Hollander must go, Larry.


Pics Show Justice in Arms of Minister!

Is She Seeking Help with an Alcohol Problem?


There is a “smoking gun” in the House investigation into Chief Justice Millicent Mannings Hollander.

Smoking gun? Maybe a whole arsenal of hot weapons!

A source close to the investigation says this is “the most incriminating stuff since Monica’s dress.”

Included in this pile of inculpatory items are several photographs taken in California during Hollander’s supposed convalescence. Instead of healing her head, she was apparently head over heels… with a fundamentalist Christian minister!

The question they’re asking on the Hill is this: Do we want the chief justice of our Supreme Court, the one who will be instrumental in decisions regarding abortion, church and state, privacy, and so on, in lip lock with a minister? Especially a minister who is rabidly anti-abortion?

That’s right. The Reverend Jack Holden once did time in the clink – after trying to shut down a family planning clinic!

But that’s not the worst of the trouble for the chief justice.

According to a reliable source, the accident then Associate Justice Hollander was involved in a few months ago was the result of alcohol abuse! The story is that Hollander was out on the town with a well-known politico, had a bit too much to drink, and ran off from the limo they were sharing – right into oncoming traffic! Apparently no one at the hospital thought to test a Supreme Court justice for blood alcohol content.

The story is confirmed by the driver of this politico’s limousine, by the way.

“The House won’t stand for this,” the source told the Exposure. “Nor will the American people. Millicent Mannings Hollander will be gone from the Supreme Court before the first snow falls.”

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