'You're dead, demon witch. Dead!' Brooke shouted, probably having wrestled the phone from Vivian. 'You signed your death warrant when you spilled coven blood. You, Saladan, and whoever that was in the hall with you—all of you are dead'

'Sure. Okay,' I said with more confidence than I felt. 'You go ahead and bring charges against Lee. I'm sure his lawyers would love that. What was it, Brooke? Kidnapping? Forcing him to summon a demon? You might be able to hide me in a hole, but Lee will be missed. You want to speak with him? He's in my living room.'

I could almost see her jaw clench as she said with clipped words, 'I can make people disappear, Morgan. I don't care if you're God You don't scare me.'

Jenks was hovering a foot in front of me, and he made a motion to get on with it.

'Look, I'm not going to use up my roommate's minutes arguing with you,' I said. 'I only wanted to let you know that Al took his name back. If you summon me, you'll get him instead, so I'd advise against it.' And I got rid of a demon mark, la, la, la-a, la, la-a-a, la.

'Demon scum whore. I'll give you a lobotomy myself, with a fucking ice pick!'

Ivy's eyebrows rose, and Jenks grinned. 'Oooh, nice manners, babe!' he said loudly.

I sighed, wishing I'd just kept my mouth shut and let them figure it out for themselves. Lee came back in, quiet as he set the phone in the cradle and stood listening. It was embarrassing to have my baggage displayed like this, but he knew it all already.

'You're dead, Morgan!' Brooke shouted. 'Dead/'

Faint in the background, I heard Vivian. 'I'm not going after her alone again. I almost killed six people, Brooke. Innocents. You want her? You catch her.'

'You had justifiable cause. There won't be any charges,' Brooke said. 'Relax.'

'Justifiable cause?' Vivian's voice was barely audible as she shouted. 'I'm not worried about charges. I'm worried about the people I hurt on that bus! She wasn't even on it!'

'Shit happens, Vivian. Grow up. You're playing with the big boys!'

I felt sick, glad now we hadn't gotten on the bus, but if we had, maybe they would have been all right. 'Brooke, this has gotten out of control. How about you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone? Huh? If it doesn't work, you can kill me then.'

There was silence on the other end of the line, and I shifted my weight to the other foot. Maybe that had been too much, but then she came back after a short, private conversation. 'You there, demon whore?' Brooke snarled.

'Yeah, we're listening,' Jenks said from my shoulder. 'What do you want, flabby butt?'

Brooke made a bitter bark of laughter. 'Vivian thinks you still retain your ability to be reasoned with, so here it is. You've got one chance to turn yourself in. Be at Fountain Square tomorrow at sunup, or I'm going to burn your church to the ground. Got it? And I hope you hide, because I want you dead!' she shrieked.

I went to answer, but the line was muffled as Vivian and Brooke fought for the phone. 'So it's Alcatraz or be made infertile and stupid?' I said sourly, glancing at Ivy. 'Nice choice.' Why am I trying so hard to stay here? In the archway, Lee shrugged. In a burst of motion, Jenks darted out of the kitchen, leaving a sifting beam of burnt gold sparkles. From outside came a gathering whistle followed by a burst of pixy light. Looked like he was telling Matalina the news. They'd likely have pixy lines strung in five minutes flat, rain or no.

The sound of someone at the receiver pulled my attention back to the phone. 'Just leave me alone, Brooke,' I said. 'I'm not hurting anyone.' Except myself.

'You are a threat, and those are our terms,' Vivian said, sounding irritated. 'I suggest you take them. At least you'll be alive.' There was a click, and she was gone.

Lips pressed tight, I closed the phone, unable to meet anyone's eyes. Maybe warning them hadn't been such a good idea, but at least my conscience was clear. Crossing the room, I handed Ivy her phone, and she tucked it away. 'Sorry, Rachel,' she said, sounding resigned.

Forcing a smile, I turned to Lee. 'How's your wife?'

'Scared,' he said. 'I'm going to talk to Trent. I need to be sure my kids won't be—'

His words cut off, and I finished it for him. 'Demons?' I said, wincing in sympathy. 'The coven doesn't know Trent's dad fixed you, do they?' I asked, realizing why Lee looked so tense in his rumpled suit. Lee shook his head, and I touched his shoulder in support. 'Lee, even if they find out, you can't pass on the cure. Your kids are going to be okay. They will be carriers, but that's it. Besides, Trent won't tell the coven about you. The only reason he told them about me was to force me to come to the elf side.'

'The what?' Lee asked, looking confused as well as relieved.

Ivy clicked her pen in quick succession. 'Trent told the coven she could invoke demon magic to convince her to sign a lifetime contract with him.'

Squinting, Lee said, 'I'm not following you.'

Huffing, I rolled my eyes. 'Trent told the coven that he can control me since his dad helped make me, and that there's no reason to kill me if he has legal responsibility for me.'

'He can't control you,' Lee scoffed, and I bobbed my head.

'I know! He's doing it because he's ticked about the familiar bond we have. He says if I own him in the ever-after, then he's going to own me here.' I was starting to get mad just thinking about it, and I crossed my arms over my middle and fumed.

'Sounds like Trent,' Lee said, shaking his head in amusement. 'You going to sign it?'

'No, she's not going to sign it,' Ivy said. 'We're going to get the coven to back off.'

How, I didn't know right now. I was just trying to survive.

Ivy, though, was eying Lee in suspicion. 'Maybe you were the one who told the coven Rachel could invoke demon magic,' she said tightly. 'To buy your own freedom.'

'What, and have them target me next?' he said, and I nodded my agreement. Lee wouldn't tell. Not in a hundred years. Not newly married as he was. Jeez.

'You need a ride?' I asked, knowing better than to confront Trent in my current state, but hey, if there was an excuse...

'I've got a driver coming,' he said, his hands unclenching. 'You got this okay?'

I nodded. 'How good are your lawyers?'

'Better than Trent's,' he said, smiling. I thought it weird that Lee and Trent were still friends, even after Lee had tried to blow up Trent. But after Trent left him for three days in the camp cistern, I guess all bets were off. I guess it was no weirder than my having saved Trent when I hated him.

Jenks buzzed back in, his wings sparkling with rain. 'There's a black car out front,' he said, and Lee adjusted his coat as if getting ready to leave.

'That's mine,' he said needlessly, his expression heavy. 'Are you sure you don't want to come with me? I've got resources for this kind of thing. I can make you disappear, too, but with sunny beaches and little umbrellas in your drinks.'

I considered it and dismissed it in the next heartbeat. I didn't want to hide, I just needed a place to catch my balance.

'No way!' Jenks shouted. 'Rachel is not going anywhere! She left once, and see what happened? That was a bad idea. Pierce doesn't have a brain in his head. Don't listen to him, Rache. We got this.'

Ivy raised her hand. 'I hate the beach,' she said mildly, and Lee smiled.

'Fair enough,' he said, standing in the middle of our kitchen and meeting everyone's eyes with his own. 'I'm out of here. Good luck.'

'Same to you, Lee.' I impulsively gave him a hug, whispering, 'Tell Trent he can suck my toes and die, okay?'

He chuckled, rubbing my head for luck before turning and walking away. I let him get away with it, then carefully fixed my hair. There was a brief pixy hail in the sanctuary as he passed through it, then silence. The church felt almost empty. Sighing, I turned to my library under the center counter. If the coven was coming for me, it was going to be a busy night.

'You spelling tonight?' Jenks asked as I pulled a mundane spell book out and thumped it on the counter.

'You know it.' Now that Lee was gone, I could get serious. My thoughts strayed to the demon texts, inches from my knees. There were things in there that would stop intruders dead in their tracks. It would be so easy.

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