sperm or seeds which became life as we know it? That would account for the diversity of types found on a variety of worlds, and also the fact we can interbreed.'
Gliss said firmly, 'That's fantasy, Ulk, and you know it.'
'Speculation, my dear. Of course, if you'd rather believe in accident, or the idiocy of a single common origin on a small, lonely world, that's your privilege. Or perhaps you have a more esoteric belief? A superior being, for example, one who-'
Dumarest said dryly, 'I thought that was your belief. A superior race, a superior being-surely they are the same?' Then, as the girl shot him a grateful look, he added, 'Would anyone care to join me in a game?'
It was going to be a poor trip, he decided when later he retired to his cabin. The archaeologists had preferred to talk rather than gamble, and while their conversation held interest, it wouldn't swell the profits. Only the girl, Gliss, had shown interest and Dumarest was certain that it wasn't in games of chance.
He rose when, an hour after he had lain down, the door clicked open to reveal a figure standing in the opening. The girl, he was sure, and hoped he could handle her without too much fuss. Then she spoke and he realized his mistake.
'Dilys-is something wrong?'
'No.' Clothing rustled as she stepped into the cabin and closed the door behind her. In the darkness, she said, 'I wanted-that is-Earl, I haven't had a chance to thank you for what you did.'
'Forget it.'
'I can't.'
'Why not? We're shipmates, aren't we? We're supposed to help each other. You would have done the same.'
'No, Earl, I couldn't. The way you moved, your speed, that knife you threw. If it hadn't been for you, those men-'
He said quickly, 'Forget it. It's over. You owe me nothing.'
'I disagree, Earl. May I talk?'
'If you want.' Fully awake now, he remembered something. 'How did you open my door?'
'With the master key.' She paused as if awaiting his objection and when none came she said, 'How was it in the salon?'
'Slow. We'll get little extra this trip.'
'From the men, no, but from the women?' Her voice held a question. 'I saw the way they looked at you. That young one in particular. Gliss, I think her name is. Gliss. She was lingering in the passage when I came along and I was surprised to find your door locked.'
'If it hadn't been, would you have entered?'
'If I'd been entertaining, then the door would have been locked,' he reminded. 'What would you have done had I not been alone?'
'Broken the bitch's neck!' Then, while he was still assessing the intensity of her answer, she added, 'No, Earl, I don't mean that. Not really. I-damn it, why can't you help me? Why won't you understand?'
Something fell on his cheek, a touch of wetness followed by another. Rearing up on the bed, he felt for the panel, found it, touched a switch and caused moonglow to illuminate the darkness. In the pale luminescence he saw her face, her eyes, the tears which filled them to stream down her cheek.
'I love you,' she said. 'Earl, I love you.'
'Thinks I'm his property. We've been lovers, yes, but he doesn't own me. No man does that. Not now or ever. Not even you, Earl, though I'd walk barefoot over broken glass to be at your side. But you don't own me. No man can ever do that.'
She was protesting too strongly, rejecting something he hadn't offered, defensive when there was no need. A woman too sensitive about her size, perhaps; one who must have suffered the scorn of others when young. Finding a haven on the ship and doing work which made her the equal of any. An environment in which she didn't have to meet opposition or face the competition of her own sex. Or perhaps it was more than simply a matter of size. A secret vulnerability which robbed her of the strength needed in order to survive in hostile situations. He remembered the recent attack, the way she had frozen, to act the way she had, in a fury of misguided and unnecessary effort. The man she had hit had already been rendered harmless. The effort used to smash his jaw had been an act that had endangered her life.
'I'm thinking.'
'Of us?'
Of Jumoke, and the expression he'd seen in the navigator's eyes on their return to the ship. Of the way the man had watched Dilys. His hurt when she had turned from him. His pain when she had praised what Dumarest had done.
'It's normal,' she said quietly. 'Ship-marriage, I mean. To last as long as either of us wants it to. No obligations.'
'I know.'
'You've had one before?'
'Yes.' He looked at her and, in the moonglow, saw Lallia with her mane of ebon hair. Lallia, now long dead and long since dust. 'Yes,' he said again. 'I've been ship-wed. But not again. Not with you.'
'Am I so repulsive?'
'No.' How could he explain? How to tell a woman in love that her love was not returned? How to be kind when he was being cruel? 'Listen,' he said, 'and try to understand. You are a lovely woman and an intelligent one. Too intelligent to act the child and cry when you can't get your own way. And I think too much of you to lie. I like you, yes, but I don't want to marry you. Not even ship-marry you. I-'
He broke off as she rested her fingers against his lips. They were soft and held the scent of perfume, a heady fragrance which strengthened as she leaned forward to look into his eyes.
'No,' she whispered. 'Say no more. I understand. You are trying to save me from hurt, but when has pleasure ever been free of pain? You are kind, Earl, and gentle. And you care. My darling, you care!'
Chapter Five
On Ellge, they picked up a dancer, a woman of fading beauty with a heavily painted face, hands which held the likeness of claws, eyes the bleakness of glass. A creature long past her prime, now moving to worlds of lesser competition. Those with a cruder appreciation of her art, on which she could still earn a living and, perhaps, find a man to support her to the end of her days.
On Vhenga, they took on a dispenser of charms; a thin-faced man with an embroidered cloak and a box filled with strange nostrums and exotic ointments. The dancer stayed on, finding a kindred soul in the seller of charms, spending long hours huddled with him over the gaming table in the salon, where she played her cards as if they were pieces of her own flesh.
On Cheen, they were joined by two dour engineers, a time-served contract man from the mines and a minor historian from the Institute.
On Varge, they took on a professional dealer in items of death.
Like the dispenser of charms, he was tall, thin-faced, sparse in body, but where Fele Roster had crinkles in the corners of his eyes and a wry smile wreathing his lips, thin though they might be, Shan Threnond's face was a mask from which he looked with cynical indifference on a universe he had taken no part in making, and which he understood all too well.
A man of business, who wasted no time in setting up his trade in the salon, unwilling to waste a moment as the Entil hurtled through the void, wrapped in the humming, space-eating power of its Erhaft drive.
'Here we have a small item which must hold interest for all who value the safety of their skins,' he murmured as, with deft hands, he set out his wares on the rich darkness of a velvet cloth. 'In the shape of a ring, as you see, and the stone and mounting are of intrinsic value. But note, the stone is drilled and contains three darts, each of