'How can you tell?' The dealer in items of death was hungry and irritable and conscious of his overriding fatigue. He set down the radio and moved off into the shadows clustered between the boles. 'While you decide, I've something to attend to. A natural function-you understand.'
A delicacy he had demonstrated before, but not with such abruptness. Dumarest took a step after him, halted as Bochner rested a hand on his arm.
'Let him go, Earl.'
'There could be danger.'
'Always there is the possibility of danger, my friend. In the wine you drink, the food you eat, the bed in which you sleep. We are surrounded by perils, but to guard against them all is beyond the ability of man. We take what precautions we can and, for the rest we trust to luck. If our luck is good, we continue to survive. If it is bad-' he shrugged, 'then we cease to have cause to worry.'
And no man should be fool enough to burden himself with the welfare of another-a point Bochner hadn't emphasized but had left in no doubt. A tenet of his philosophy revealed in the tone of his voice, the expression of his eyes, the words chosen to illustrate a meaning. When a man played cards, he betrayed more than he guessed to a skilled observer and Dumarest had assessed his motivation. The cult of self, the way of the feline. The law of the beast who has only one instinct, one drive. To survive at all costs. To live. To continue to exist, for without personal existence there was nothing.
And yet he had dived into the ocean, risking death to save another.
'Threnond!' Dumarest raised his voice. 'Shan? Shan, where are you?'
Silence, broken only by the rustle of feet in the humus as the woman and Egulus came to join them. A silence which held a sudden, brooding menace.
'He can't be far,' whispered Dilys. 'There was no need for him to go far.'
'Shan!' Dumarest looked up and around, feeling the old, familiar prickle of impending danger, the primitive warning which had served him so well before. 'Stay together,' he said. 'Keep watch. Bochner, you light a fire. Hurry!'
He moved to where a clump of saplings stood between separated trees. As flame rose from the fire the hunter had built, Dumarest cut down four of the slender poles, trimmed them, sharpened their ends to form crude spears.
As Dilys took hers, she said, 'Why this, Earl? Trouble?'
'Maybe not. Just hold on to it, in case. Use it to lean on if you like.'
'Sure, just like an-'
She broke off as he lifted a hand, listening. From above and to one side, falling with a gentle rustle through the leaves, came something which twisted and turned to land like a flattened snake.
'A belt!' Egidus lunged forward. 'By God, it's a belt!'
After it came nightmare.
It dropped with a thin chatter of castanets, veiled, gems flashing in the firelight, fans and parasols flared and shimmering with a nacreous sheen. A thing which followed the bole, suspended on a thin strand, swinging, touching Egulus, who yelled and sprang back and yelled again as he fell, to roll helpless on loam.
To stare with horror at the mammoth spider dropping towards him.
'Earl! My God! What-'
Dilys spoke to empty air. Dumarest was gone, lunging forward with a speed which, in the firelight, made him seem little more than a blur. To halt, spear upraised, butt on the loam beside the fallen captain, the sharpened point buried deep in the mat of fur covering the spider's thorax, wood shredding beneath the snap of its mandibles, silk pluming from the pulsing spinnerets forming clouds of gossamer which drifted like a mantle to clog his head and arms.
A silken shroud from which he tore himself with desperate energy.
'Earl!' Bochner shouted from where he came running, 'Above!'
A hint of movement in the shadows and another monstrous creature plummeted, to strike and seize and lift its prey to the lair it owned high in the topmost branches of the trees. Dumarest sprang aside, steel lifting from his boot, point and edge cutting at the snapping castanets of the mandibles, stabbing at the gems of the eyes. Ichor dripped on his hand, and an acrid stench filled his nostrils as hooked limbs tore shreds from his padding. Limbs which jerked as they were slashed, to lie severed on the loam, twitching as the body of the creature twisted on its suspending filament, to attack with mindless ferocity again, to die as Bochner impaled it with his wooden shaft.
'Back!' The hunter looked up. 'Back, Earl! There could be more!'
'Get to the girl!' Dumarest stooped, grabbed the captain by the arms and dragged him upright to his feet. Bochner hadn't moved. 'Damn it, man! Get to the girl!'
A fraction of hesitation and the hunter obeyed. Dilys stood beside the fire, eyes wide, spear trembling in her hand as she stared into the shadows. From above, from all sides, came a thin cluttering, a scrape and rustle of chiton, the impact of limbs against branches and leaves as things edged forward through the upper layers of vegetation.
'A nightmare.' Egulus looked ill. 'A thing from hell itself. It almost had me. It would have had me but for Earl, Threnond?'
He hadn't been as lucky. Dumarest held out the belt he had recovered, together with the spears.
'Is it his?'
'I don't know. It could have been.' Egulus shivered. 'What now?'
'We build up the fire. Gather fuel-go with him, Bochner. Keep guard while he picks up what he can.'
'And me, Earl?'
'You stay here.' He looked at the woman. 'Keep the fire as high as you can. Don't move away from it, but don't stay immobile. Move about, look around, keep watch and if you see anything, scream.'
'And that will drive them away?'
'No.' He was blunt. 'But it may distract them.'
'For how long?' She stared into the darkness, her voice high, thin, verging on hysteria. 'All right? And after that, what? Can we stay awake all the time? Can we hope to beat those things off as we move? Earl! What the hell can we do?'
'We wait,' he said. 'We watch and we plan. We keep our heads. Now tend the fire.'
A job which would keep her busy and occupy her mind. Flames rose as she fed scraps of wood to the coals, leaping tongues of red and orange, edged with grayish smoke, the light painting the boles around with shimmers of transient brightness, glows which faded to flare again, to give the impression of movement, of watching eyes.
'They'll come again,' said Bochner. 'They've tasted blood and they'll be eager for more easy prey.'
Egulus said, 'Threnond-a hell of a way for a man to die. Squatting, thinking, then something swinging down to-' He broke off, swallowing. 'He didn't even have time to scream. And then what? They lifted him up? Carried him? Held him in a web like a fly? Thank God, he knew nothing about it.'
'Maybe,' said Dumarest.
'He was dead,' said Bochner quickly. 'He had to be dead. Otherwise he would have screamed or struggled. We'd have heard something.'
'We did.'
'His belt falling. What does that mean?'
Dumarest said, 'He wore that belt under his clothing, so to fall, it must have been exposed. Which means he was stripped.'
'So where's the rest of his clothing?'
'I don't know,' admitted Dumarest. 'Maybe it was shredded and scattered around. Maybe it's up in the trees and the belt fell by accident.'
'If it hadn't, I'd be dead by now,' said Egulus. 'We could all be dead.' He looked up and around, eyes uneasy, a muscle twitching on one cheek. 'For God's sake, can't we get away from here? Move back down the slope? Find a