Director’s building. The culprit was with them, standing with his handsome head thrown back, daring them to march him off.
I greeted the centurion easily. ’Gaius Numerius Tenax! And Mammius and Cotius, your excellent operatives.
‘There has been a complaint,’ complained Tenax. For once the complaint was not about me. (That could yet change.) Tenax spoke to me in an undertone, sharing his disgust with a fellow-Roman. ‘The prick in charge could have had a quiet word with me about it, but he just had to go straight to the Old Man, didn’t he?’
‘He’s a priest. No idea of form. Well, if you arrest the zoologist, Tenax, you must arrest me too. I was there when he sawed up Theon’s corpse.’
Tenax was fascinated. ‘So what did you think, Falco?’
‘I thought it was justified. It produced results - the Librarian had taken poison. We wouldn’t have known without unravelling his guts. I reckon you can assure the Old Man this necropsy was a one-off; view it as intended to be helpful. Also, go against it, and there may be bad feeling at the Museion, due to Theon’s popularity -’
‘What popularity?’
Helena giggled. ‘His colleagues will praise him like mad, hoping the same is done for them one day.’ Tenax took it well. He liked Helena.
‘Besides,’ I warned darkly, ‘this could escalate.’
‘What?’ Tenax still stood at Philadelphion’s shoulder, as if arresting him.
‘You know the Alexandria mob - taking a man into custody could blow up into a public order issue in five minutes.’
‘So what can I do, Falco?’
‘Go back and tell the Old Man you came down and assessed the situation. It’s your belief you should just caution the perpetrator, explain to him that such experiments are alien to the Roman tradition, get him to promise to be a good citizen - and effect a strategic withdrawal.’
Strategic withdrawal was not supposed to be the Roman army way, but Tenax saw Egypt as a soft posting, where the army kept out of trouble. ‘Can I say you concurred?’
‘Say whatever you like,’ I allowed graciously. ‘He will not re-offend.’
Tenax looked at Philadelphion. ‘Got that, sir? Caution, tradition, promise - and don’t do it again. Please don’t, or the Prefect will mince my nuts for offal gravy!’
Philadelphion nodded. He showed no reaction to the lewd remark, perhaps because he and his little dissecting knife were no strangers to testicles, of all types. The soldiers marched off smartly. We went indoors.
Philetus bumbled up soon afterwards. He looked astonished to see Philadelphion still at large. Of course he could say nothing, without admitting it was he who had grassed.
He found something else to be indignant about: ‘Do I spy a
‘She’s with me. Director, meet my wife. As a senator’s daughter, Helena Justina represents the glorious best of Roman womanhood. She has the rectitude and acumen of a Vestal Virgin. She is a confidante of Vespasian and holds the long-term admiration of Titus Caesar.’ Vespasian might be called a salt-fish salesman here, but his son and heir, Titus, was a golden boy in Alexandria. Good-looking young generals, hot from triumphs in the East, reminded them of their founder. Implying that Helena was the hero’s moll could only gild her prestige. I waved my sling. ‘She has
Furious, Helena was about to speak, but our unborn baby gave a fearsome lurch. I knew it from her expression so put an arm around her kindly. (It had to be a boy; he was on my side.)
‘Bear up, dear girl . . . Do not fret, Philetus. She will be invisible and silent.’ She would slam me with plenty of vocals once we were home, but Helena took the hint temporarily.
Philetus enthroned himself like a particularly uninspiring magistrate. The others slunk into a circle of armchairs that were like the marble seats assigned to senators in amphitheatres. I managed to get one for Helena. A folding stool was fetched for me. Needless to say, it had unequal legs and kept trying to refold itself. As an informer I was used to this trick. It was better than being made to stay standing like a slave.
‘Didius Falco will observe proceedings.’ Philetus pecked at the announcement spitefully. Any good nature he had ever possessed had wizened like a diseased plant. ’We must keep the Emperor’s man happy!’
While I was busy stabilising my stool, Helena Justina took notes. I still have her documents, headed by who was present. Nobody had introduced us - manners were not on the curriculum at this institution - but she concocted her own cast list:
Normally there would have been two more: the Head of the Great Library and the Head of Medicine. Theon was detained at the undertaker’s. Heras had said the medical post lay vacant for some reason. Helena scribbled queries as to why literature and mathematics were unrepresented; subsequently she arrowed all branches of literature, along with history and rhetoric, to the Head of Philosophy while the Astronomer had a remit for mathematics; I saw her scowl. For a start, she loathed the demotion of literature.
One thing struck me immediately. None of the names were Roman, or even Egyptian. They were all Greek.
As the morning wound on, Helena added opinions and pen-portraits. An ‘L’ meant Helena considered that man a candidate for the job at the Great Library. Those were the ones I watched most carefully. I had every faith in Helena’s judgement on them. If Theon had been murdered, the shortlist would be my suspects.
The agenda for the most part followed the pattern it must have had most days, which at least allowed those who hated meetings to nod:
It was typical of the Director’s unfitness for office that he thought it more important to panic about the possible appearance in two months’ time of a deputation of town councillors, on a spree from some Greek island, than to tackle Theon’s demise yesterday. His only expressed interest in that incident was wittering about a replacement. The Library could have been full of bloodthirsty assassins and all Philetus wanted to do was put the next victim in a position to be attacked. He was a psychopath’s dream. I did consider the possibility he might himself be a psychopath. (Was he uninterested in Theon’s fate because he already knew what had happened?) Philetus certainly failed to understand or relate to other people. But I decided he lacked precision, compressed energy and