'You are in no fit state to be standing here,' said The Unknown.
'You can say what you like, Unknown, but I don't think what we're looking at leaves us any choice, do you? You need me here.'
'Gods, just let him do it,' said Denser. 'At least if he dies we won't have to listen to this sort of bleating any more.'
'Thank you, Denser,' said Hirad.
'You are not helping,' said The Unknown.
'I can't believe you're surprised he's here.'
'I'm not surprised, I'm questioning the wisdom of his decision.'
'You think wisdom ever applies to anything Hirad does?'
'All right, Xetesk-man, I thought you were on my side.'
'He is, Hirad,' said The Unknown. 'We all are. If you must do something foolish, why don't you do it in the wagon where you can protect Erienne at the same time?'
'Thraun has got that covered.'
'You are so stubborn.'
Auum shook his head and scratched at his forehead. He would never understand how they had survived this long. Always arguing. He finished applying the green and black paints to Duele's face before leading them all in prayer. Throughout, he could hear The Raven bickering like children over a broken doll.
He brought his Tai back to their feet and they walked to the front of the stationary wagon train. It was dawn and it was cold, very cold. The breath clouded in front of his face and the chill breeze whipped it away. The wagons had been halted when the cursyrd had ceased their attacks an hour or so before first light. They had retreated as far as the edge of the shell and most of them were grouped on the ground. Very few still remained in the air and none encroached on the periphery.
The temptation had been to continue on but both Darrick and Rebraal had advised the stop. It was inconceivable that they would not be attacked severely on their way into Xetesk, which now lay just three miles ahead, and any chance to rest horses and mages had to be taken.
It was a decision that looked at best over-cautious as light had strengthened. It could turn out to be a huge mistake. Beyond those gathered before them, other cursyrd were moving up. These were not reavers and they were not strike-strain. They were a strain none of them had seen before in this conflict.
Auum watched them approach. There were hundreds of them. Squat wingless figures with rolling gaits. They were covered in a dense, dark, fine hair. Each one had eyes to die front and sides of its head and no discernible mouth or nose. But what they did have was arms that ended in what for all the world looked like spiked clubs or hammers.
The assembled company had fallen silent while these things advanced towards the shell. Other cursyrd made way and a screeching filled the air. Auum couldn't make out what it meant but it was more a sound of anger than of anticipation.
'Gods drowning, but they're ugly bastards. What are they?' asked Hirad.
'Karron,' said Auum, the word leaving a harsh taste in his mouth. 'Destructors.'
'This isn't going to be any fun at all,' said Hirad.
T don't understand this,' said Denser. T mean, these look capable of causing us a real problem. Why haven't they thrown them at us before?'
'Because before, they wanted our souls,' said Rebraal. 'Now I fear they just want us dead.'
'That's comforting,' said Hirad.
'Thoughts?' asked The Unknown.
'They're slow but powerful,' said Darrick. 'If I'm not mistaken, we'll be harried as we have come to expect by the winged strains and these will look to break us from the front.'
'Can't we just drive round them?' asked Hirad.
Darrick shook his head. 'If they got into our flanks they could
fragment the train. Far better we take them head-on, at least we can marshal forces in the right direction.'
'I don't think it'll be enough,' said The Unknown. 'They're strong enough to stop us moving forwards and that's something we cannot afford. We have to break that line or we'll be surrounded and picked off.'
'I've got an idea,' said Darrick. 'But it's a big risk.'
'Let's hear it,' said The Unknown.
Darrick looked around him. 'Is Pheone here? I need to know our casting strength.'
'Will it make a difference?' asked Hirad. 'We're inside a Cold-Room here.'
Darrick smiled. 'Yes it will. And you know the thing with Cold-Rooms is you can let them go all of a sudden. If you want to.'
Auum nodded his head. He understood what Darrick was about to suggest. It would be, how would Hirad say it? Interesting.
Tessaya, Lord of the Paleon tribes, stretched his mouth in a prodigious yawn. He had slept well the last night and welcomed the cold of the new day. He wrapped his furs about his shoulders and strode from his tent. Around him, the activity was frenetic. Weapons were being sharpened, fires heated water and broth, warriors ran in all directions taking messages, striking camp and loading pallets. Others foraged for what food they could sweep up easily before the move.
Patience, Tessaya had always said, would pay off and today was that day. Because yesterday he had received the most extraordinary visit of his life. A deputation from Xetesk, in effect inviting him into the heart of the college. He had felt it churlish to refuse, and now two thousand warriors made ready to advance.
The demons had left them alone these past three days and his scouts had reported them massing to the north. They had also reported an approaching dust cloud that was overflown by the enemy and under apparently constant attack. Clearly, others were heading for the college too.
This had been confirmed by the Xeteskians and it was proposed that the Wesmen help these runners into Xetesk and then join the final battle for the freedom of Balaia. He had been given a blank
slate to demand whatever he wanted from the Easterners in return for his aid. Short of the end of magic of course. That, he conceded, was unlikely but the deal he had struck would make the Wesmen the dominant power across the whole of the country. The Xeteskians would have seen that. He would have to tread carefully.
Tessaya walked quickly down to the forward positions, trailed by his aides. There he found Arnoan, the ancient Shaman apparently lost in thought. Communing perhaps. Still, it was a reverie easily broken.
'Am I being lured into a trap, do you think?'
T consider that to be very unlikely,' said Arnoan, focusing on him with a frown. 'The Xeteskians have nothing to gain by so doing barring a hastening of their own demise. I am merely saddened it has taken them so long to see that the Wesmen are their best chance of salvation.'
'And you.believe us so to be?'
'I do, my Lord.'
'But let us not fool ourselves,' said Tessaya. 'The Xeteskians have only come to us because the demons allowed them the time to do so. Consider also that the demons themselves may have orchestrated this whole event.'
'Again, unlikely,' said Arnoan. 'After all, we are not even being watched, which I find very curious. They will only know of our decision to move when we are under way.'
Tessaya chuckled and slapped Arnoan on the back. The Shaman staggered and coughed. 'Perhaps their grasp of battle tactics is as poor as yours, my friend.'
'Let us hope so, Tessaya, let us hope so.'
Behind him Tessaya could hear the strains of songs rolling down the slope towards him. They filled his heart with strength and pride. The standards were raised and stood together.
The Wesmen were marching once more.
It had become their only hope of reaching the Julatsans and it was a terrible choice to have to make. They had cowered in renewed terror when the new strain had appeared from the rip and descended to the ground to march away into Xetesk and out towards the Julatsans.