Annette expressed a wish to remain and marry Robert, I persuaded my father to give them a little money so as to enable them to take a small farm in the neighborhood. And it was from Annette, on the occasion of a visit she made to Paris, that I heard the result of that which I witnessed at the Chateau de Fleury. It seems that Marie had the prudence to hoard her disagreeably earned wages, and it was well that she did so, for my grandmother's mind was so set on seeing the product of Sylvian's loins that the poor girl had to undergo every day and sometimes twice and three times the lustful embraces of the filthy brute. But even there, good came out of evil; for she told Annette that if it had not been for the man-ape being equally pleased with her rump hole as with her cunt, she believed he would have fucked her into a decline. As it was, she became pregnant and began to get very heavy, to the great delight of the scientific old lady.
While Madame was in this temper, Marie by Annette's advice, got from her all the money, cast off dresses, and other presents that she could coax or wheedle out of the old lady. For Annette guessed how the affair would terminate, and knew what a tremendous storm would ensue. Well the girl delivered, of course, to the wrath and disappointment of Madame de Fleury. Why? The baby was not a curiosity but a fine baby boy, very much like its father, as it turned out. So out of the house Marie was sent packing; but thanks to her own care and Annette's advice, she had more money and clothes than any peasant girl in the district, or indeed most farmers' daughters in the neighborhood. Jean was discharged by his mistress, married Marie, and as man and wife, they entered Robert's service as farm servants. Madame de Fleury died. As for Sylvian, little was heard of him, though Annette believed he was sent away, not to be seen again. So there is the end of my story, and I sincerely hope I have not tired you all by its tedious length.”
We all hastened to assure the dear little girl that such was far from being the case, and the Abbess in particular remarked that she felt quite surprised that such an innocent inexperienced girl as Louise should have seen such extraordinary incidents and relate such an interesting story.
She then intimated to her that she was at liberty to call upon any one of the rest of the young ladies to contribute their share to the general amusement. After a little consideration, Louise selected Emilie, giving as her reason that she thought Emilie would be the most likely to tell about something that she had felt, whereas Louise could only tell what she had seen. To this Emilie laughingly assented. She commenced her story thus.
“Although my mother was left a tolerable fortune on the death of my father, she was by no means what is generally termed rich; still she liked to have everything about her in good style – house, furniture, carriage and servants.
“One thing she was very particular about, that the servants, male and female, who closely attended to her, should be good looking and well dressed. She did not object to giving high wages and she would overlook a little idleness or carelessness… but appearance was everything. Consequently, no one in the household felt much astonished when we learned Pierre Morin, the groom of the chambers, who was both stupid and ugly, though honest enough, had received his discharge. Albert, who was head page and her footman, was promoted, and my mother's steward and housekeeper received orders to look out for a suitable ladies' page.
“In due time, a youth made his appearance, highly recommended by the housekeeper, who informed my mother that he had good blood in his veins. What's more, the housekeeper was likely enough to know all about it, as I afterwards had the strongest reasons for believing him to be her natural son. Be that as it may, the youth was taken into the situation and speedily became a great favorite with my mother, too much of a favorite I might have thought had I been older and more experienced. He certainly was uncommonly handsome, and I soon began to feel an interest in him on my own account.
“It was Victor's duty – that was his name – to wait in the anteroom to be ready at my mother's call. But as he was closely on duty all day, she never took him out with her at night when she was going to a ball, the theater, or a masquerade – for this she had regular carriage attendants. As for me, my mother did not consider me old enough to go into society, and I was left to amuse myself in the best manner I could when she was out. Now, though Master Victor had no business to be lounging about the boudoirs and antechambers during my mother's absence, he constantly was there, sometimes under pretence of cleaning and arranging things to rights, and sometimes pretending that he was in attendance on me. I believe that the housekeeper approved of his actions and used to have rich chocolates made to serve with sweetmeats for him to bring up to me, to cloak his designs. After a little, when he became bolder, and I more familiar, he used to tell me stories of the world, not always of the most delicate character. One time for instance, he told of how a certain young Vicomte had been found by his mother on the sofa with his sister's governess between him and the cushions and his cock buried deeply in her yawning cunt.
“Though I did not altogether understand these stories, they were not without effect upon me. The young fellow then used to show me pictures, which without being absolutely indelicate, had a slight tendency in that direction.
“One evening, when my mother had gone to a masquerade and did not intend returning until three or four o'clock in the morning, Master Victor had made himself more than usually entertaining. He had shown me plenty of pictures and told me lots of amusing stories, and I'm ashamed to say I was getting rather fond of him. As he was pulling some pictures out of his pockets, there fell on the floor what seemed either a large pocket book or a small portfolio. This I grabbed and tried to open. He smiled at my efforts and said the book was not intended to be opened by everybody, that there were secrets in it, and so on. All this raised my girlish curiosity, and I insisted on knowing and seeing the contents of the book.
“'Very well then, the picture represent a series of dramatic scenes, enacted by a young lady and gentleman in private,' he said. 'Amateur theatricals, with no spectators.' I insisted upon seeing the pictures immediately. He complied, sitting himself close beside me on the sofa, and exhibited the pictures one by one. The book opened with a concealed spring, a curious and unnecessary precaution I thought, for there was nothing in the slightest degree improper in the first two or three pictures. Then I speedily altered my opinion. I cannot go over all the pictures one by one, but I might mention that the first represented lovemaking between a young lady and gentlemen; showing them walking with their arms around each other's waist in a garden, he kneeling at her feet as she sat in an arbor, kissing very sedately; but when Master Victor, presuming on my indulgence, suggested that we should imitate the scenes before us, I only laughed and told him not to be impudent.
“This apparently he took for consent, for he knelt by my side and dragged my right arm around his neck and wound his left arm around my waist. This was decidedly improper conduct by a page towards the daughter of the house. But it did not end there, for the next picture represented the young lover in a more forward character. He had got his breeches down and his right hand up the young lady's petticoats, while her person was most indecently exposed. The sight of this picture struck me with shame, and yet somehow or other I could not keep my eyes from it. This I don't doubt was perceived by the saucy page, who insinuated his hand up my petticoats and began to finger my untried and lightly-mossed cunt. I ought, I suppose, to have risen and rung the bell, or screamed out for assistance; but for the life of me I could not do either. He got his forefinger well into me, past the clutching lips and deep in my cave, and began to excite me. As I turned over the next leaf of the seductive book, I happened to look down and saw that my young friend had got his stiff prick exposed and ready. He was long and thin and venous and was capped with a plum-like helmet with a slit in its end that seemed almost to smile at me. Not that my ideas were altogether formed on the subject then, but I was certainly very angry and rather frightened. But his handsome face was turned up to mine with such a passionate and imploring air that I felt softened and irresolute, and to hide my confusion, I turned my eyes to the picture I had just looked over. And what a picture! It represented the lover as having got on so well in his love-making and seductive arts that he was on the verge of the fuck, and the young lady was shown with her legs up his arms and her thighs wide open, while his red-headed prick was seeking admission at her private entrance. The sight of this pretty picture completed my confusion and I hardly knew what I was doing. Victor quickly perceived my state, and taking advantage of it, speedily pulled up my silk robe and elegant underclothing and muttered, 'Such whiteness and delicacy I never saw in my life before.” He proceeded to kiss, mumble, and even to insinuate his tongue into my little virgin treasure. This I know now effected a double purpose; it not only excited me, but rendered my cunt moist and open, so that his cock might have less difficulty forcing an entrance.
Very little of this sort of work was needed before I lay back with my head on a sofa cushion in a half fainting state. Immediately, I felt the youth's head, thighs and hips between mine, his head and belly pressed against mine, and his still hotter prick between the lips of my orifice. As yet, I was not hurt, but when he found himself in the right road and began to force his way in, I could not avoid a slight scream. He immediately put an end to my protest, rather cruelly I thought, by placing one of the sofa cushions over my face and muffling my mouth