lovely daughter, had quite soiled his appetite for any common meat, he said. But I stopped his nonsense by assuring him that as far as my attendant Fanchette was concerned, she was as sweet a girl as ever lived, and that her young charms were a banquet fit for any duke or marquis in France; that I had seen her stripped, and that her thighs, posteriors, and belly, and shape generally, were very nearly perfect. Of course, if he did not like her, he might let her alone; but I told him I was going to ring my bell for her to bring me up some warm water, and that if he chose, he might go in instead and tell her what I wanted. This I said somewhat indignantly, but he thanked me cordially, and proceeded on his errand.

“'Tell her to take it into the bedroom, Victor,' I said. 'I shan't intrude upon you for ten minutes. And mind you don't thrust your hand up her petticoats as she comes upstairs, or perhaps she will spill the hot water.'

“'I intend to make her spill something better than warm water, my dear Mademoiselle!' said he, laughing, and away he went.

“While he was gone I partially opened the door of communication between my bedroom and dressing room, and by shooting the bolt, prevented anyone closing it completely, if they had been so disposed. Then, seating myself in an easy chair so as to command a view through the aperture thus left, I awaited the drawing up of the curtain (meaning Fanchette's petticoats), and the opening of the play, (the opening of her thighs and cunt). I had not long to wait.

“Enter Fanchette, bearing a large jug and with Victor's arm around her dainty waist. She was half laughing, half indignant. 'Do be quiet, Victor!' she said. 'Really you are quite indelicate. If my young mistress knew, we should both be turned out of the house… at least I should. As for you, you impudent fellow, handsome pages are always appreciated, and perhaps you might retain your place. Do be quiet, you saucy boy!'

“This was said as Victor thrust his hand up the front of her petticoats, feeling her cunt, I presume. At any rate, he made a fine exhibition of her legs and thighs.

“His proceedings were making a favorable impression upon her as I could perceive, and when he told her that her mistress was not coming into the room for ten minutes, she turned a languishing look towards him, laid the jug down, and sighed.

“By this time he had her clothes up all around to her waist, and was on his knees feeling and kissing her rump, thighs, and belly, and the little orifices secreted in the neighborhood thereof. As he did so, with his left hand he was clumsily and fumblingly unbuttoned his breeches. At last, this was accomplished and he rose from his knees. His cock, freed from its confinement, sprang loose, in full erection and ready for work.

“Then grasping my pretty attendant around the waist he half-led her, half-carried her to my bed where he perched her on the edge, and dragging a pillow out of its place, thrust it under her head. Then taking a leg in each hand, he proceeded to work without further ceremony. But he didn't know his hostess, for Fanchette proved to be, if not quite a maid, at any rate very close and small. Moreover, the lips of her cunt lapped over each other more than is usually the case. The result of this was that Master Victor made one or two very earnest shoves without affecting an entrance. If I may make use of the expression, he was doing nothing more than knocking at the door for admission.

“At last, in the agony of his unavailing pushes, he murmured, 'Put your hand to my prick, my sweet little friend, and guide me into the heaven of bliss, or else I shall come all over your belly, and you will have no satisfaction at all, and I very little.'

“Fanchette, who had been giggling at his unavailing attempts, now saw that the matter was becoming serious and perceived that from having an arm under each of her legs, his hands were not at liberty to help him. So she reached with her delicate little right hand and guided his greedy monster of a prick into her mossy cushion. By way of rewarding her pains, he shoved the entire length of his tool – nearly nine inches, I should think – right into her with the very first thrust, which I thought very reckless and cruel.

“Poor Fanchette screamed out, 'Ah, Victor, have mercy! I cannot bear this dreadful cock tearing up my inside. Ah! Do not, I beg you! Oh dear, dearest Victor! Ah me!' and here, as he sunk gently down upon her bosom, covering her face and white bosom with kisses, she gave vent to a long drawn sigh, and I could see that the page, after a few more driving thrusts, had managed to effect her pleasure at the same time that he consummated his own.

“You will notice, my kind hearers, ladies and gentlemen all, that my pretty attendant's note altered considerably from the sharp pain she suffered from the first shove, to the deep sigh of gratified sensuality that marked the termination of the youth's labors. And I think it should be so in every case where a girl is judiciously fucked, however tight she may be, or however hugely proportioned her male friend may happen to be. A man who thinks of nothing but shoving his standing cock up a girl's cunt, and spurting into her as soon as he can without any reference to her gratification, is, I think, little better than one of the lower order of animals.”

This remark of Emilie's excited universal agreement among the assembled circle. Even dear little Louise, who I am sure had not been particularly well used by me, murmured her assent to the principal laid down by her more experienced friend. Good Lord! thought I, wondering what a girl or a woman would not put up with from a man once her desires are stimulated. I was sure nothing short of a man's strong embraces or in plain language, a downright good fucking, would satisfy her sensual longings.

Then Emilie continued her tale: “By this time I thought I might announce my presence. So getting up from my seat, I went to the outer door, which I opened and shut as if I had just entered my dressing room. This had the desired effect. I could hear Victor get up and beat a hasty retreat. I presume he must have buttoned himself up outside the bedroom door. At any rate, when I entered, I found Fanchette alone, hastily replacing the pillow and putting the bed into something like order. I told her to get me a clean chemise, and meanwhile I stripped myself and then desired her to sponge my private parts.

“The astonished look on Fanchette's face upon hearing this is hardly describable. She stared at me as if she thought her young mistress was either out of her mind, or more likely, had strangely forgotten herself with the last hour. I only laughed at her, and said, 'Never mind, Fanchette, it is what all pretty girls must submit to sooner or later.' This I said as Fanchette was carefully sponging and drying me.

“Presently, she said that she had no right to ask who had the presumption to violate Mademoiselle's person, but she feared that whoever it was had not been satisfied with what was usual in such cases, but had been guilty of double rudeness. From what she said, I suppose she detected that the Vicomte had been amusing himself with my rump as well as my cunt, but I treated the matter with indifference and requested her to assist me to dress. As she was doing so, I said, 'Don't you think, Fanchette, that a little washing and bathing would do your secret parts good?' My faith, how she colored up! Her face became the color of scarlet in one moment.

“'Why, does Mademoiselle imagine…?' she began.

“When I stopped her by telling her I had just seen her and Victor amusing themselves on the edge of my bed, she, with tears, begged of me to excuse the liberty she had taken with my bedroom. 'Indeed, Mademoiselle, that saucy young fellow was so loving and looked so very handsome that an indescribable sort of feeling got over me, and I let him do what Mademoiselle saw, so I need not describe it.'

“At this time, I heard a carriage drive up and the porter's bell ring. Rightly conjecturing that my mother had returned, I hastily assured Fanchette of my sympathy and good will, and felt sure that the gratitude which she exhibited and evidently felt would be a safeguard against her tattling or telling tales about my requiring sponging and a clean chemise.

“I met my mother as unconcernedly as I could, but she was in a high state of indignation on finding out that she had been duped. Her aunt was as well as she herself was, and, what was worse, seemed likely to remain so. The note requesting her to visit the old lady was a forgery. My mother perceived at once that it was a plot to get her out of her own house, either to take advantage of her absence from home in some way, or to rob her on her journey. Finding that robbery was not attempted, she jealously came very near guessing the truth. I could see that her suspicions were aroused by the strict way in which she cross-questioned me about the visit of the Vicomte. I brazenly described that I heard he had called but I had not seen him. In making this assertion, I think I went too far, as some of the domestics must have surmised that I was in the salon when he called and, without meaning any harm to me, would have no hesitation in admitting the fact. Whereas, if I had stated that I had seen him for a few minutes, and that he had written a note to be delivered to her Ladyship, no one could have actually proved that we had had any amorous intercourse together. In either case, I would be telling a falsehood, but as it happened, the lie I told was almost more than my mother could swallow, and I very soon found out the consequences.

“In the meantime, however, my mother pretended to believe me, and I flattered myself that I had deceived

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