was perfectly harmless as far as any resistance was concerned, and her position stuck her buttocks out in such a way as to render either of the two crevices nestling in the neighborhood easy prey to my roving prick. I have fucked many a pretty girl since, my dear boy, and many a lady of rank has considered herself honored by having accepted my loving embraces, but I shall never forget the day I took a young lady's maidenhead for the first time, or the first time that the idea struck me that a girl's bottomhole must be a delightful change.
“At any rate, whether impelled by novelty, or curiosity, or by lust, or Adelaide's tempting position, or all four, I certainly was not disappointed. At first I thought her tightness would baffle me, but I supplied the remedy by moistening the end of my prick with saliva. When I tried again, I forced the knob in with one vigorous shove. That done, the rest of the performance was easy; the remainder of my cock followed, and in two lunging thrusts was buried up to my balls.
“Adelaide did not pretend to resist, but simply remarked to her friend, 'You have played a nice trick, you naughty girl! See if I don't pay you back for it. In the meantime, you will excuse me for remarking that this saucy page of yours is a lascivious and unnaturally lustful young beast.'
“'Unnatural!' exclaimed Mademoiselle St. Roche. 'Why, you don't mean he has inserted…”
“'Yes, I do mean to say,' interrupted Adelaide, 'and it is just as well that he is quite a youth and has not grown to full size, for if he had a full grown thick prick, such as I have seen and felt, I would run some risk of having my bottomhole split. And now, after three or four more thrusts, I suppose his Highness is finished; yes, I thought so. Many thanks to you, Monsieur, for the distinguished honor you have done my posteriors!' said the laughing girl, turning around as I withdrew myself. 'Julie, if you'll take my advice, you'll come upstairs with me while this lovely young gentleman gets into the saddle and back again to Paris. For if this escapade should happen to be noticed, you and I will be disgraced forever, while the page here will run a very good chance of being castrated. I suppose he thinks that would be a pity, while my own opinion is that it would save the maidenheads of a number of poor innocent girls.'
“I saw her advice, though given in a laughing tone, was correct and quite serious. Consequently, kissing both young ladies warmly, I spurred my horse at full gallop on the return to Paris. And it was well I did so, for the king was terribly jealous, as worn-out tyrants usually are, and had already noticed I had been longer on the road than he expected. I averted suspicion from myself by entering into long descriptions of the enthusiasm with which the young ladies had received the invitation of the royal fete, and the flattering and grateful remarks they had made about his Majesty. I even improvised a sort of half-angry, half-jealous conversation, which I pretended to have overheard among some of the beauties, contending as to which of them was the most likely to be honored by his royal embraces. This, which was all fiction from beginning to end, pleased the king vastly, and I flattered myself that I had re-established myself in his good graces.
“But I overlooked something. It seems that the Governess of the country villa had a nephew, a bastard son, whom she wished to place as a Royal page. As there was no vacancy, she had to make one. The old harridan had not seen any of my delicious proceedings with my lovely friends, but she knew that they had been with me a considerable time. Taking that fact in connection with the use that both Julie and Adelaide made of a sponge on their reaching their apartments, she made a shrewd guess at the truth. She was pretty well versed in these little matters.
“The consequence of her suspicion was that she sought an audience with the king in Paris, and warned him against me as a dangerous youth to be let loose among his favorite women. She did not dare to accuse me of any impropriety, as she knew that their influence would outweigh hers, but a page who was present subsequently told me that she asserted that, whenever I approach any of his Majesty's treasured pets, I was afflicted with a terrible erection. The experienced old lady warned the king that a youth in that predicament does not stop to weigh the consequences, and she feared that some day my lust would lead me to attempt a rape on one of her charges, or at any rate, would probably lead me to take extremely improper liberties.
“The king, perfectly horror-stricken at the idea of any ordinary person touching, or even thinking of invading the sanctuaries sacred to his royal prick, summoned me forthwith into his presence, and told me of what I was accused.
“On any other occasion, I should have indignantly protested against any such accusation and defied the scheming old hag to her face. But as it was, knowing myself to be guilty, I was afraid that any investigation might lead to worse results – the ruin of the ladies, and very possibly death to myself. So I answered respectfully that in common with all gallant young gentlemen in his gracious Majesty's service, I like to look at beautiful young ladies. But I had too much respect for those reserved for his Majesty's pleasure to presume to let my animal passions get the better of me in regard to them.
“To this the king shook his head doubtfully and replied that I might be telling the truth, but that he feared he could not trust me. The temptation was too strong. If I desired to have the honor of continuing in his service, he suggested I submit to castration. To this I humbly objected, replying that I was as my maker had been pleased to make me, and much as I coveted and appreciated the honor of continuing in his royal service, I considered that at my age, castration might cause death. Well, on this the king was very angry and said that he had no doubt the suspicions about me were founded on fact. Since I seemed to be unworthy of the honor of continuing in his service, I should be made a monk, and enjoy myself in the seclusion of a monastery of the strictest order. But in some things, the cowl is even stronger than the crown, and I had some friends in the church who interfered. I was placed in a monastery of exceedingly easy discipline, where there were a considerable number of young monks of good family. From them I learned that monastic life has its charms and privileges as well as those of any other life, and in fact, that was the way I became a monk.”
I had been rather curious to know how it was that a fine, handsome, strong man had adopted a line of life for which he was apparently so ill suited. Apparently, his proper sphere would have been at the head of a troop of heavy dragoons or a company of musketeers. I suggested to him that some of his penitents must have made exceedingly interesting confessions to him, and that some pleasant adventures must have occurred in consequence.
“You are right, my son,” he replied, “and according to our strict rule, I ought not to divulge any such stories. But the fact is, our rules are growing weaker and weaker day by day, and I shall not be at all surprised to find very soon that there are no more rules or convents, or nuns, or priests in existence. So, by way of concluding your education, I shall have no hesitancy in divulging whatever in my experience I have found entertaining. Only, I think in common fairness to our beautiful and accommodating companions, they should hear this as well. Good Lord!” he continued in a musing tone, “what a series of adventures that girl Emilie did relate to us! For a girl of her age, she has seen and experienced a great deal! And what a splendid young lady she is. I am glad to hear that she has been thoroughly well-fucked, both back and front, for, as you may have noticed, my son, I am rather well hung and I don't like hurting either my pretty companion, or myself.
“Adele also makes a very tidy fuck, I dare say, and I know she has acquired the art of satisfying the Superior, so she pleases somebody even if she is not big enough for me. Only, my son, if in the course of your innocent familiarity, you should happen to penetrate the precincts of her rump,” here he winked knowingly, “just inform your spiritual director, will you?” He laughed.
“And apropos to this subject, my son,” he continued, “whom do you propose to make your partner for the evening, or you bed-fellow for the night. What sort of a girl have you a fancy for? You shall have her if she is in the establishment, for my influence here is unlimited. The girls you have seen are all very pretty and sweet. But Agnes and Louise are undoubtedly sore, and will be better off sleeping alone. The Lady Abbess will want Adele. Emilie I mean to keep for myself; she has raised my lusts to a very high pitch by her spirited narrative, and I hope to fuck her in every shape and way, and in such positions as were never done either by Victor or the Vicomte de Merville!”
I replied that if my aunt wanted me again, as she had the night before, I was bound in duty and in gratitude for her hospitality to give her the benefit of my humble performances.
But the monk here interrupted me with, “Duty hah! Gratitude – bosh! Her handsome ladyship must not be too greedy. If she is, I will send for my friend, Father Ambrose, from the Franciscan Monastery closed by, and he shall serve her to her heart's content. It is not the first time that he has done so.”
“No indeed,” said I. “I have heard of her first adventure, struggling and straddling between Father Ambrose in front and your Reverence behind!”
“Ah,” said he, smacking his lips, “that was nice! How young and active and tight she was.” Then he sighed. “Yes, my son, enjoy yourself in the full bloom of your youth: Lord knows it comes to an end quickly enough and you