'Mummy,' she exhorted in a thick, sensually ardent voice, 'do me with your mouth while Timmy fucks you, please!'

Rachel blinked her eyes open, staring up at the straddled creamy thighs, the thick dark red bush, the slickly wet, gaping pink lips of her stepdaughter's tumescent woman-core. A fiery blush suffused her cheeks, as she whispered, 'If-if you want, d-darling.'

With a gurgling cry, Heather lowered herself, and as young Tim neared his own frenzied release, Heather's writhing body stiffened and her head tilted back as she felt her stepmother's lips apply a submissive and lingering kiss to her burning apex.

'Ohh, Gawddd, that's good,' Heather hissed, wriggling and shuddering, her hands thrusting down to dig her fingers into her stepmother's hair. 'Don't stop, use your tongue on my cit too, hard and fast, Mummy, ahh-ohhh Gawddddd, you sweet bitch, that's what I call. making yourself useful round the house-ohhh, ahhh!'

Rachel moaned and squirmed, for the blond boy's frantic, deep, incessant digs into her making vagina had roused a burning tension that, despite the darkening soft shadows which the drug had subtly filtered throughout her being, made her no longer mistress of herself~ Some hidden, atavistic instinct, born out of sheer carnal passion, had been wakened from its long slumber within her innermost recesses. Her hips swerved violently as Tim's bony young shaft delved furiously into her quivering sheath, and her fingers pitilessly dug into Heather's straining naked thighs as she retaliated by rasping her tongue tip into the girl's pink slit, brushing, goading the hardening lodestone at its apex.

'Hold it, Timmy,' Heather suddenly panted, her fingers twisting in Rachel's hair and jerking her stepmother's face away. 'I want her to finish me off a different way. Come on, little brother, get her on all fours facing me, and you can give it to her dog-fashion. Might as well learn how to be a cocksmith, since Mummy's in a sexy mood to give free lessons! Come on, pull out of her cunt, I told you!'

'Aww, dammit, I was jist gonna go off, Heather,' young Tim grumbled, his voice thick and unsteady as he reluctantly withdrew and raised himself on his knees, panting, his face red and contorted with his violent young rut.

'Help me with her, little brother-hell, she must have taken some more of those baby dolls before we paid her this little visit,' Heather irritatedly complained, as she seized Rachel's bare arms and pulled her up into a sitting position. 'Pull her nightie all the way off, Timmy, earn your fuck-that's it-now, grab her knees, we'll lift her up and turn her over-that's the way-set her down on her knees-ahh, now relax, Mummy, we're not going to hurt you any, you've been doing just fine-get behind her, Timmy, grab her hips to hold her up so you can steer your cock into her cunt-mm, that's the way, little brother!'

Rachel did not resist; only vaguely did she squirm and twist as she felt the nightgown tugged off and flung aside, felt them lifting and manipulating her quivering naked body, till she was on her knees, her palms groping along the rumpled sheets as if, once more, she was wandering in that desolate canyon of her early dream. Heather knelt before her, fingers twisting in the brunette matron's disheveled black hair, drawing her forward: 'A little more now-mm, that's just right, Mummy-now do what you were doing before-use your tongue, I want to feel it on my clit! All right now, Timmy, bang-her-if you can find the hole, little brother!'

'Aw, shut up, why'd you hafta needle me all the time, Sis?' the youth whined, his eyes laving Rachel's velvety olive-sheened, proffered buttocks as he moved closer to her, his glistening, stiff penis pointed towards the gaping, readied crevice.

Heather drew Rachel's face up against her thick muff: 'Do me good!' she hissed, her eyes glazed with feverish desire. And with one hand she cupped one of her stepmother's dark and hard-tipped breasts, the other relentlessly twisted in Rachel's hair.

Crouching on all fours, Rachel submitted; she was willess now, her consciousness slipping away. And yet the first hard probe of her stepson's penis into her sensitized vagina made her arch her back and thrust herself out to receive the brunt of his assault. Her lips parted, her tongue moved against the dark silky puff of Heather's pubis, and at once the girl's fingers convulsively tightened on her panting breast.

Now it seemed that a violent wind was buffeting her body in the canyon; she lurched against Heather with a stifled little groan each time the boy's avidly thrusting penis sought to hilt itself inside her, and at the same instant, her tongue thrust out in retaliation. Heather mewled aloud, squirming on her knees, feeling herself thus drawn towards the ungovernable vortex of release, and young Tim, gasping hoarsely at each driving lunge, dug his fingertips like talons into Rachel's shuddering bare hips.

As the all-encompassing darkness rolled over her, Rachel heard as from a distance the shrill scream of Heather's ecstasy mingling with the boy's agonized bellow of fulfillment… and then a third voice-her own, unrecognizable-merged as her body shook frenetically in orgasmic response…

Chapter 7

'What's so special about this guy out in Wilmette?' Heather sulkily demanded as Rachel steered the Dodge Polara out onto Lake Shore Drive and headed north along the freeway. At one-thirty on a Friday afternoon, traffic was extremely light, and the view of Lake Michigan was sunny and breathtaking.

'Well, since you didn't have any classes this afternoon, Heather, and you've never once visited my shop,' the brunette matron airily replied, 'I thought you might like to see what sort of work I do. It's a big order, too- remodeling all the furniture, drapes, even the pictures in a big old house in a very quiet and swanky residential suburb.'

'I suppose so,' Heather grudgingly admitted, giving her stepmother a wary look. 'But I'm telling you straight off, Rachel, I'm not interested in meeting any guy. Time enough for that when I finish school And anyhow, if he's that rich to give you a commission like this, chances are he's old enough to be my father.'

Rachel coolly watched the road ahead as, without turning to look at her red-haired stepdaughter, she blithely retorted, 'And what's so wrong with that? But the fact is, Heather, he's not that old at all. Early thirties, as a matter of fact.'

Heather, who had gasped and eyed Rachel with a hostile glance at the latter's counter question, now shrugged diffidently. So he's just another man. I told you, I'm not on the prowl. So let's change the subject.'

'Of course, dear.'

This time, Heather's look was frankly puzzled. 'I don't get you at all, Rachel. I should think you'd hate my guts, and Timmy's too.'

'No. I understand you both very well, you see.

'Hmm,' the coppery-haired beauty sneered. 'And so you don't mind cheating on Daddy with us, is that it? Or maybe, you just like variety sex?'

Heather's jibes made Rachel flush hotly despite her determination to show herself impervious to them. 'I know it sounds square, to use your expression, Heather, but if I have to go in for dramatics to prove I love your father and want this marriage to last, well, I'll do it.'

Heather gave her another quick, puzzled glance, then again shrugged and glumly remarked, 'I don't get you at all, Rachel. But I have to say you're a good sport. You could have snitched to Dad and got us both in Dutch.'

'And what good would that have done? You'd have hated me even more and lain awake nights figuring out ways to get rid of me,' was Rachel's swift parry accompanied with an engaging smile.

'Yeah.' Heather slumped disconsolately down in her seat and stared out at the glassy clam-blue waters of the lake…

'Mr. Cantwell, this is my stepdaughter Heather,' Rachel smilingly made the introduction after the plump bespectacled sandy-haired maid had opened the front door and ushered them both into the sitting room where, a moment later, the tall architect joined them.

'A very great pleasure, Miss Woodling,' Arnold Cantwell cordially extended his hand. 'Your stepmother tells me you play quite a fair game of chess.'

Heather flushed and looked petulant as she diffidently took his hand, then let go of it. 'Fair enough, but she doesn't really know much about the game.'

'Perhaps you'd care to have one with me while she visits with my mother and sister,' he proposed. Then, turning to Rachel, 'you do plan to bring some of the materials we agreed on next Monday?'

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