man she wanted to stay wife to for long years beyond this degrading, secret covenant his two children had forced her to accept. She clicked on the vibrator and, smiling at him, put the tip of her left breast and began lightly to graze the olive-satiny flesh, upwards to the aureole, then to the nipple itself, and she gasped at the thrilling sensation, new to her. Surprised by this preface, young Tim lifted his head slightly to stare at her, his cock throbbing, angling up in all its violent erection.

She walked slowly round the foot of the bed, moving the vibrator to her other, breast, continuing to fix him with a provocative little smile. Then, seating herself on the edge of the bed and swinging her legs up in a lovely, fluid movement, she knelt before him, laid down the vibrator, and began to unscrew the tube of mentholated cream.

'Hey, why'd you need that stuff to blow a guy, Mummy?'

'I thought you were the hep cat around here and I the square, Timmy,'' she said with a husky little laugh. 'Just let me have things my way for a bit. If you don't like It, we can always change to yours. And no, I haven't forgotten what you want me to do.'

'Then tell me what you're gonna do-lemme hear you say it, Mummy,' he challenged.

'I'm going to blow your cock, Timmy-isn't that what you want?' she pronounced the words casually and softly, eyeing him as if questioning, and now it was the boy's turn to flush and lower his eyes rather uneasily.

'Y-yeah, sure. Only I don't get it-oh, well, go ahead. But you gotta get my okay before we quit tonight, see? Or else it's no deal and we'll tell Dad we want your ass kicked outa here, get me?'

'Shh, you want to think about nice sexy things, Timmy, not hating me so much. Close your eyes now, let me rub some of this cream in,' she gently urged.

Warily, he eyed her again, then grudgingly closed his eyes and settled back. Rachel Woodling squeezed the tube onto her right forefinger and median finger, recapped it, an4 then moved beside the naked teenager. Very gently, she touched the insides of his upper thighs with the greenish paste, and then applied a dab to each of his testicles.

'Hey, that burns a little, what the hell you tryin' to do to me?' he snapped angrily.

'Hush, darling, just relax.. In a minute, you'll see how warm and sexy it'll make you feel. Now I'll rub It in,' Rachel soothed. Now she applied the rest all along the swollen shaft of his cock, from the circumcisional groove to the scrotum, with quick little rubbing movements of her fingers. The boy groaned, then writhed, his eyes wide and hostile and unwaveringly fixed on her bowed head; his fists clenched as if in readiness to strike out at her, but he maintained his passive supine position.

Her slim fingers caressed his thighs, working in the ungent she had left there with persistent friction; then returned to fondle and squeeze his throbbing cock. 'Does it still hurt now, Timmy?' she breathed.

'Sort'a-hey-I do feel kinda horny, at that-my cock's hard as a rock-hey, start blowing me now, Mummy, I wanna feel my gism shoot right in your mouth, you hear?'

'Yes, darling, but you'll shoot lots more if you let me give you the full treatment. And you know, this girl I was telling you about knows even more tricks than I do to take care of a randy young man like you.' As she spoke, Rachel continued to work the ungent in with the tips of her fingers. His breath had quickened, and his face was excitedly flushed. Sporadic rippling spasms began to race along his wiry thighs, which he had instinctively spread wide to give her full access to his bulging cock.

'Go ahead, but hurry it up,' he hoarsely ordered, arching himself lewdly to her as if wanting to stick his cock into her mouth then and there. 'Hey, now what're you trying on me?'

'Heather's vibrator. Just relax, dear. Oh, why don't you take a pillow and put it under your bottom? Then I'll show you what I really mean.' Rachel had retrieved the vibrator and flicked it on, now brought it close to the taut tip of her stepson's throbbing penis, just lightly grazed it for an instant and drew it back.

'Hey, that's terrific. Wait a second-there's the pillow… now what're you gonna do?' he had reached back to pull a pillow from the head of the bed, arch himself up and shove it under his sinewy posterior. He stared at her now with wide-eyed surprise and curiosity, his body shivering incessantly now, and he put a tentative hand to his turgid penis. 'Hey, whaddya know-it feels harder than when I started-you better start blowing me now before I shoot my wad right now, Mummy!' he panted.

'You won't, dear. Besides, if you do, I'll just work you up again till I can do it just the way you want Close your eyes and relax now, let me go to work again,' she purred.

'Sure-g'wan-boy, this feels great!' young Tim hoarsely enthused, his eyes feasting on Rachel's dangling naked pear breasts as she crouched over him from the side. Now, the vibrator clutched in her slim right hand, she gently cupped his balls with her left palm and brought the tip of the whirring implement towards them, just grazing the taut sensitive skin over the heavily laden sacks.

'Ahhghghhhh-hey, that's super, Mummy!' Tim panted, arching and swerving his hips, his toes curling and twisting in neural reaction to the sensations flooding over his wiry young naked body.

Drawing a deep breath, the lovely half-nude brunette matron bowed her head to the tip of his turgid penis, brushing it with her moist lips, and at the same time probed with the vibrator into the ultra sensitive perineal groove towards his anus. 'Raise up just a tiny bit, dear,' she whisperingly instructed.

Feverishly rapt with carnal excitement, the teenager obeyed, putting his palms down beside him to support himself, and Rachel pressed the instrument forward to touch the crinkly lips of his anus; at the same moment it made contact, she took hold of the very tip of his glans with the edges of her red lips and imparted a sucking, lingering kiss.

'Ohhhh cripes-ahhhhhhh-ohh Mummy, Cod damn, that's terrific-oh, Jeez, I'll shoot if you keep that up, oh you gotta blow me down now, suck it all off, ohhh, Mummy, ahh!' he moaned, writhing on the bed, digging his fingernails into the rumpled sheets, his eyes rolling as she again touched the tip of the implement to his sensitized, puckering anus. All the while, her left palm continued to stroke and fondle his aching testicles, and as he shudderingly arched even more towards her, her lips accepted the full glans up to the circumcisional groove, and began to suck gently and softly.

The blond boy's face twisted, flushed with lustful torment, and then, driven by uncontrollable impulse, suddenly lofted his legs and swung them over Rachel's shoulders, his heels prodding against her smooth, deeply hollowed olive-satiny bare back. The mature brunette gasped at this symbolic gesture-that of a dominant master taking carnal emprise of his naked love-slave-but she unprotestingly accepted that spuming. For, inexplicably, Rachel Woodling had be-gun to sense-perhaps out of an innate masochistic inclination which she herself was not even certain that she possessed-that by so adapting herself to the insolent demands of her adolescent stepson, she was coming closer to comprehending the basic sexual yearnings of the unfulfilled male, and thereby would be better guided in her attempts to bring the boy's father that gratification and release for which both of them so earnestly longed.

Besides, the position was, she sensed, more exciting for the boy and thus more effective for her own imaginative ministrations. Having resolved to play the whore, she intended (and now even more, since she had learned how Timothy Woodling had found ecstatic fulfillment from the red-haired call girl) improvise and to learn all she could of wanton, uninhibited lovemaking. That he loved her, she was deeply sure and confident in that sureness; once the problems of young Tim and Heather were resolved, then by devoting all her womanliness and instinctive ardors to her husband, she would make sure that he would no longer need to seek the partnership of a female for hire in achieving sexual pleasure.

This, crouching even more humbly before the writhing youth, the fingertips of her left hand stroking his inner thighs and the sides of his contracting testicles, she directed the vibrator back against his anus with tiny little touches, then followed a persistent circular pattern as she rimmed the orifice, while her lips continued to implant sucking little kisses to the throbbing, swollen glans they retained within their moist, warm captivity. And young Tim, his eyes bulging and glassy, his fingernails scrabbling at the sheets, shuddered and pressed himself forward, wanting to fill her mouth with the entire burden of his agonizedly swollen cock. The acute warmth of the mentholated cream had sensitized his penis so that the lightest pressure of her lips was maddening, and yet at the same time was its own counteragent in halting too premature an ejaculation of his seething gismic essence. She could feel the jerking, twitching, throbbing pulsations which vibrated all along the turgid shaft up through the velvety firm tip which she kept sucking delicately, and from time to time his convulsive digs were his bare heels into her naked back made her shiver as, strangely again, she began to feel a curious, subtle glow in her own loins as if responding to his needs and passions.

For a moment she released his penis, long enough to murmur huskily, 'Is that nice for you, Timmy?'

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