'Mmm, you dance very well, Tim dear. Only, hold me closer than that,' she whispered, and she pressed her soft pink cheek against his. He could feel the soft wafting of her breath against his face and the disconcerting prodding of her ripe firm breasts against his chest. And then his eyes widened with dismay to feel his cock hardening and shoving demandingly at the fly of his trousers, and instinctively he arched his hips backwards to prevent her learning into what a state her nearness had put him.

Then he gasped aloud, because the golden-haired receptionist had met his retreat by shoving her pelvis forward till there could be no doubt that she had felt the hard urgency of his stiff young cock And at the same time, she throatily murmured, 'Oh, my, didn't I say a poor little helpless girl would be afraid of you? I guess I did that to you, didn't I, Tim?'

Even the lobes of his ears were red now and his throat was so choked, his heart pounding so fast, that he found it impossible to reply; he could only gawk helplessly at her, still holding her by her soft waist and hand, staring mutely and beseechingly at her.

'Mmm, I'll bet I did,' she whispered again, pressing even closer to him, 'so I'll just have to do something about it, won't I? But Tim, you naughty boy you, you haven't even kissed me yet, so how do I know if you even like me?'

'L-like you?' he croaked an anguished echo. 'Gee, you-you re terrific-you've beautiful, D-Dinah- gosh!'

'That's some better. Only, like the song in My Fair Lady, don't tell me, show me,' she giggled, her moist sensual red lips almost brushing his. He could neither resist nor ignore the temptation, and he didn't try; with a groan of sharp desire, he avidly crushed his mouth against hers, then at once drew back, afraid his boldness had offended her. The certainty he had known with his stepmother had entirely vanished.

But to his dazedly happy stupefaction, her mouth sought his in a long kiss that began gently and was continued with her warm little pink tongue agilely prying apart his trembling lips and slipping in between. And at the same time, her left hand moved to her silver zipper and began to tug It down, while her other band edged between their bodies, discovered the zipper of his dacron trousers and stealthily began to descend it.

As her soft fingers drew out his agonizedly turgid, aching cock in almost bursting erection, he could green,' oh, D-Dinah, Dinah-ohh, Jeez, Dinah-'

'Shh, darling, I know. My. gracious, what a man you are! Now you take off your things while I go to the little girls' room and get ready for you. I shan't be long, so you hurry, Tim dear!' she whispered Into his ear; to cement the pledge, she darted the tip of her tongue against It, and then, with a soft knowing little laugh, hurried off to the bathroom.

As the door closed behind her, the blond boy blinked his eyes repeatedly, his body shaken by fitful tremors, and then stared down at his bulging, bared prick He said aloud to himself, 'Oh, Jeez, oh zowie!' and then hastily began to strip down to shorts and socks, draping his trousers and sweater over the back of a nearby chair. Then suddenly, with a gulp, clapping a hand over his stiff weapon, he had a sickening sensation: he hadn't thought about, well, what a fellow did when he didn't want to get a girl into trouble. He glanced back at his discarded clothes with an almost frantic expression, and at that moment Dinah Williams -emerged from the bathroom.

She was naked in sandals, and his eyes were hypnotically drawn to her pink-sheened body as steel to a magnet: he devoured the big, round, closely set globes of her satiny breasts with their. dark coral aureole the size of a silver dollar, and the crinkly, pouting nipples palpitating in their erogenous center~. Slowly his eyes lowered to constate the glossy smoothness of her pink belly with its wide shallow niche, and then at the lower abdomen, the beginning of the abundant growth of sandy-hued silky curls which thickened very nearly to hide the fig-shaped fleshy coral-tinted lips of her cunt. And for Tim Woodling at this instant, golden-haired Dinah epitomized all there was of desirable, fuckable, lusted-for femininity, and he clenched his fists, panting in his monumental rut.

'Don't you want to take your shorts off too, Tim, honey?' her voice was soft and wheedling. But there was a vibrancy to it too, for Dinah Williams sensed his adolescent torment and fierce hunger for her nakedness; it gave her the lascivious fillip of seducing an immature boy and at the same time playing a coyly virginal role. As her soft hand stole out to cup his bulging cock, and she saw him glance frantically down at it, she sensed his hesitation: 'Honey, you've nothing to worry about, I took care of things.'

'Oh, G-Gawd, Dinah, you-you're great!' he panted, moving away but without taking his eyes off her lush young nakedness to husk down his shorts and then seat himself on the edge of the couch.

'You're bashful, and I like that in a fellow; it's sweet,' she murmured as she sat down beside him, stroking his shoulder with her soft fingers. Quite apart from the substantial bonus his stepmother had promised her and the intimation that her own secret liaison with Patrick Gregory might soon be legally solidified, golden-haired Dinah enjoyed sex quite unashamedly. The sight of his stalwart, thickly turgid cock and the obviously calflike adoration of her naked charms which she could read on his flushed, taut features had already aroused her own rapacious appetites. 'But don't you want to kiss me again, sweetheart?' she urged.

Her hand cupped his chin to make him turn to her; at the sight of her intensely wide, humid blue eyes, dilating, delicate nostrils and her quivering, half-parted moist red lips, he shuddered and then with a stifled cry, flung both arms round her and kissed her fiercely. Once again, her lips parted and her tongue intruded between his, while her other hand stole along his wiry, flexing thigh and the tips of her little fingers began to tickle and fondle the velvety head of his achingly whetted cock.

Her very boldness convinced Tim at last that this was not a dream and that this delicious, ripe naked beauty meant to deny him nothing. Casting aside his bashful awkwardness, he cupped both her round succulent breasts and thrust her onto her back on the couch. Nimbly, with a gurgling little sigh of anticipation, Dinah arched up her dimpled knees and spread them wide to grant him total access to her silky fleeced, twitchingly readied cunt.

Then he groaned aloud with indescribable delight to feel his hard sinewy young body merge with Dinah's soft yielding flesh; it hurtled him into a chaotic vortex of carnal excitement, for the cohesion of bare flesh to flesh was thrillingly new. He shuddered to feel Dinah's bare warm beautifully rounded arms cling tightly round his straining back, and, most maddeningly exciting of all, to feel his throbbing prick rasp downwards along the moist contracting sheath of Dinah's welcoming vaginal housing. And for his own adolescent ego, it was heaven to hear her little whimpered gasp of pleasure at this penetration and to feel her satiny bare legs clench tightly over his straining thighs as his face now nuzzled between the swelling gourds of her resilient, wonderfully yielding, cushiony breasts.

'Oooh, Tim honey, you feel so big and hard inside my little pussy-oh, take it easy on me, darling, you're so hard and big and strong!' she cooed. Though perhaps she had feigned ardent affection for the gauche youth when welcoming him into her apartment, she was now decidedly and very delightfully surprised by his vigorous male adequacy. But because she was also ably experienced in the reactions of the male, she sensed that his virility would be sorely taxed by his very excitement with her. Patrick Gregory, a connoisseur and voluptuary, had never failed to satisfy her avid cravings, but his methods were those of a suave gentleness, expert dalliance and almost torturing prolongation. By contrast now, young Tim's violently jerky thrusts in and out of her quaking cunt had started to unleash raw desire in her. Even as her lovely face contorted with rapt concentration on the furious frictioning and roughly chafing probing which Tim's frantically demanding cock was inflicting on her seething vagina, Dinah Williams was promising herself that before this nocturnal tryst was over, her teenaged lover was going to be taught some of the more tantalizing ways of spinning a fucking out till both partners' nerves fairly shrieked for appeasement.

But for the moment, at least, she was being most flatteringly besieged and certainly most pleasurably documented on his adoration of her naked flesh: she could feel his swollen, nearly bursting cock ruthlessly distend the narrow, sensitive volutes of her vaginal chasm in a way that left no doubt as to his intoxicated worship of her yearning cunt. His lean fingers were squeezing. the sides of her panting round tits, then reaching under her to goad her velvety-smooth, quivering, round buttocks to becoming squirmingly agitated hillocks of eager, palpitating flesh. His lips had taken hold of one of her nipples, flinting it with tingling sensations, and she felt the rubbing of his belly to hers as sensation piled upon sensation in them both. The deepest reservoir of her emotions now threatened to give way before the battering ram of his frenzied young cock.

'Ahh-Timmy-oooh-pl-please-darling-slow down and let little D-Dinah catch up, sweetheart-ohho, ahh, d- darling, it's so good, but-but take it e-easy!' she panted, scrabbing her fingernails into his back and shoulders. Her knees flung up on either side of him, swung hugely apart; then, as he again dug to the roots inside her cunt, she moaned and locked her naked thighs over his buttocks while she arched herself up with all her strength-only to utter a frantic cry of disappointment and loss as she suddenly felt him explode hot gismic lava deep into her womb.

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