to be a witch, as he had learned from Madeleine, and as he had suspected.

'Yes, I am also a practitioner of the Geomantic art,' the Prioress said, and Grimm wondered if she had read his mind. 'I apologise for the actions of that wayward girl. As you may imagine, those of our Order who abuse any such powers, given them by Mother Nature, are not tolerated, and so Madeleine was dismissed from the Order as soon as the matter was brought to my attention. I regret that I have no knowledge of her whereabouts since that day.'

The old woman's pale eyes, the colour of faded acorns, bore into him, as if she were challenging him to call her a liar. Grimm felt tempted to tell her of his nocturnal vision of the butchering of the body of the young nun. Now, more than ever, he was convinced that his vision had been true.

She moved closer to him, and he felt himself shrinking away from her. 'Thank you very much, Reverend Mother. You have answered my question, and I thank you.'

'Questor Grimm, you are lying to me.'

The sharp, accusatory words shot through him like a fusillade of crossbow bolts, but they seemed to give him an excuse to get off the divan. He scrambled to his feet, in an attempt to display righteous indignation.

'Reverend Mother, I am shocked by such an accusation, especially from a lady in your position! On what grounds do you dare accuse a Guild Mage of deception?' What he had intended to sound as affronted outrage emerged as a peevish, juvenile complaint, and Grimm felt disgusted at how Lizaveta had contrived to unman him after such a short time.

'Please, Questor Grimm, you misunderstand me. What I intended to say was that I believe you just wanted to be with me. Do not hide your feelings, my son. Liaisons between the sexes are not forbidden within our Order.'

The Questor recoiled, as Lizaveta simpered at him in the manner of a love-sick girl of tender years. Summoning all the self-control he could muster, he rushed to the door.

'Reverend Mother, you forget yourself!' Grimm snapped. 'I wished only to be sure that…'

'Ah, of course,' the Prioress crooned, leering at him. 'Such liaisons are forbidden to honourable Guild Mages, are they not? Yet, I believe, our young Questor has some young lovely waiting for him, somewhere… yes, waiting for him within the city walls of Crar. I am right, am I not?'

With sick horror, Grimm realised that the old witch was, indeed, using her powers to scrutinise his mind, and that he had no defence against her. He slammed down his mental defences as best he was able, in an attempt to prevent any further intrusion. What he had intended as a covert assault against the forces of evil had turned into a rout. He had not even been able to detect her intrusion into his psyche and his deepest memories. He was helpless against her in his current state of mind.

Lizaveta laughed! It was not the warm sound of innocent humour, but a hateful, knowing cackle. She could read him like a book; how could he hope to prevail against her? She no longer even pretended innocence, but flaunted her invulnerability.

'Good day to you, Reverend Mother,' he gasped, making his way to the door.

'Good day to you, Grimm Afelnor. You Questors are strong, indeed. However, your revered Lord Dominie Horin is a mere Weatherworker.'

It might seem strange for a Weatherworker to be so disparaged; within the Guild, such thaumaturges were respected above most other mages, perhaps with the sole exception of Questors. Nonetheless, Grimm knew just what she meant: in matters of willpower, Questors were pre-eminent. If she could so easily cow a Mage Questor, in the prime of his life, the control of an aged Weatherworker should prove child's play.

'You can always attempt to blast me with your mighty power, Questor Grimm,' Lizaveta said. 'But poor old Horin favours me and protects my Order. I think he might disapprove of any attempt upon me. I have already sent him a subliminal message that you have come here to pay your respects…

'Do I make myself quite clear? If you cease your attempted interference in the Order's affairs, I may choose to leave you alone. Otherwise, it may go ill between us, and your Guild career may not evolve to your advantage.'

What Grimm had thought would be a simple matter of outwitting a simple, evil old woman had turned into a complete debacle. He made his exit as best he was able.

'Good day, Reverend Mother. You make yourself quite clear. Thank you.'

As he rushed from the room in confusion, Grimm could not help but hear the last words from the Prioress: 'Please, do try to oppose me, Questor Grimm; my victory will be all the sweeter. You will be finished. Finished, do you hear?

'However, I like you, and so I shall not destroy you on this occasion. I feel also that this confrontation was not all your idea…'

The Questor knew he had gambled and lost, and he fled the chamber. He felt sick and scared; had his casual assessment of the witch's powers compromised not only him, but his lord and master?

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 11: Confrontation

With a confident, determined air, Senior Magemaster Crohn knocked on Lord Thorn's chamber door.

'Go away.' The voice from within sounded dull and lifeless, and Crohn looked at Dalquist with a worried expression. The Questor could tell the old tutor was in a quandary: to enter the Prelate's chamber uninvited would be considered a major breach of House protocol.

'This is Questor Dalquist, Lord Prelate,' the younger mage called. 'Senior Magemaster Crohn and I wish to discuss a matter of the highest importance.'

'Go away!' Thorn's voice now carried a tinge of peevish frustration. 'See Doorkeeper to arrange a meeting, and I will see you when I have the time. I am busy.'

Dalquist drew a deep breath, trying to steady his jangling nerves. 'This will not wait, Lord Prelate. We insist on seeing you. Or would you prefer that we shout what we know through the door, so that all in the House may hear?'

After a long pause, the door creaked open, and Dalquist felt shocked at what he saw. Lord Thorn's clothes were crumpled and stained. Dark rings like bruises surrounded his eyes, and his beard was unkempt and matted. Dalquist saw a wild profusion of papers and empty bottles scattered across the floor. The Prelate's normally ruddy face was the colour of parchment and dripping with perspiration.

'What is so urgent that you must disturb me during my meditation?' Thorn snarled, a thin tendril of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Crohn moved to stand at Dalquist's side. 'The unfortunate fate of Neophyte Erek Garan, Lord Prelate.'

Thorn's bloodshot eyes flitted around like maddened moths near a candle, and the young mage knew Crohn had managed to attract the Prelate's attention.

Thorn said, 'Senior Magemaster Crohn, I am surprised that you should choose this moment to rake over old coals. As I told you before, Senior Magemaster Urel was overzealous in his training of the boy. It was none of my doing. Now, go away and let me meditate in peace.'

The Prelate squeezed his eyes shut and moaned, 'My head aches so!'

The mighty ruler of Arnor House, a Seventh Rank Questor and a member of the High Lodge Presidium, sounded more like a petulant, whining child than an all-powerful mage, and Dalquist guessed the reason for the Prelate's dissolute state.

'You may find it easier to think clearly if you first relinquish whatever Geas or Compulsion spell you have cast on Questor Grimm, Lord Thorn,' he muttered, and Thorn's bloodshot eyes sprung open.

'I beg your pardon, Questor Dalquist!' the Prelate growled. 'Of what do you dare to accuse your Lord and Prelate, to whom you swore a solemn oath of allegiance? Have you been spying on me? If you have, I will have your Guild Ring, if not your head, before you can blink!'

Dalquist guessed that Thorn had mined deep into dwindling resources to retrieve a remnant of his former fire, but the Questor stood his ground.

'Bluster will avail you little, Lord Prelate,' he said. 'I have always been true to my sworn Oath, and I remain so.

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