
The nonsense word burst from Grimm, and the throne's contents shivered into insubstantial motes. He sank to his knees in the circular depression before the altar and stared at the gap surrounding the round centre stone, placing his palms flat on the stone. He remembered how Magemaster Crohn, during one of his long, tedious monologues on the various classifications of runic spells, had mentioned spells of Gathering, and their applications. Although the Magemaster had divulged no details of these enchantments, the principle seemed clear enough to him.

That was all a Mage Questor needed to cast any spell.

Blood, arise from the earth.

With his Mage Sight, Grimm followed the brown tendrils of life-essence as they snaked through the interstices of the bedrock beneath High Lodge.

Arise, and be free.

The young mage groaned as he felt the tortures and agonies visited upon the victims of Lizaveta's evil lust crowding in upon him, a score of voices screaming for release. Come!

A flurry of syllables flew from his lips, and a fine spray of brown dust began to fly from between the stones, showering over the grim chamber. Grimm sighed as the pressure of the spell was released, and he climbed to his feet.

'It's done,' he said, his voice hoarse. 'Lizaveta's finished here. Let's go. Guy, feel free to hunt around for trinkets, if you want. I have a mission to fulfill.'

'Where are you going, Grimm?' Numal asked.

'I'm going to see Lord Horin, Numal. If necessary, I'll smash the door down.'

Grimm looked at Guy's face, a picture of incomprehension, and he laughed at the popinjay mage's apparent discomfiture.

'Enjoy your treasure hunt, Guy,' he said. 'I'm sure you know best. I'm finished here. I have all the proof I need.'

'Wait a minute, Grimm,' Guy said, his expression almost friendly. 'If what you've said is true, I can't wait to see Lizaveta's face; I'm more than willing to take that chance. Besides, you might need a real Questor to help you. Horin doesn't let people into his chamber lightly.'

'Numal, we're saviours of the Guild now,' Grimm said. 'If being a part of this doesn't get you that first ring, I don't know what will.'

Numal looked dubious, but he nodded. 'All right, Grimm. I just hope you know what you're doing.'


With the invaluable aid of his borrowed Location Gem, Grimm found Lord Horin's private chamber with ease.

Two men-at-arms stood by the door, but they paid little attention to the approaching mages; rather, they seemed drawn by the sounds of a loud altercation from inside the room. The sentries seemed uncertain what to do, their jaws slack and their eyes wide.

'Better open up, boys,' Guy drawled. 'It sounds as if Lord Horin may be in danger.'

Flicking the least glance at the gaudily-attired mage, one of the guards, a grizzled, battle-scarred man rapped on the door.

'Lord Horin! Is everything well with you?'

'Get in here at once!' a voice from within screamed, and the guard opened the door. The two warriors stormed inside, followed closely by Grimm and Numal, while Guy remained outside, the hood of his robes pulled over his head.

Grimm saw a sumptuous room lying in complete disarray. Two tables lay on their sides, and broken glass and crockery littered the floor. In the centre of the chamber stood Lord Horin, his face flushed and his robe dishevelled, and Lizaveta lay sprawled at his feet.

The Dominie's mouth quivered for several moments before any sound came out. What emerged was a shriek of outrage.

'Get her out of here!' cried Horin. 'This filthy creature tried to beguile me by means of magic. She might have caused me to flout my sacred Oath, had I not managed to collect my wits in time!'

'Lord Horin, I beg you to reconsider!' Lizaveta pleaded, and, from the corner of his eye, Grimm looked over his right shoulder to see a broad smile spreading across Guy's face as he waited in the corridor. 'You always seemed so comfortable in my company before, and I found myself entranced by your commanding manner-'

Horin's sweaty face was the colour of an embarrassed beetroot, and his eyes bulged from their sockets. 'I command you to leave, witch! Guards, get her out of my sight!'

The guards seemed uncertain about just how to deal with a prostrate, pleading old lady, and Horin turned his eyes to Grimm and his companions.

'What are you two doing here?' he demanded.

Grimm sank onto one knee and bowed his head. 'Lord Horin, this woman is a witch who sought to gain control over you.'

As the guards dithered, Horin snapped, 'I know that!'

'My lord Dominie, my colleagues and I suspected her of foul magic. We located her chapel and base of power within the crypts of High Lodge. We destroyed it, fearing that you might be compromised. She was using the very structure of the Lodge and the captured souls of human sacrifices to augment her power. Here is one of the sordid fetishes she used to accomplish her evil deeds.'

Without raising his head, Grimm held out the bloody fragment of Madeleine's dress to the Lord Dominie. He did not need to look in order to know that Horin had touched it; the spastic tremble in the cloth was evidence enough that Horin had sensed the power within it. He looked up, to see a new fury rising in the Dominie's flushed face.

'You, outside the door!' Horin snapped. 'Do not skulk in the shadows; come in here at once!'

Guy bowed and entered the room, making the required obeisance. His hood still obscured his features.

'Is this true, Brother Mage?'

Guy nodded. 'Far be it for me to traduce a religious lady, Lord Dominie, but it is true in every respect. I was a part of this-'

'You are banished!' Horin screamed at Lizaveta. 'I want you and your filthy Order out of the Lodge by the morning, and you will visit any other Guild House only on pain of death. Count yourself fortunate that I do not blast you into a million fragments where you lie! You have twelve hours, and no more, to quit our demesnes. After that time, you and your loathsome Sisterhood will be declared Enemies of the Guild, subject to summary termination on sight by any servant or mage of this Guild.'

Lizaveta rose to her feet, all pretence of coquettish bewilderment abandoned. Slapping aside the hesitant, flapping hands of the guards, she faced the Dominie.

'Your hands felt like a brace of dead fish, Horin, and your pitiful fumbling bored me to the core. Enjoy your books, your papers and your cold baths. They are all the love you will ever know.' She blew a kiss towards the elder mage and strode to the door.

'Get out, before I change my mind and have you executed instead, witch!'

'As you command, Lord Dominie.' Lizaveta's cold eyes focused on Grimm's for a few heartbeats. 'You and I will meet again, young Afelnor; I prophesy it. I do not ignore a slight, as I once told you'

With that, she stormed from the room, her white robes fluttering like a dove's wings in her wake.

Horin motioned Grimm to stand. 'Young Questor: you have done me a signal service, and I thank you for it. I command that you be elevated to the Seventh Rank, and I would take it as a singular favour if you would accept a position on my staff as my personal Questor, the first such accolade to be bestowed. I will not see such selfless service to the Guild go unrewarded.'

Grimm, although suffused by the joy of triumph, considered his response with care. 'Is it permitted to refuse, Lord Dominie?' he asked.

Horin's brows rose. 'You refuse the seventh ring?'

'No, Lord Dominie, far from it. It is a prize beyond my wildest dreams, and I thank you for your bounty from

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