'Course not. Have a good time.' Annie gave Wade a funny look and Brenda saw him wink at her. But she didn't have time to fret about that. Her father came out and made a big fuss about her leaving. He wanted her to phone him every night so he'd know where they were. Wade pretended not to be irritated by this prudish demand. As soon as they were away, he grabbed her thigh and squeezed merrily.

'Maybe I oughta call him up and tell him how far my cock is inside you every night.'

'That's awful, Wade.' But his words made Brenda shiver. Yes, it wouldn't be long. Wouldn't be long until her thighs were opening for that heavy, hot cock that grew from her uncle's body. She could almost feel it wedging between her slick, feverish cuntlips.

At noon they got to their first stop. Wade talked to a few dealers in the town of Ashbury and then drove out of town to a place in the country. It was an estate owned by a pretty widow who met them at the door. She introduced her two nephews, identical twins in their teens who didn't attempt to hide their appreciation of Brenda's body. By now she'd shucked off her shirt and jeans and was clad in just the skimpy halter top and the blue shorts. Her long blond hair tumbled luxuriously over her shoulders. She was looking her best and the boys seemed to know this instinctively. They eyed her uncle with obvious suspicion. Their aunt, whose name was Lydia, made them return to their chores.

'I have a barnful of old goodies for you this time, Wade,' Lydia said. 'And I want you both to stay with us tonight. I won't take no for an answer.'

Brenda was given a room upstairs, much to her disappointment. She'd been hoping for a nice private motel. A place where Wade could take her on more sex-trips, could teach her things about her body she still hadn't learned. It was disappointing too to see that Wade had been given a room at the opposite end of the hall from hers. A room very close to Lydia's room. At once Brenda began to wonder if Lydia and Wade had something going.

Lydia certainly seemed familiar with Wade. Her dark eyes sparkled whenever she looked at him. She had black shiny hair that was almost as long as Brenda's. And her body was very voluptuous. Her breasts large and soft looking. Brenda was feeling like the awkward little girl again. Just when she'd begun to gather a little confidence. Just when her uncle had been about to turn her into a real woman.

At supper that evening things seemed a little strained. The twins, Jed and Jack made Brenda's skin glow. They had dark brown eyes like their mother and knew how to use them on a girl. Their curly brown heads were turning her way often during the meal and Brenda was surprised that their aunt didn't notice how obvious her nephews were in their adoration. But maybe she had noticed. There was something strange going on, Brenda felt. It wasn't until after supper that she found out just exactly what.

Lydia had put on some music in the front room and opened the liquor cabinet. Wade had taken a few minutes to slip out to the big barn where Lydia stored the antiques she gathered. While Brenda was alone in the room, Jed and Jack came in. Jed immediately asked her to dance and she shrugged and agreed. But Jack was on them immediately, cutting in, pulling Brenda against him.

'How old are you?' she asked, surprised by his boldness. Jack told her that he and his brother were both eighteen. They'd been living with their aunt for five years. 'I imagine you both are quite close to her,' Brenda added. The look she got from Jack made her feel very strange. It said that Jack and Jed were more than just close to their aunt. But then Brenda scolded herself for jumping to conclusions. Her imagination was too heated up from thinking about Wade.

Wade came back and Lydia presented herself, coming down the stairs in a silky red dress that reached to her ankles. Wade danced with her and though Brenda knew that he did have to talk business and all, she was miffed. She didn't have time to stay miffed for very long. Jed kept bringing her drinks… or was it Jack? Both of them were pressing her, complimenting her, taking her breath away. They were very young and eager to please. And their good looks and laughing eyes eased her mind quickly. Brenda decided to go along with the evening. After all, she was away from her father. And she was having a good time too.

'Wanta see the blue room?' Jack asked. She'd finally found a way to distinguish between the two.

'What's in the blue room?'

'Aunt Lydia fixed it all up. It's supposed to be the bedroom of a countess.' Jack shrugged. 'Somebody famous I guess. It's neat.'

Since Wade seemed occupied with Lydia, Brenda nodded yes to the young man's offer. Her uncle was looking at a piece of furniture in the dining room, Lydia hovering near. Brenda saw the woman touch his shoulder with her long nails. She felt the angry heat of jealousy rise within her but tried to shake it away. She was a guest here tonight. She couldn't go making a scene.

As Brenda followed Jack upstairs, she noticed that he was taking the bottle of scotch along. Brenda already felt a little loaded from the few drinks she'd had. They went down a long hall toward the room Lydia had assigned her. The next door to it opened with a key Jack pulled from his pocket.

The shaded glow from a table lamp illuminated the room. Brenda felt as if she'd just walked into a roped-off area of a museum. A canopy bed with long curtains, priceless furniture and a thick, antique carpet heightened the effect. There was something very sensual about the decor. Brenda felt it immediately. It made her sexy just to stand there. Jack took a swig from the scotch and held it out to her. She was about to shake her head but took the bottle anyway. It felt warm going down her throat.

'Lydia sleeps here sometimes,' Jack said. 'Sometimes Jed and I stay with her.'

If the words had been intended to shock Brenda, they worked just fine. She drank more scotch and handed the bottle back. Jack couldn't get her to meet his eyes.

'My aunt is quite a woman,' Jack added. He was a little drunk. 'She's taught me everything I know.'

'And Jed too?'

'Oh sure. We work as a team.' Jack was very close to her. When his hand eased around Brenda's waist, she wanted to pull away. But she felt like showing this little upstart that she wasn't swept away by all his bragging. He was probably lying anyway. Brenda let him nuzzle her. It felt good to her too. She wasn't even aware that Jack's twin brother had slipped into the room until she heard the door close.

'What…?' The boys were upon her like wolves. She was being sandwiched between them, hugged by them, kissed by them. While Jed worked his teeth into the nape of her neck, Jack was nuzzling the top of one breast with his mouth. She whimpered weakly, trying to struggle against the voluptuous feelings. But they knew exactly how to get to a girl, and how to do it quick!

But who did they think they were? What an impudent pair they were! Brenda grabbed Jed's wrist as he petted the lower part of her belly. Jack was feeling of her ass and she caught his wrist too. But that left two more hands and the twins weren't wasting any time.

'Stop… ohhh, you two are awful! What would your aunt say if she knew?' The laughter which answered her made Brenda realize she'd asked the wrong question. And Jed was wasting no time getting the zipper of her shorts loose. She twisted wildly, trying to extricate herself from their warm, masculine squeeze. A warm, eager palm slid inside her shorts then, petting down over her bare belly to the skimpy red panties she'd put on that morning. The panties she'd chosen to present herself to her uncle. And now a strange boy's fingers were digging at the dainty crotchband, pushing the damp silk up into her crevice.

'Nhhhooo!' she gasped, feeling the panic like a knife.

'Get her on the bed,' Jack breathed to his brother. Jed pushed her toward the ornate, canopied antique while Jack bent her arms up behind her back. They bent her over the edge of the mattress and Brenda felt her shorts being skinned down. She took a lungful of air to scream but Jack shoved her face down in the covers. Jed was kissing the white flesh of her bottom as he eased her panties down inch by teasing inch.

'It won't do any good to yell,' Jack told her.

'Anyway, you're gonna enjoy this.'

'How can a girl enjoy rape?' Brenda hissed, twisting furiously. Her panties were halfway down her thighs now as she was rolled over. Jed had gotten himself undressed, somehow and the sight of his tan, naked body made Brenda gasp. He held her now as Jack shed his clothes. They smelled of soap and peppermint and scotch. They were like well-practiced athletes as they continued their attack.

Jed held her ankles, forced her legs apart. She was groaning and crying, her ass perched on the edge of the bed. Jack knelt on the floor, his head between her thighs. His tongue went into her like a soft, wet knife. She arched her back and fought for breath.

'Ohhhh God, what are you doing to me? For God's sak…'

'Mmm, she smells great,' Jed whispered, licking her ankle. 'Can't we both do it to her at the same time?'

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