'She says she's trying to get rid of all of Alba's come,' he said. 'Seems he wanted to test her out before he got her down to Monterrey. She didn't like it a bit, even though it had been weeks since she'd had a fuck ith anything but her tamer.'

'Her what?' Gloria asked.

'Oh, it's a little gadget a lot of Apache women use,' he explained. 'They call it the 'woman tamer.' It's just a strip or two of rawhide, braided together with a knot in the end. It looks sort of like a prick and they use it on themselves when they ain't getting enough from their men. Get one of them up you and you can have a wild time of it for sure!'

'My God, you make her sound almost as bad as me!' Gloria exclaimed. 'I believe that you have a positive talent for finding the most depraved, immoral women in the whole world, Dick Logan!'

'If half of what she told me is true,' he said, 'then she might be in a class with you, I'll agree with that much of what you said!'

'Do you know, this might turn out to be a very interesting trip,' Gloria murmured thoughtfully. 'You remember when we were talking about a third party? Someone else to help us do all those things that made me so excited? I was assuming that the third person would be a man but now I'm beginning to alter my thinking! I wonder if she'd want to cooperate with us in making some of those dreams come true?'

'I know a good way to find out,' he said, and he launched off into another harangue in Apache.

Gloria's barely suppressed excitement had transmitted itself to Logan and, as he talked to the girl, his prick began to lengthen and swell. Gloria watched the tool transform itself and gather sensual strength; her own pussy throbbed and ached unmercifully as she watched him get harder and bigger. Unable to restrain herself, she waded closer to him and began caressing the big tool. Her hand caught on the foreskin and she lathered him thoroughly, making it much easier to slide her fist up and down the prick's swelling shaft. Logan continued to talk with Lita while Gloria fistfucked him into a huge erection. Lita's black eyes were rivetted to his cock and it was plain to see that she too was becoming more and more affected by the display of blatant, raw sexuality. When she and Logan had finished their dialogue his cock stood out proudly and had reached its full, immense length and girth.

'She says that she's had plenty of fucks with men and that she's gotten real fond of eating pussy,' Logan interpreted, 'but never both at the same time. She's all for giving it a try, though; she says she'd really love to try sucking a white woman's pussy! So I guess you've got yourself a partner if you're really interested in trying it out!'

'My God, it's actually happening!' Gloria muttered. 'All those things we talked about, they're coming true! Oh, Dick, I'm so excited I don't know what to do! Mmm, I want to fuck and suck and do everything all at once!''

'We've got lots of time,' he told her. 'And I think she's about like you-she's ready to try almost anything. Suppose we get all this soap off'n us and get up on the blankets.1' We'll just spend the afternoon here and see what all kinds of mischief we can get into! '

Gloria felt a small tug at her heart when she realized that she would in effect be sharing her man with another woman. But then she told herself that Logan was not 'her' man, that they were only travelling companions and had made no permanent arrangements.

'I can see that I'm going to have to share you,' she said, 'but curiously enough that doesn't bother me so much. Odd; I'd have been mad with jealousy if Henry had so much as looked at another woman! Now, on the other hand, I can imagine you fucking her, shooting come into her cunt, and I think I'd actually revel in sucking you after you'd taken your cock out of her! Mmm, or maybe if I were to lick your come out of her pussy! My God, Dick, 1 think I could do almost anything! Would you ask her if she'd like to suck my pussy.' I think I'd like that, especially if you were to fuck me in the mouth at the same time! Oohh, what a wild, wonderful idea!'

Logan put the question to Lita and got a decided grunt of approval from her. She added a few phrases in Apache and Logan laughed with delight.

'She says she'd love to suck you off,' he said, 'and she'll show you how to use her tamer too. Looks like you ve made yourself a new friend!'

Gloria went over to Lita, tentative but determined; they embraced and kissed. Lita's trim, almost boyish figure was a dramatic contrast to Gloria's voluptuous opulence. She was short and the top of her head barely came up to Gloria's shoulder. By flexing her knees only slightly Lita was able to get her lips onto Gloria's nipples and she began kissing the fiery cones into even more fervent life.

'Omigod, she's really making me hot!' Gloria marvelled. 'Mmm, I can feel my pussy throbbing; when she starts sucking me I'll come right off, I know I'll come right away!'

She lowered herself to the blanket and Lita followed her down. The Indian girl slowly worked her lips from Gloria s breasts down to her belly, then lower still. She kissed her way around the patch of curly brown hair and covered Gloria's thighs with wet, smacking kisses. Gloria writhed about on the blanket, obviously ready to be eaten. Logan knelt at her head and offered her the head of his cock; she readily accepted it and began sucking at a furious pace. Lita looked up in surprise and uttered a question. Logan gave a short reply and laughed.

'She wanted to know if I was really going to fuck you in the mouth,' he said. 'She's never heard of doing it this way. I told her that you were, that you really liked the taste of come.'

'Mmm-mrnm!' Gloria enthusastically grunted.

Lita watched her suck Logan's prick for a moment and then bent her face down between Gloria's thighs. She put her lips to the woman's pussy, already dripping wet and flame-hot with lusly fever, and sucked up the loose flesh. Her teeth closed over the lips of Gloria's pussy and gently bit the highly inflamed flaps, bringing convulsive grunts and explosive hip-movements to the woman's body.

'Agghh! She's sucking my cunt out!' Gloria cried out, temporarily releasing her grasp of Logan's cock and tossing her head from side to side as the feeling mounted higher in her loins. 'She's tonguing me so deep I can't hold it back; I've got to come! Owwww! Aiiieee!'

Logan watched in wonder as Lita sucked the climax from her cunt. Gloria reached down to press the girl's head tighter against her pussy and she began humping her loins into the,girl's face with quick, jerky motions. She grunted loudly and clenched her thighs around Lita's head.

'Unngghh! Oooohh! She's fucking me with her tongue; she's got it in my cunt, in my asshole; she's all over me! Owww, she's biting my clitty! Ahhh! I'm coming, I'm coming now! I can't stop coming; she's making me come all over and I'll never stop coming!'

Gloria was flinging her head from side to side in her deep agony and Logan dared not try putting his cock back into her mouth under those conditions. He contented himself with watching Lita suck her into a long, howling climax. When the storms had at last worked their way out of her cunt she fell back with a hearty sigh. Lita, greedy and determined, continued to lick and suck at her exhausted pussy.

'Ooohh, stop, I can't take it any more,' Gloria whimpered, reaching down to pull the girl's head up. 'Lie next to me, darling; let me kiss my cunt and come off your lips! Mmm, you're covered with it!'

Lita's handsome face was indeed covered with her climactic juices and Gloria kissed her hungrily. They continued to kiss and rub their bodies against each other and gradually Gloria felt her desire awakening anew. She moved down slightly, enough to bring her lips to bear on the girl's breasts; Lita was only too willing to thrust one of the firm, hot-tipped mounds into her mouth. At the same time Gloria darted a hand between the girl's thighs and began manipulating the lips of her pussy.

'Wah-ki-toh!' Lita sighed, arching her back so as to press her pussy even harder against Gloria's hand.

'.'She says that's good,' Logan muttered. 'She likes the way you fingerfuck!'

'Mmm, I only hope I can eat pussy well enough to please her,' Gloria panted. 'But I suppose if I do to her what you do to me, that ought to do the trick, wouldn't you think?'

'I don't see why not,' Logan said. 'Why don't you bend over her and get started? I'll see if I can't work my cock into that cunt of yours! '

'Ahh, to be fucked while I'm getting my first taste of pussy,' Gloria said with relish. 'That's enough to guarantee that I'll love it! All right, Dick, as soon as I get between her legs you shove that cock up my cunt-we'll have it every way possible!'

He explained to Lita what he intended doing and the girl flashed him a lewd, excited grin. When Gloria knelt between her thighs, the Indian swung her legs high, lifting them and pulling them back until her knees were rubbing into her nipples. This elevated her rump and brought her pussy into full view. It was a small-lipped organ, exquisitely shaped and dark with lusty passion. Traces of wetness glinted in the small, petal-like lips. Gloria sniffed the slit, inhaling deeply, and found that the scent of fresh, hot pussy was extremely invigorating. When she bent

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