herself conflicted with the carefully developed sense of propriety that told her unequivocally that for her to continue would be something shameful.

But she continued.

An electric thrill shot through her entire body as her right forefinger touched the simmering entrance to her steamy pussy. Still hesitating, though, she paused, allowing her finger to explore the silky texture of her throbbing triangle.

But after a few moments she could no longer stand it. Without any more hesitation, she plunged her finger deep into the yielding warmth of her cunt, driving it wildly as far in as she could reach, feeling with a rush of excitement the sensation of the probing, prodding member as it sought to explore the hungry chamber that had been so neglected until now.

In and out she began to drive it, stabbing her cunt with growing excitement, grinding and gyrating her hips to give maximum penetration, letting the probe dart here and there within the sticky recesses of her honeypot.

'Mmmmm…' she moaned, her tongue unconsciously licking her lips until they glistened.

Harder and harder she massaged her straining cunt, and without realizing what was happening her other hand made its way up until it was firmly cupped on her left breast.

The fleshy orb seemed to jump in her grasp, so sensitive had it become, and Lisa found herself straining with both her cunt and her tits to get as much from her hands as she could.


This second moan escaped her lips without Lisa even noticing it. Harder and harder her finger plunged into her sticky cunt.

Her clit was beginning to swell now, the ripe, pulsing button growing larger and larger with each stroke. Instinctively Lisa began to focus her attention there, tracing light circles around the sensitive organ then flicking back and forth across it with growing relish.

Deep within her cunt Lisa felt something growing. Like a white-hot coal, the growing knot within her started to build. Almost imperceptible at first, the heat began to grow, rising higher and higher within her.

Suddenly, with a certainty that surprised her, Lisa realized what was happening. She was going to come!


Faster and faster she plunged her finger into her pulsing, writhing pussy, pulling the fire within her closer and closer to the surface.

Wildly, almost out of control, she began to strain upward, clawing and writhing up from the bed until her hips were a full foot above the sheets.

But she was oblivious to everything now except the pulsing, churning presence within her cunt. Her hand offered him resistance until finally, in a wrenching, building spasm, she felt the bubbling heat inside her begin to boil over.

Then her entire crotch seemed to melt to pure butter as a string of explosions racked her hungry, quivering pussy and sent waves of hot cum spilling out over her hand and onto the sheet beneath her.

But she didn't stop.

For a full thirty seconds she continued, churning and spewing her juices with all the pent-up bury that her frustrated life had left her with.

Then, finally, it was over.

Lisa was tired. She didn't know how she felt about what she had just done, but right now it didn't matter.

She was exhausted.

Her eyes closed and she slept.


The next day was Friday, which meant that Beth and Lisa would be able to close the library at nine o'clock instead of eleven. This fact, combined with a continuing feeling, of satisfaction over her experience in the special collection room the night before, was more than enough to put Beth in an exceptional mood. Lisa, on the other hand, was even more pensive than normal.

'What's the matter with you?' Beth asked, keeping a smile on her face so as not to antagonize Lisa.


'Come on, you haven't said two words all afternoon.'

'Maybe I just don't want to talk,' Lisa replied, plunging back into her book.

'All right, all right. Sorry I asked.' Beth could tell that she wasn't going to get anywhere like this, so she wandered off to straighten up some of the stacks.

At the desk Lisa was angry with herself for being so rude to Beth. It just wasn't like her to be like this, but ever since last night there had been a hot smoldering anger inside her that she couldn't understand. But still, she thought, I shouldn't take it all out on Beth. Even if I don't like her there's no point in acting like that.

'Feeling better?' Beth asked as she returned, her green eyes smiling brightly. In her own mind she was vaguely surprised at the patience, and concern she was feeling for Little Miss Stuffy today.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so obnoxious before. I just don't feel much like talking,' Lisa said sincerely.

'That's all right. Hey…' Beth said as a thought suddenly occurred to her, 'what're you doing after we get off tonight?'

'Nothing,' Lisa replied cautiously.

'Good. Then why don't you come with me; I'm going to a party.'

'Oh, I don't think.'

'Come on, you never do anything. You need to get out and meet some people. Really.'

'Well,' Lisa began, obviously wavering.

'Well nothing come on. Right after we close up here we'll go. I guarantee you'll like it.'

'All right,' Lisa agreed, not without trepidation. She could imagine what kind of party it might be, and the thought raised goosebumps on her arms and legs.

Beth, looking at Lisa, was suddenly flooded with misgivings. What had she done? Christ, Little Miss Stuffy at a real party? This could definitely turn out to be a real drag.

As she sat in the front seat of Beth's car on the way to the party, Lisa was distinctly nervous. On the one hand she was definitely excited about the prospect of meeting new people. But she was concerned about whether or not she would fit in with Beth's friends, or indeed whether or not she would even want to fit in with Beth's friends.

But there was one thing which she was certain about, and that was that she didn't want to remain a virgin much longer. Even to think about it made her more nervous, but after last night she knew that she was going through a period of change within herself, and tonight would be as good a time as any to start getting herself together and leave behind the hangups and restrictions that she had placed on herself for so long.

'All right, we're here,' Beth announced as she pulled into a parking lot beside a rather plush garden apartment complex, complete with two swimming pools, terraces, and perfectly manicured grounds.

Much to her surprise, Lisa found the people at the party to be open, friendly, and not at all difficult to get along with. And the real dividend was that there were no less than three good looking, unattached men who seemed to be interested in the friend that Beth had brought along with her. Of these, there was one in particular who caught Lisa's imagination.

His name was Dave Reese, and by the time Lisa had downed her third daiquiri they were becoming fast friends. As they stood on the terrace with their drinks, away from the rest of the crowd, Lisa could feel herself building to a warm excitement that she didn't quite understand.

It whs much like last night when she was in bed.

Just thinking about last night caused her crotch to start tingling with excitement. She shivered slightly and

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