'Nhhuhhhh, Benji! Benji!'

'Oh God, you're so soft inside! It's hard not to come.'

'Don't do it! Not yet, darling!'

They kissed furiously, Lori's nails cutting into the skin of her cousin's shoulders. When he tried to pump her, she dug into his ass cheeks too and made him stop.

'I just want to feel it so deep inside my pussy!' she breathed.

Beth was on her knees behind the table. As she watched she thought of her lost young lover. It was obvious that her nephew Benji was a much better lover than that tennis-playing beginner. And wasn't it odd that she was comparing the two of them rather than reeling with shame at what she was observing? Or was it just too good not to watch.

Benji was doing something different now. He had pulled Lori's heels back up until they almost touched the underside of her ass. Then he pushed her bent knees outward, splitting her wider. Holding his body up, he eased his cock out of her hole so slowly that Beth could hear every fold of her daughter's body slipping away from that hard, hot shaft. She saw Benji's prick shining with its glossy coating of girl juice now. Inch by inch it was being stripped out until even the head was visible. Now Lori's pussy tightened, opened and closed as it sucked after disappearing pleasure. She pumped her hips up from the bed. Beth could see the darkened membranes, the slippery drip of her lubrication. Fringing her wet wound was the delicate fluff of curly brown hair. The same exact shade as what tumbled over her shoulders in softer, finer hanks.

Beth had never thought of a pussy being beautiful. But watching her own daughter stretched so wide she quicky rearranged her prejudices. The warm, swollen mounds on either side of her crevice were lovely. And now as Benji eased his bulging glans completely out of Lori's cunt, the girl squirmed more hungrily against the mattress.

'Uhhh, put it in again! Ohhh this is the most wonderful torture I've ever had!'

Benji smiled, delighted that he was doing something right. He pushed his cocktip against the tumid folds and gave a quick little shove with his hips. There was a soft sound as his crown penetrated the dripping membranes. Holding just the tip of his prick inside her, he began to lick her nipples, each in turn.

Lori went half crazy. She wriggled like a snake, cried half words that strung together in what seemed to be a kind of erotic poem.

'Fuhhh… ohhhh, shit, Benji, it's so gohhhh dammmmmmmmmn gooooood!'

Her knees were still bent and she dug her heels viciously into the mattress as her cousin teased her. Using only the head of his cock again, he slipped it up along her slit until he could rub her clit. The smacking slurpy sound as he did this with agonizing slowness made Beth's mouth go dry. She found herself lusting after that wonderful looking penis! It was much bigger than Ron's. And now that she felt she'd taken a small one into her body, she wondered if she were woman enough to take something like Benji's.

'I must be losing my mind,' Beth said to herself. But the desire was there. She could easily imagine herself stretched under Benji. She could imagine him teasing her dripping pussy with his cocktip.

'Benjeeeeee!' Lori cried, pumping her pert, plump ass like a wildcat. She was actually fucking herself on her cousin's prick. She was squirming down against it as he held back to make her beg.

'Now!' Lori flung her head back and forth on the pillow. 'Ohhhhh now, Benji! Now!'

Beth's mouth fell open. She was entranced by the beauty of the two young people. Her daughter and nephew! As Lori's belly heaved and then sucked sharply under her ribcage, Benji stabbed deep with his cock. It went straight into Lori's body and the girl clutched frantically at her cousin's ass to keep it there. But he quickly pulled it out again until only the dark blue glans rested at the edge of her opening.

'Yaaahhhhhhh!' she groaned, her ass bucking. Benji penetrated her to the hilt once again and Lori's small feet pedaled jerkily in the air as her clit was ground down under the hilt of her cousin's body. Beth could hardly watch it was so erotic. She pushed a finger under her dress and between her hair-fringed lips. This time her thumb went in easily. She plunged it in and out as she squatted there behind the table. As she thumb-fucked herself, a steady drip of her juices made dark dots on the concrete between her bare feet.

'Benji, Benji, Benji, Benji!' Lori grunted the word every time the boy speared her again. A steady, unrelenting rhythm echoed through the open glass door to the balcony. Beth kept the same rhythm with her thumb.

'Lori… God, you're getting tighter inside. It's real spongy and soft. But tight!'

'Cause I'm gonna commmmme!'

Beth had never seen anything like it. It was as if Lori had suddenly gone mad. She gave a banshee scream and began to nip and bite at Benji's shoulders and neck. She half rolled him over as she attacked him with every bit of strength she had left. The movements of her ass were vicious and unrelenting. And Benji fought back just as frantically. The bed thumped under their wildness. Benji's cock slid in and out of his cousin's pussy as he rammed and stabbed at her. Beth could see the slick gloss smeared over both their bellies.



'Lori, Jeeeeesus!'

'Ohhh bite me, hurt me a little!'

The slapping sound of their bodies coming together again and again made Beth start to whimper. She had her thumb up inside her as far as it would go but felt that it wasn't really big enough. She lusted shamefully after that turgid, hot shaft that was being shoved deep into Lori's body over and over and over again. She was getting off on watching her own daughter fucked.

Benji reached a point where his face tightened in the agony of spurting pleasure that would be the end for him. Lori felt his shudder and hurried, squirming like a mink under the rigid boy.

'Yeeeessssss!' she gasped, fingers curled into small fists against Benji's back. Her belly was pulled in hard and her thighs clasped her cousin's body as she ground out her pleasure in time to frantic little cries from deep in her throat.

'Uh! Ohhh! Nhhuhh! Whhhuuhh!' And then it was over, the two magnificent young people kissing in a last quiver of ecstasy. At the very end, Lori straightened her pretty legs and her toes pointed like a ballet dancer's. Then another little tremble went through her and she collapsed completely under her cousin's body. Her eyes were heavy and happy. Her mouth had the softest, sweetest smile on it that Beth had ever seen.

'I want him,' Beth breathed to herself. 'I want my nephew.' She crawled away down the balcony to Cal's room and staggered into the cool darkness. Her eyes were dazzled from the sunlight and she felt strangely displaced. But she wouldn't have Ronny any more to give her some sort of satisfaction. Would she have the guts to seduce her very own nephew? Would she dare to try and fit that larger cock of his up into her abnormally small pussy? But Ron had stretched her a little. So it was just a question of morality. Could she, as Benji's aunt, actually go so far as inviting him to go at her with everything he had. Beth ran her long fingers over her body.

Yes, she could do that. She had to do that. Or go mad.


'I mean I just wanted you to know that I understand your problems. Cal.' Tanya stirred her drink nervously. 'I'm sympathetic. What I mean to say is…' She stopped and looked down. It was so damned hard talking about it. Because she was really hiding what she wanted to say. Cal smiled across the table at her.

'I don't know what Beth has told you but I'd just as soon not discuss it. It brings me down. I just want to enjoy this moment with you. I've been needing to relax with someone who's easy to be around.' He looked into her eyes. 'Someone female.'

Tanya lost her cool just enough to blush.

'I didn't mean to get some big uptight discussion going about your marriage, I just wanted you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to I'll be available.' What Tanya had wanted to say was that she'd be available for anything if he'd only ask. Cal was married to a cousin. But he hadn't tried the blonde one yet.

'Want to dance?' Cal asked. Tanya almost spilled her drink getting up.

They clung to each other and moved in the shadows at the edge of the dance floor. There wasn't much of a

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