Lori turned the key in the door and groped her way across the room. It was easy to find the bed. She reached out to touch her cousin's bare leg. A jolt of pleasure made her gasp with delight. She hadn't realized just how horny she was. She smoothed her palm up and down his thigh, shivering with the knowledge of the naughty thing she was doing. Her own cousin! Not that she hadn't had her share of fantasies about him. He was a nice kid. Handsome. Pretty sexy. But her surprise came then as her palm accidentally strayed to his crotch. He was naked in the bed and his cock jumped to her touch.

'Ohhhh,' she breathed, careful to disguise the sound. Benji's cock was big! She guessed seven inches. It was lovely and hard and long. She felt dizzy from wanting it. With another sigh she put her face down against his thigh and started kissing him. In an instant Lori realized the suppressed emotions she had inside her. All these years she'd hidden her hunger from her boring steady date. Now she knew that she had longed to suck a male cock! She had longed to do unnamable things and have them done to her. Free at last from Jim Hanson's prudish code, she felt like an animal who'd been freed from a cage.

'God, Tanya… Ohhh, God!'

She was nuzzling in the soft sack of his balls. Her nose pressed the slippery eggs around as she kissed him again and again. The sensation was totally new to her and she was breathless, her skin washed with sexy tingles. She began to lick the underside of his shaft as he lay there on his back. She lapped at him like a cat on cream. Benji pitched in the bed, his hands touching her hair now.

'Tanya! Tanya!'

That heavy shape felt so hot, so smooth. She could trace the veins with the tip of her tongue. She traced them up to where his glans bulged out sharply. Then she continued to swath the sensitive surface with hot spit. Benji was gasping, pumping his hips. And Lori realized that she was about to do something she'd only dreamed of doing before. She was going to slip her lips around his prick and suck it!

'Ohhhhh!' her cousin sighed as his flared crown went between her teeth. She smacked at it noisily. The spit ran down her chin. Her breath was hot against Benji's flesh. He smoothed her hair as she suckled at him like a hungry piglet at a nipple. And she was hungry. She took the unbelievable shape of his cock deeper into her mouth. She'd never felt anything like that… ever! It was so spongy and soft at the tip. But there was a firmness below the sponginess. She pushed the tip of her tongue hard against his glans and felt him stiffen. He held his breath as she explored the blood-packed knob with teasing, curious licks. Then she made a strong suction with her cheeks and once again took him very deep.

'Yaaaaagghhhuuuuh!' Benji cried, flopping around under her. She was on her knees between his legs, bent over so that the curtain of her hair tickled his belly and thighs. His prick was so stiff now! She was aware that if she kept on like that she might not have the fun she planned.

'What's happening?' Benji gasped in surprise when she took her mouth away and stood up beside the bed. The sound of her clothes coming off answered him. She dropped everything in a pile on the rug and shivered there in the darkness. Her nakedness made a new fire burst up between her thighs. She raked a finger in her juicy crevice and smeared it under her nose. She remembered doing that as a child once. And now that she was free from Jim Hanson, she could do it again. The musky smell made her clench her teeth. Her eyes had adjusted a little to the darkness. It was still too dark to discern much, but she could see the dim outline of Benji's prick throbbing up against his belly. It glistened with her spit.

'Let's fuck, Tanya,' Benji said.

Lori didn't know why she got down on her hands and knees on the floor. She only followed the powerful instincts that seemed so overpowering. The emotions and desires that had burst from the dam she'd created inside her all these years. Benji hovered over her, reached out to touch her back. Then he was kissing her there, rubbing the firm, round swells of her buttocks. She gave a soft whimper of lust, hoping that Tanya whimpered in somewhat the same way. Benji was too wrapped up in what he was about to do to discover anything important.

'Uhhhh,' she gasped, not so afraid to keep quiet now. Benji had accepted her. She was female. And that was obviously the most important thing.

His fingers went between her thighs and she opened them, moving her knees wider on the rug. He touched her mound, rubbed the swollen lips open. Lori had never felt anything so sexy in her life! She realized just how inexperienced and protected she'd become.

'Hhhuhh,' she groaned, pumping her ass as her cousin pressed a finger down along her clit. The bulging nub of dripping flesh extended against his touch. He made slow circles around it and then pushed it down again. She clicked her teeth together and her toes fanned from the excitement.

'God, this is so much fun, Aunt Tanya.'

'Whhuuhhh! Nhhuuhhh!'

'I never did it like this before.' He touched his cock up between her thighs. His finger stroked her crevice steadily. The slick sound of her folds clasping around his knuckles was driving Lori half mad with want. That feverish cocktip was only inches from her dripping pussy. She pumped her hips again. Then she reached her hand back under her body, back between her legs. She took the heavy meat gingerly in her fingers and guided it up, pressed it between her inner folds. The velvety flesh squirted apart and her sex butter spread over the head. Benji trembled. He jabbed his hips, trying to spear her pussy. But it was a difficult angle. She had to help him, had to let her back curve sharply downward so her pussy was lined up at the right angle.

'Ohhhh shit,' he moaned, pumping at her now that his cock had slipped into the tight circle of muscles. She squeezed down with her sphincter, clasping him behind the glans. Benji shuddered again and spread sloppy kisses across her back and shoulders.

Then he was pumping furiously, trying to bury himself deeper. The size of his cock was absolutely exhilarating. Lori figured that she'd never been properly fucked. It was so tight going in. It rubbed the sides of her pussy, stretching them, tickling them in a way that made her want to scream with joy. Her opening squeezed and relaxed with a steady rhythm. She was milking at that rigid thing already, wanting its potent sap. But first she wanted to come!

'Whhhooo,' she sighed.

'Is it good?' Benji asked.

'Ssshhhhh.' She couldn't have him asking her questions. She just couldn't let him find out who she was at a time like this.

His fingers grasped her hips, pulling her ass back against his lunging, frantic fucking. The effect was immediate. Lori tossed her trim bottom up and down. Then she was making quick circles as her cousin rooted deeper with the knobby, hot head of his cock. Her insides caught at him. Her head dangled weakly between her arms as she felt her pussy inflamed with the blood that pounded through her loins. She was being fucked! Really fucked!

The slick slap of their bodies together made her cry out again. Her clit was jutting out from her body like a hungry finger. And though it was in no direct contact with her cousin's body, the stretch of her membranes from the fucking was exciting the steamy slick nubbin. But Lori caught Benji's wrist just the same and guided his finger around the front of her thigh and down against her slit. He began to rub her clit with a rhythm that was only half of that he used to spear her pussy. Lori almost choked on the joyous surge of pleasure she felt.

'Huuhhh… ohhhh, yeessss!' she babbled, not caring anymore whether Benji found out who she was. 'Ohhhh fuck me!'

'Tanya?' he gasped, still fucking her with furious, frantic jabs. 'You sound… weird.'

'Uhhhhh! Benjeeeee!' she cried, falling forward as her arms crumpled. She felt the teasing itch of her climax build to maddening proportions. The whole underside of her young body was a storm of pleasure. She couldn't move fast enough, couldn't get to the core of the itch! Benji was stretched along her back now, plunging against her soft ass as his cock ravished her hole. As he took her up, in a swirling storm of ecstasy.

Her pussy tightened down on him as she came. Benji hesitated as her muscles squeezed his cocktip. Then he shuddered and speared so deep that Lori felt her womb pushed up deeper inside her belly. She pounded the floor with her fists and babbled. Now Benji had his rhythm slowed so that his cum squirted into her with agonizing slowness. He made noises like someone was torturing him. But Lori knew that her tight, hot pussy was making it especially good for him. She felt a surge of pride and happiness as her climax continued with weaker tremors of pleasure. She was giddy with happiness. She had never know such release. Such energy! She lay her head against the rug and cried for joy.

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