6. The novel has several red herrings. Were you misled by any of these? Were you able to guess “who done it,” or did the author surprise you? If you were surprised, who did you think was the murderer, and what was his or her motive?
7. How does the weather reflect the atmosphere inside Waverley Court?
8. How important is the Christmas holiday season to the story? How would the story have been different if set in a different season?
10. Discuss the author’s use of humor in the book. Is humor ever appropriate to a murder mystery?
12. In what ways do you think Sarah’s future will be altered by the events of this book?

G. M. Malliet has worked as a journalist and copywriter for national and international news publications and public broadcasters. She attended Oxford University and holds a graduate degree from the University of Cambridge-the setting for the St. Just mysteries.