'It's over now.'
'So the Exterminationists win?'
'Tell me. It's all right. I can hear. I can understand.'
'There is no kzin rebellion. And the Exterminationists have had a blow. They've lost Jocelyn. She was their most powerful figure. Guthlac is wavering, I think. And… so am I.' He bent and kissed her cold forehead. 'Lion cub,' he whispered.
'Good… good.' She did not speak again.
'Live,' he breathed. 'Don't run out on me. Or on old Raargh.'
Her eyes closed slowly. Rykermann could not tell if she was dead or unconscious. He turned away, his face buried in his hands, and he did not see the medics remove her.
Dimity Carmody was sitting on an empty ammunition box. She had taken out one of her small music boxes and was listening to it. Raargh and Vaemar approached her. The white foam, setting hard, covered the burns on Raargh's legs. He was walking, but carefully.
'Hullo,' she said.
'Do not fear ratcats,' said Raargh, remembering the terror he had picked up from her previously. 'Raargh and Vaemar and Dimity manrret companions in battle.'
'Yes,' said Dimity. 'I've been told a bit about it all. Well, there are some ratcats I don't fear now.'
Dimity helped Leonie,' said Raargh.
'Yes, of course.'
'Raargh and Leonie old companions.'
'Funny, she is one of the flashes of memory I have. Quite a lot of it is coming back. Seeing her now, I remember, I was jealous of her. I never dared betray that to him… She was Nils's best student, his favorite. And she wasn't a freak like me. I don't suppose this means much to you.'
'Manretti sentient. Always problems,' said Raargh. 'Dominant kzintosh have harem, some kzintosh allocated one kzinrett, most have none. Humans untidy.'
'It must have been hard for you to change, to live with humans as you do,' Dimity said. 'Hero do hard things,' said Raargh. 'Otherwise not Hero.'
'No,' said Dimity. 'Otherwise not Hero.'
'The human Andre, one who tried to kill you and Leonie,' said Raargh. He produced something and tossed it with a moist sound from hand to hand. 'I have his maleness here. A gift for you and Leonie.'
Honored Step-Sire Raargh-Hero,' said Vaemar, 'I do not think Dimity human understands kzinti customs. I will take. But here is a gift,' he held out a chess knight, moulded in osmium with sapphire eyes. 'Vaemar made.' Dimity accepted the substitute gift with some relief.
'Not fear?' asked Raargh.
'Not so much.' As Leonie had done previously, she reached out with a tentative hand and tickled his chin. Raargh had just killed and eaten to satiety. This time he allowed himself to purr. 'You play chess?' she asked Vaemar.
'Oh, yes!'
'I haven't played more than a couple of times. But a game between us might be interesting.' Raargh reached out and picked up Dimity's music box. Vaemar looked at it curiously. 'May I see it?' he asked. 'Wind it,' she said, 'It's running down.'
'It is decorous,' said Vaemar, fiddling at the tiny handle with his claws. 'Delicate.'
Keep it, if you like. A gift.'
'Thank you.' A few tiny musical chimes drifted across the chamber.
'If I killed a couple of them, I'm not going to take the credit for it,' Colonel Cumpston said to Arthur Guthlac. The two Earth officers and Markham had drifted together. 'The low profile suits me.' He had already removed the memory bricks from the main control console. With Arthur Guthlac then immobilized and Markham commanding the troops hunting down the surviving enemy, he had been the senior military officer on the spot and no one questioned this. Their records should harvest valuable security data, and any untoward scenes that had been recorded could be discreetly removed. Arthur Guthlac, his chest bound up and leg encased in a flexi-splint, was now walking again. The damage, in the event, had not required amputation and transplant, but even with modern nerve-and-bone growth factors it would be some days before he was fully healed. They had identified the quite simple mechanisms that controlled the Sinclair fields and were turning them off one by one. 'Well, somebody killed this one,' said Arthur Guthlac, as the field before them died. 'But a long time ago.'
There was part of a human skeleton. Around the bare shin and ankle-bones were orange-and-black pseudo- Kzin-striped fabric trousers, much discolored. The pelvis was female. There was some dried, crumbling tissue on and in the torso and rib cage. There was no skull. Above the clavicles there was nothing.
'No,' said Cumpston, 'not a long time ago. That must be Henrietta, if she fell feet first into the field still alive. The lower part of her body would have passed into time-compression first. It received no blood-supply and her feet and legs were dead and decomposing by the time her heart passed into it. But her heart was still beating. Everything left in the circulatory system went into her head, which was still in normal time, and from which the blood had no way of returning at such speed. Bang! A quick way to die, at least from the brain's point of view, but the results aren't very cosmetic.' It was probably Henrietta, he thought. But she had not been the only one in that costume. He would look at that later. But Henrietta officially dead would help defuse the time bomb of revenge on this planet. He might not look too hard.
The other bodies that concerned Cumpston, those that had gone into a Sinclair field already dead, would be either crumbling mummies or skeletons before long, depending on how much bacteria had been present. The longer it was before that particular field was found and deactivated, the less easy it would be to tell any cause of death. Certainly if laser wounds were still discernible it would be impossible by now to identify the laser that had caused them in the confused fighting. They had had the hallmarks of genuine ARM personnel, which another ARM could recognize, as there was something else some ARMs might also recognize, but despite what he had been told, Cumpston felt credentials and mannerisms could always be faked. Anyway, they might or might not have been Early's men. ARM was no monolith: It was, he felt, a series of interlocking and competing conspiracies like those fiendish things the kzinti called w'kkai puzzles. Well, when this place was cleaned up, all the bones of humans and kzinti would go for proper disposal. Manpower was still scarce on Wunderland, and police resources would hardly be used to investigate all the bones of kzinti victims that lay around.
'Where's Rykermann?'
'Sedated. He's had a rough time. It seemed to hit him all at once.'
'What happened to Jocelyn?' Arthur Guthlac had asked this several times now. Cumpston had seen the phenomenon after battles before. People would keep asking the same question, but the answer would not stay in their heads.
'Nobody seems to know. But she had no motive to run away. That business with the laser… Accidents happen in battle. Everyone accepts that.'
'I think she was in love with Nils Rykermann,' said Markham. 'Love can do strange things to people, I am told.' He was speaking good English with a fierce effort and his face was impassive. Betrayal! Stinking betrayal! But what else can one expect from prolevolk scum! And she used my Mother's name! If he saw Arthur Guthlac flinch, he betrayed no notice of the fact.
'Maybe after what happened she just took off. We'll look, of course. Maybe she'd had enough. She was a heroine of the Resistance. Maybe she'd just run out of… of… '
'We all feel that way sometimes… I'm told,' said Cumpston. Markham said nothing, but his clenched hands were trembling minutely.
'I know it,' said Guthlac. He sounded composed and normal, if a little sad. 'And the Resistance's price on Henrietta's head?'
'I suppose if he pushed her into the field Raargh has the claim to it, if it's accepted that this is she,' said Cumpston. 'I haven't asked him, but he was in the area and she had kidnapped and insulted him and his protege- dangerous business to kidnap a kzin. I can imagine how much the Resistance veterans who posted the bounty will enjoy handing it over to him! They may not come at it, of course, and he may not want it. She was loyal to Chuut-Riit after all…