with the food, then returned to the Table Mountain Hotel.

Bond had a shower, dried himself and dressed. There was a knock on the door. A porter delivered a large envelope. Whatever else, Jordaan had not let her personal view that he was a cold-blooded serial killer interfere with the job. Inside he found black-and-white prints of the images he’d taken with the inhaler camera. Some were blurred and others had missed their mark but he had managed a clear series of what he was most interested in: the door to Research and Development at Green Way and its alarm and locking mechanisms. Jordaan had also been professional enough to provide a flash drive of the scanned pictures, and his anger diminished further. He loaded them on to his laptop, encrypted them and sent them to Sanu Hirani, with a set of instructions.

Thirty seconds after he’d hit send, he received a message back. We never sleep.

He smiled, and texted an acknowledgement.

A few minutes later he took a call from Bill Tanner in London.

‘I was just about to ring you,’ Bond said.

‘James…’ Tanner sounded grave. There was a problem.

‘Go ahead.’

‘There’s a bit of a flap on here. Whitehall’s come round to thinking that Incident Twenty doesn’t have much of a connection with South Africa.’


‘They think Hydt’s a diversion. The killings in Incident Twenty are going to be in Afghanistan, aid workers or contractors, they reckon. The Intelligence Committee voted to pull you out and send you to Kabul – since, frankly, you haven’t found much of anything concrete where you are.’

Bond’s heart was pounding. ‘Bill, I’m convinced the key-’

‘Hold on,’ Tanner interrupted. ‘I’m just telling you what they wanted. But M dug his heels in and insisted you stay. It turned into Trafalgar, big and loud. We all went to the foreign secretary and pitched the case. There’s some talk the PM was involved, though I can’t confirm that. Anyway, M won. You’re to stay in place. And you’ll be interested to know there was a witness for the defence – in your support.’


‘Your new friend Percy.’

‘Osborne-Smith?’ Bond nearly laughed.

‘He said if you had a lead you ought to be allowed to follow it up.’

‘Did he now? I’ll buy him a pint when all this is over. You too.’

‘Well, things aren’t as rosy as they seem,’ Tanner said glumly. ‘The old man put the ODG’s reputation on the line to keep you there. Yourreputation too. If it turns out Hydt isa diversion, there’ll be repercussions. Serious ones.’

Was the very future of the ODG riding on his success?

Politics, Bond reflected cynically. He said, ‘I’m sure Hydt’s behind it.’

‘And M’s going with that judgement.’ Tanner asked what his next steps would be.

‘I’ll be at Hydt’s plant tomorrow morning. Depending on what I find, I’m going to have to move fast, and communications could be a problem. If I can’t learn anything by late afternoon, I’ll get Bheka Jordaan to raid the place, interrogate the hell out of Hydt and Dunne and find out what’s planned for tomorrow night.’

‘All right, James. Keep me informed. I’ll brief M. He’ll be in that security meeting all day.’

‘Night, Bill. And thank him for me.’

After they had rung off, he poured a generous amount of Crown Royal into a crystal glass, added two ice cubes and turned off the lights. He flung wide the curtains, sat on the sofa and gazed out over the snowflake lights on the harbour. A massive British-flag cruise ship was easing up to the dock.

His phone trilled and he glanced at the screen.

‘Philly.’ He took another sip of the fragrant whisky.

‘Are you in the middle of dinner?’

‘It’s apres-cocktail cocktail hour here.’

‘You area man after my own heart.’ As she said this, Bond’s eyes happened to be on the bed he’d shared last night with Felicity Willing. Philly continued, ‘I didn’t know if you wanted more updates on the Steel Cartridge operation…’

He sat forward. ‘Yes, please. What’ve you found?’

‘Something interesting, I think. Seems the whole point of the operation wasn’t to kill just anyof our agents and contractors. The Russians were killing their moles within MI6 and the CIA.’

Bond felt something detonate inside him. He put his glass down.

‘With the fall of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin wanted to solidify ties with the West. It would’ve been awkward politically if their doubles were exposed. So active KGB agents killed the most successful moles in Six and the CIA and made the murders look like accidents – but left a steel cartridge at the scene as a warning to the others to keep quiet. That’s all I know at this point.’

My God, Bond thought. His father… his father had been a double – a traitor?

‘Are you still there?’

‘Yes – just a bit distracted by what’s going on here. But that’s good work, Philly. I’ll be incommunicado for most of tomorrow but text me or email what you find.’

‘I will. Take care of yourself, James. I worry.’

They rang off.

Bond lifted the cold crystal glass, wet with condensation, and pressed it against his forehead. He now scrolled mentally through his family’s past, trying to find clues about Andrew Bond that might shed light on this appalling theory. Bond had been quite fond of his father, who was a collector of stamps and photographs of cars. He’d owned several vehicles but took more pleasure in repairing and cleaning them than in fast driving. When older, Bond had asked his aunt about the man. Charmian had thought for a moment and said, ‘He was a good man, of course. Solid, dependable. A rock. But quiet. Andrew was never one to stand out.’

Qualities of the best covert intelligence agents.

Could he have been a mole for the Russians?

Another jarring thought: his father’s duplicity – if the story were true – had resulted in the death of his wife, Bond’s mother, too.

Not just the Russians but his father’s betrayal had orphaned young Bond.

He started as his phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Late night getting ready for food shipments. Just left office. Interested in some company? Felicity.

James Bond hesitated a moment. Then he typed Yes.

Ten minutes later, after slipping his Walther under the bed beneath a towel, he heard a soft knock. He opened the door and let in Felicity Willing. Any doubt he might have had about whether or not they would pick up where they left off yesterday was dashed when she flung her arms around him and kissed him hard. He smelt her perfume, radiating from behind her ear, and she tasted of mint.

‘I’m a mess,’ she said, laughing. She wore a blue cotton shirt, tucked into designer jeans, which were crumpled and dusty.

‘I won’t hear of it,’ he said and kissed her again.

‘You’re sitting in the dark, Gene,’ she said. And for the first time in the operation he was jarred by the reminder of his Afrikaner cover.

‘I like the view.’

They stepped apart and in the dim light from outside Bond took in her face and thought it as intensely sensual as last night, but she was clearly tired. He supposed the logistics of marshalling the largest

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