She raised her hand and laughed again. 'Sure. But he won't do that.'

Kid turned to Denny. 'You don't like to fuck?' He was thirsty. But you have to ask for something to drink later…

'I guess not,' Denny said. 'I mean it won't stay up…' It came out with sudden, adolescent gravity. '… see?' And it was softening.

'His tongue sure stays up, hey?' Kid said. The girl rubbed the side of his knee with hers.

Kid rubbed back, reached between Denny's legs.

'Hey, what are you…'

'Woops!' Kid said. 'It's up again. Come on, I want to see you try.'

The girl rolled on her back. 'He won't do it.'

'You shut up.'

'I think he should.' She folded her hands under her breasts. 'But he keeps saying he's gay.'

'Why don't you lay off me?' Denny said.

'I got a hand full of your dick.' He moved his fingers so that Denny's crotch hair rubbed the ring of knuckle, forefinger, and thumb. 'It's hard now.'

'Denny…?' the girl said and uncrossed her hands.

Wrapped between ham and heel, Denny's cock bobbed but did not wilt. 'Don't worry,' Kid said, 'I won't let go of it.'

'Shit,' Denny said and pushed himself up. 'Okay, but it won't work.' Denny's knee hit Kid's stomach.


Denny's hands landed on Kid's chest. 'Hey, you let go!'

'So? You still got a hard-on. You sure that's the only thing you're worried about?' Kid sat up and put one hand on Denny's hip, and rubbed the boy's buttocks with the other, moved his hand between them, to hair and loose scrotal flesh. Denny's skin was still brick dry. His own and the girl's (one soft thigh spread under his calf) were moist. She moved and made a sound like moaning; could have been mouthed laughter; even protest.

Kid put one hand on her belly, pressed a finger in a crease. He moved his hand onto her hair and mirrored her moan with his voice.

A muscle in Denny's thigh moved on Kid's wrist. The testicles lay on his palm. Kid brushed the undershaft with his fingers. 'You like that?' He held the penis, moved his hand out to cover the circumcised head, back so that thick flesh moved under innards rigid as dry sponge. 'You just think about the rest of my load in there, what you ain't got on your face. You won't lose it… yeah!' because his other hand, spreading the third and fourth finger, pressed and she gave, wet with mucus. 'Go on…'

Denny lowered himself. The muscle in his thigh shook till his knee slipped on the blanket.

'His dick and my two fingers in your pussy,' Kid said. 'They can't all give out at once. Hey, look at him hump!'

Her hand lay loose: small fingers on white palms where the sweat was shiny as mica. The fingers moved to close and did not close, moved to open and did not: she touched Denny's shoulders as his pale hair curled against her face. Kid felt the boy shake, the cock sliding on his knuckles. He took his hand from between them to hold himself up. Denny's body flattened on her larger one beneath. Kid prodded between them again. 'Hey, boy… there you go. You like that, huh?' He balanced himself to rub her arm, and felt a muscle twitch in her shoulder. 'You like it too, don't you?' On the seventh or eighth motion, he could again move his middle finger knuckle deep in her beside Denny's scrotal sack which, having shriveled tight as possible, now unwrinkled on his palm. Denny backed up to push. Her hand jerked on his shoulder. Kid could not see her face. Denny pushed again and her counterpush beneath him made her legs sway. They're so silent, he thought, and caught his breath; his own cock was tight and tense and hard enough to hurt. He moved his hand from between them, and lay down beside them, pressed himself against them, his dick along the flexing crevice between, one arm across Denny's back, the other around the top of her head. Denny did not break rhythm. Kid nuzzled between their faces, trying to kiss her, but she would not turn toward him. Denny's breath was loud as an engine. 'Hey, you fuck that shit…' Kid whispered. 'You bust that pussy wide open, cocksucker! Bury him in pussy, bitch!' Denny was a motion against his right hip; against his left, her hip thrust and shook under Denny's falling, and falling, and falling faster. So he moved his hand down between Denny's buttocks; felt the first sweat on the dry body. Denny pushed harder. She had raised her far leg around his thighs, and was panting. Kid reached over her calf, thinking, maybe she won't like that, and between Denny's legs, moving down a few inches so he could cup balls; Denny growled, and he was going to take his hand away, but the growl articulated, 'Yeah…! That's right. Go on…' He jabbed, his hand forward and she, beneath, jerked in a way that should have had a cry with it. Denny pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and stopped pushing, while she went on, and let out all his air. 'Jesus Christ…' muffled against her neck. His ass relaxed. Then he began to pant.

Kid rubbed his neck, and Denny laughed against her, reached up to brush his hair from her face. She was panting too.

'Hey?' Kid brushed her cheek with his knuckle. Her wide eyes locked his. 'You make it this time?' With his other hand, he pushed his cock down against her thigh. 'I can go again.'

She flashed an uncertain smile. 'I'm okay.'

'Shit!' Kid let his head drop with a bark of laughter. 'I'm tired, that's what I am.' He closed his eyes, and a breath later heard them making movements. His own groin, still engorged, was numbing. I bet I'm going to wake up with cramps under my balls, he thought, and didn't care. Denny touched his shoulder, tugged a little. So he rolled back against them. Denny made another breathy sound, and hugged Kid tightly, suddenly pushed his face against Kid's neck. 'Hey…!' He caught the boy, who was giggling all panty like a puppy (like her, he remembered, when she had first fallen against him). He moved his hand down the hard flank till his knuckles touched her softer one. 'Go to sleep or something.' Denny took his face away, and Kid worked his arm beneath her neck (her hair was much crisper than the boy's, and the back of her neck was moist and hot; his own, moist and cooling) and felt comfortable enough to let himself drift. Drifting, he realized how loud Denny's breath was and listened for hers. It was slower and farther away. Then, after a time that might have been sleep, it was faster. He reached for her, only brushed her, he thought: A strangeness, hey, and beautiful. His lips, drying, had adhered to one another. They tore apart with the breath and the mumbled word: beautiful. Released, he fell away into sleep.

He woke in annoyance that turned immediately to pleasure. Somebody was blowing him. He grinned on the darkness of his lids, reached down through three levels of thought. Lanya? No, this other girl. His hand glanced from bone under soft hair to hit the hard, tight shoulder. Denny grunted.

'What you doing?' Kid asked. He rolled his head left, then right on the creased blanket, then again with his eyes open. The girl was gone.

Denny said, 'You were asleep all the time with a God-damn hard-on. I was just—' Kid locked his fingers in Denny's hair and pulled his head down.

'That's what you started doing and you ain't finished me yet.'

Denny dropped his mouth again.

Kid moved one fist out in the blanket beside his face, hoping it was still warm from her. One fantasy memory of Denny's face between her legs and his penis thrust between them… he moved from fantasy and lay, with his mouth opened, his head back, each muscle loosening; Denny held Kid's balls while he sucked; and that felt good. Kid held the boy's sides with his legs. And came. It was something like hot oil poured in cotton (cotton into flame; flame, out beneath water. Water and ashes and ashes washed through him); 'Come on up here.'

Denny lay down on Kid's chest.

Kid rubbed his back, dry and papery as before. He wanted to say thanks, but decided it would be silly, so he squeezed Denny's shoulder instead.

'Your come tastes different from mine,' Denny said.

'Yeah?' Kid closed his eyes.

'It's more, you know, liquid. And there's more of it.'

'I'm bigger than you.'

'And it's more bitter.'

'You know,' Kid said, 'you're a pretty funny little guy. Where'd your girl friend go?'

'She got—'

Somebody came into the room, moved something below them, turned.

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