soft, hot folds of her labia, the yielding hole of her vagina, the hard bud of her anus.

Deliberately, he forced himself away from there, even though he could see her buttocks flexing as she squirmed under his touch. Tormenting himself, building his lust, he dribbled sun tan lotion on the back of her right thigh and proceeded to do her legs, one at a time. He finished with the soles of her feet. Her toes curled as he massaged the lotion in.

He sat back for a moment. Jan rolled to her side, shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand. 'Thanks. You look hot. Want to swim now?'

Charlie didn't even look in the direction of the big, round, above-ground pool. 'No.'

'Okay,' Jan agreed. She rolled to her back, away from him. 'How about doing my front?'

Charlie crawled toward her, across the wide double lounge, the bottle of lotion in one hand. She was on her back, her hands under her head, her eyes closed against the harsh sunlight. She looked totally blissful. The only hint of her excitement was her hard alert nipples. Charlie noticed that her great firm breasts yielded only reluctantly to gravity, flattening slightly, spreading slightly, but maintaining their basic shape and thrust.

Charlie began at her feet. He worked quickly, impatiently, restraining himself with greater and greater difficulty. He struggled to be thorough, to coat every inch of her pale skin with the liquid, from her ankles to her knees, then up her thighs. He massaged the lotion into the insides and outsides of her graceful legs. His fingers lingered lovingly on the tender flesh high on the inside, just an inch away from the curling kinks of her bush.

She remained completely limp as he finished her legs.

He was burning up. He was sweating heavily, and his mouth went dry as he planned his next move. He squeezed a pool of sun tan oil onto her stomach just above her navel. Quickly, he stopped the drop that was heading toward the dark pocket.

He massaged the lotion into her, working out from the puddle he had made. Her belly shivered under his touch, then sucked in. Her ribs heaved as her breathing quickened. She was licking her lips now. Obviously her passion was getting greater, harder to restrain.

Charlie, for the first time since he had gotten there, felt in control of the situation. He realized abruptly that he had done exactly the right thing in gradually working his way toward the crucial areas of her body. It was right for him, was building his lust to the flash point, and it was right for her.

He worked the oil into her as far down as the top edge of her pubic bush, and as far up as the bottoms of her jutting breasts. Then he smoothed some into the valley between her lush mounds. He had yet to touch one of her primary erogenous zones.

Picking up the lotion bottle, he carefully aimed a stream of the viscous lotion at her left nipple, and coated it with the white creamy liquid.

As Jan sucked in her breath sharply, her face twisted with lust.

He duplicated the maneuver on her right breast, being careful to completely cover her nipple and the dark area surrounding it. Then he set the bottle aside.

Jan's breath was hissing in her throat. Her forehead was wrinkled with the agony of anticipation. She was chewing on her lower lip. Then she moistened both her lips with the glistening point of her tongue.

Charlie lowered his hands slowly and gently onto the twin pools of sun tan lotion. He felt the thick cream spread between her nipples and his palms. Moving his hands in a circular motion, he began to spread the cream outward from the dark centers. He just barely brushed her stiff nipples with his palms at first, and then slowly increased the pressure.

As he did, her breathing became more ragged. The tendons in her neck were taut, the muscles in her arms and shoulders quivered. Her chest muscles convulsed as he increased the pressure on the breasts above them.

Charlie's body was knotting with lust. His cock felt scalded by the glaring sun. He was glad she had coated it with sun tan lotion, and hoped it was enough to protect his tender, normally well shielded skin.

Finally Jan jerked her hands out from behind her head and reached up blindly. Grabbing him behind the neck, she dragged him down, her mouth seeking his. Their lips met in a sucking, boiling kiss and his hands were crushed between his chest and her breasts.

Reaching down with one hand, she shoved and guided him until he was stretched out, half on her, half on the lounge. She curled her fingers around the rigid pole of his ready prick and pumped it hard. It hurt, but it was a delicious pain.

Wriggling one hand free of her breasts, Charlie slid it down her belly and plunged his fingers into her crotch. His longest finger seemed radar-guided and plunged into the steamy, slimy hole of her vagina. He cupped her pussy with his palm, grinding her clit as he reamed her cunt with his finger.

His cock was ready to erupt, and was held back only by the tight grip she had on it. The pain was just enough to keep him from spurting semen all over her. She was pulling at his cock, dragging him further onto her.

'Hurry,' she grunted. 'Hurry, please, hurry!'

From locker room gab fests, rare glimpses of raw pornography, and Sex Ed at school, Charlie knew the theory of the act. But he had no practical knowledge. He heaved himself onto her, and felt her thighs spread to let him settle between them. He poked his phallus blindly into the tight, painfully abrasive curls of her pubic bush. His prick rammed into her slot and struck a barrier. He heaved his hips up and tried again, feeling his cock groping along her slit for the honey hole he knew was there.

Then she was prying her hand between them, and he lifted up a little. She took his cock, and suddenly the bulb of it was in the right place, pocketed in a hot crater of slick flesh.

He pushed, and felt his penis enter a clinging, wet, searing, slippery, velvet glove. The feeling of his cock sliding into Jan's eager, sucking vagina sent waves of fire blazing through his entire body.

'Aww, yes,' she hissed, nibbling on his ear lobe. 'Yes, push it in, get it in me. Put your cock in me and fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.'

Charlie drove his blazing phallus into the clinging sheath of her cunt until his pubic bone jarred against hers. For a horrifying moment he thought he was going to cum right then, and all the awful stories he'd heard about 'premature orgasm' ripped through his brain. Christ, if he spurted into her now, she'd never want him again.

The fear was enough to just barely quench his incipient cumming.

'Aww, I'm soo full,' Jan purred. 'It feels so good, soo gooood.'

Cautiously, Charlie began to move in her, drawing his prick out of her hot sheath until it almost slipped free. Then he rammed back in and Jan's breath whooshed in his ear as if he had pistoned it out of her. He drew back and powered into her again, feeling the rippled walls of her tunnel caressing the nerve endings of his prick.

The hot pool of cum in his groin was thicker and more copious than ever. This was what it was all about, this was what sex was. This was fucking, this incredible combination of delectable sensations-hot flesh embracing his cock, a soft, warm, willing body under his, fingernails clawing at his back. He pistoned his penis in the girl faster and faster, smashing her clit with every thrust, until she whimpered at every jolting impact. Her legs curled around him, her heels on his ass spurred him on as he rammed into her harder and harder and harder.

He was breathing raggedly as he rammed her again and again and again. He felt her straining against him, jerking and thrashing under him, her hips meeting his, her pelvis rocking and rolling with every thrust of his cock into her.

'Ah-cum-cum-cumming, cumming, awwww.' Jan's voice trailed off into a mindless gargle as she clung to him. Every muscle in her lithe young body convulsed with ecstasy.

Almost oblivious to her orgasm, Charlie whipped his prick in and out of her spasming pussy. His orgasm was building-building-building, it was THERE! It burst over him like a tidal wave as he sank every centimeter of his spurting penis into Jan's convulsing cunt. Semen spurted deep into her hot recesses, filling her, oozing back from the end of her vagina to pool in her hot, eager guts. His balls wrung themselves out, his toes curled as he squeezed the last of his fluid into her.

Then, exhausted, he sagged bonelessly. His drained organ shriveled slowly, retreated from her sodden depths. He panted, and felt her under him. Her breasts were twin cushions against his chest. The sun felt like a blowtorch on his back and buttocks. Sweat formed a slippery film between them as they lay pasted together.

'You're soo goood,' Jan purred softy as she caught her breath. 'You're one of the best, really one of the best.'

Charlie felt a stabbing pain in his guts at this reminder that he was, for the girl under him, just the latest in a long string of guys. Jealousy blazed through him, blotting out his lingering pleasure, leaving him with a sour taste in

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