balderdash, without a doubt. Young Alfred has got it into his head that the house is haunted. By a ghost, be damned! A ghost!”
“My word! We mustn't let him mention it in court. He'll lose all credibility!”
“What if it's true?” Swinburne asked.
Burton jabbed his fingers into the poet's ribs.
“To answer your question, Colonel,” said the king's agent, “no, I didn't see a ghostly woman floating about last night. Nor did I expect to. There was, however, a rather remarkable mist flowing past the house, down the slope, and into the lake.”
“Ah, yes,” said Lushington. “It's a fairly common occurrence. It's a mist, plain and simple. It arises in the Crawls and flows down into the hollow. Covers the lake.”
“Intriguing!” Burton exclaimed. “It only forms over the Crawls? Not the other wheat fields?”
“That's so. Absolutely the case. Odd, now that I think about it. I don't know why. Something to do with the lie of the land, perhaps? Have you eaten?”
“Neither has Mr. Hawkins. Come to think of it, neither have I. I suggest we have a late breakfast. What do you say? A cup of tea, at least? Good for the stamina.”
Later that day, while Lushington and Hawkins worked on their legal case in the library, Burton and Swinburne sat in the smoking room and considered the Tichborne poem.
“I'm pretty certain that Eye blacker than Lady Mabella's is a reference to the Eye of Naga,” Burton announced.
“I don't disagree,” said Swinburne. He imitated Lushington: “Or do I? I don't know!”
“Shut up, Algy.”
“Certainly. Or certainly not, as the case may be.”
Burton sighed and shook his head despairingly, then continued: “And it seems that a considerable part of the first stanza might be a reference to the Crawls.”
Swinburne nodded: “My Lady's round and By her damned charity bound. Do you think the tears that weep might be the mist?”
“I don't know. That doesn't feel quite right to me. What about this line: One curse here enfolds another?”
“Her curse was that the annual dole must continue in perpetuity or else the Tichborne family would find itself without an heir,” Swinburne noted. “But you'll remember that the dole itself attracted hordes of beggars to the estate. Maybe that's one curse wrapped in another?”
“Possibly. But Vexations in the poor enables? Vexations? Why would the poor respond to a gift of free flour with vexation? No, Algy, it won't do.”
The king's agent struck a lucifer and applied it to his third Manila cheroot of the day. Swinburne wrinkled his nose.
“If the diamond were buried beneath the Crawls,” Burton mused, “then Consume if thou wouldst uncover becomes a directive: eat the wheat to uncover the treasure.”
“Or burn it.”
“Indeed. However, it's the beginning of the growing season and I doubt the family will give us permission to destroy their crop, not least because it would make it impossible to pay the dole. No harm in having a poke around out there, though. Besides, a breath of fresh air will do us good.”
“For sure,” Swinburne agreed, eyeing his friend's cigar.
Some thirty minutes later, the king's agent and his assistant met beneath the portico at the entrance to the house. They were wearing tweed suits, strong boots, and cloth caps, and each carried a cane. As they descended the steps, a voice hailed them from the doorway: “I say, you chaps, do you mind if I join you?”
It was Sir Alfred, his white hair stark against his dark mourning suit. His face was gaunt, his eyes red.
“Not at all,” Burton answered. “My condolences, Sir Alfred. We heard the news earlier.”
“My mother lived only for my brother,” the baronet said as they stepped down to the carriageway and started across it. “When he was lost, she began to age very rapidly. The last time I saw her, she was extremely frail. If the bounder who claims to be Roger really is who he says he is, then I blame him for her demise. If he isn't-and I still maintain that he isn't-then I blame him doubly. I feel certain that she knew in her heart of hearts that the cad is nothing but a wicked imposter. She died of disappointment, I'm convinced of it.”
“Yet she passed away maintaining that her eldest son had returned?”
“She did. The pitiful wish of a broken woman. Where are we going-just for a stroll?”
“I want to have a closer look at the Crawls. I'm curious as to why a mist arises from them but not from the adjoining fields.”
“Ah, yes. Mysterious, isn't it? I've often wondered myself.”
The three men reached the edge of the wheat field and started to skirt around its right-hand border, walking alongside a low hedgerow.
“A promising crop this year,” said Tichborne. “Look how green it is!”
“Now that you mention it,” Burton said, thoughtfully, “it appears that the Crawls are the greenest of all your fields.”
“Yes, it's ironic, don't you think? The best wheat we grow, we have to give away!”
The king's agent stopped walking and looked around at the landscape.
“I don't see any obvious geographical explanation. All the fields on this incline are equally exposed to whatever weather conditions prevail. If the Crawls dipped down slightly, I might suspect an underground water source, but in fact, if anything, they appear to hump up somewhat.”
Swinburne squatted, using his cane for balance, and peered at the horizon.
“You're right,” he said. “It's barely noticeable, but this part of the slope is definitely a little bit higher. My goodness, what a geographer's eye you have, Richard!”
“Enough to know that something's not quite right here. At this low altitude, mist should form in hollows, not on the raised part of a slope. The only explanation for the vapour is that there's a warm spring beneath our feet. Yet, as I say, it should result in a slight dip in the incline, not the opposite. Let's walk on.”
They hiked to the top of the field and continued on into the one beyond.
“My hat! The Lady Mabella crawled all this way!” Swinburne exclaimed.
“Driven by the devil.” Tichborne shuddered. “Did you hear her knocking last night?”
“No,” said Burton, quickly, before Swinburne could open his mouth. “Did you?”
“I'm afraid I rather overdid it at supper,” the baronet answered. “I was oblivious to all from the moment my head hit the pillow-wasn't conscious of a thing until I awoke this morning.”
“Something rather peculiar occurred in the music room. A note was struck at the piano-”
“-But no one was there,” Tichborne finished. “I bet that put the wind up you.”
“It did. It's happened before, then?”
“For as long as I can remember. Three or four nights a week-bong!-for no apparent reason. Always the same note, too.”
“B below middle C.”
“Really? I wouldn't know. It used to give Grandfather the heebie-jeebies, but my guess is it's nothing more than the piano stretching and contracting with changes of temperature.”
They reached the top of the slope and Tichborne pointed to the surrounding land.
“All these wheat and barley fields are part of the estate, up to that line of trees, there. The houses yonder form the hamlet of Tichborne, which is mostly occupied by the families who work our land. As you can see, the estate is on a shallow slope that runs down into the Itchen Valley and the river. Over there-” he pointed northeastward “-is the village of Alresford.”
They continued on along the top border of the Crawls then turned at the corner and started back down toward the mansion. When they passed into the bottom field, Burton stopped and walked out into the crop.
“What are you doing?” Tichborne asked.
“Wait a moment.”
Burton pushed the end of his cane into the loamy soil then leaned on it with his full weight. It sank into the soft earth until the soil's resistance stopped it.