weeks after the deal was inked, but had only recently begun to exhibit a life of its own. His penis looked old and tired where it hid behind the curve of his enormous belly. The extra penis looked human, though it was as black as night and of gigantic proportions.
“We’re here, Prime.” His aide brought him from his reverie with the snap closure of his suitcase. He handed the Prime a sealed leather folder.
“Thank you, Lincoln.” The Prime shifted into business mode. “And remember our deal.” The transport had stopped at the building’s main entrance. Carter held an umbrella in place as the Prime climbed out of the transport. The leader of the western world did not return the salute offered to him by the guards at the doors.
Minutes later, the Prime left Carter in the hall and walked into the General’s office. He looked around at the decorations. A few pictures-long dead soldiers and patriots-a tattered flag from the world before the Change. The General’s desk was gray metal with a rubbery black top. On it were a clock, a pen set, and a picture of the General with his wife.
The Prime threw the dossier onto the desk, and then dropped into Topp’s hardwood chair. He opened the desk’s lower left drawer and pulled out a bottle of Scotch whisky. There were four small glasses. The Prime took two, filled both. Just as he tipped his glass, General Topp came in. He offered him a drink as he refilled his own.
“Scotch, Topp?” It sounded like a question but it was a command to drink.
“Yes, Sir.” The General shook hands before taking it.
The Prime studied his property. Topp was about a pre-Change sixty years old, but wore it well. His body was in good shape, under six feet, and a little thick in the middle. He wore a white peaked cap over a gray scrub brush of hair. His eyes were old, and red rimmed. The bags under them, and the scarlet veins that squirreled over his nose spoke of many late nights, too many for a man pushing 163.
“General, I want you to remember one thing!” The Prime injected enough strength to menace Topp. “You’re comfortable here because I own you. I don’t mind cleaning up your minor indiscretions-we’re both men of the world. I know how it is. I know this International peace can feel confining. A wolf surrounded by lambs. I am even acquainted with the urge that drives some of us to tie a prostitute to our bed and beat her to death with a hammer. But I will not suffer incompetence!” Having drained the second drink, the Prime slammed his glass down.
“Prime?” The General was uncomfortable with his own evil. The Prime enjoyed his lackey’s look of dismay.
“You’re pushing your luck.” The Prime rose and stalked around the desk. He glared at Topp. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?”
“No, sir.” Topp’s eyes rolled. He leaned away from the Prime’s bulk.
“I see a worthless sex-starved drunk,” the Prime snarled. “You have to be sharp. Do you know how dangerous it is to work for me? I want obedience. The moment I see otherwise, I’ll shoot you myself.” He paused, rubbed fat knuckles across the edge of the desk. “I want you sharp.” The Prime’s nose brushed the General’s. “So quit fucking around with the prostitutes!”
“Yes, sir.” The General had assumed attention. Sweat trickled from his brow.
The Prime hissed, “I will not write this order down. I will give it verbally, and I expect it to be carried out without hesitation.” The Prime smelled booze from his General. “You will program twelve of our missiles for coordinates that are marked ‘A’ group and another twelve targeted for coordinates marked ‘B’ group.” The Prime gestured toward the dossier on the desk. “You will comply,” he growled.
The General broke the seals on the dossier, opened it. Inside were a list of attack coordinates and a targeting map. Topp scanned the numbers, looked at the map-double-checked them-then looked up.
“Prime, ‘A’ group indicates targets inside Westprime territory.” A look of disbelief washed across his face. He compared the coordinates and map again. “Christ, they’re pointed right at the City!”
“An acceptable risk, Topp.” The Prime allowed a shade of a threat to color his tone. “Do you have a problem with the orders?” He looked Topp up and down for signs of weakness. When the first came, a minor twitch of the left eye, the Prime resisted the urge to break out laughing.
“I can’t do this!” The General shrank from the Prime’s exposed canines.
Topp was a jaded old vulture indeed. The missiles targeted a heavily populated city he was paid to protect and all he could think of was his own culpability. Where was the outrage at the proposal?
“You’ll follow my orders.” The Prime pushed his bulk toward Topp. “I am responsible. You will obey any orders that are issued, unfailingly. Any hesitation and I’ll make you wish you were strapped to one of the fucking things.”
“Why?” The General dropped his head to hide the dismay that was bound to come. It was one thing to work out his hungers on defenseless women, another to attack whole populations.
“I will not negotiate with terrorists.” The Prime gave the General his politician’s smile. “And I have evidence suggesting political groups inside the City are about to stage a coup.” He walked behind Topp and started pacing. “I will not surrender the freedoms of the good people of the City of Light to any invading force.” He gestured to the coordinates. “ This is the ultimate response to an aggressor. By this we will be saying: Do not fight us, because we would rather die than live as slaves.” The Prime cleared his throat. “Also, I have reason to believe that Eastprime and Afriprime are considering a first strike option. They fear our strength and so the coordinates in ‘B’ group.” The Prime flipped the sheets in the dossier to show another list of targets.
“You expect invasion?” Topp was mildly relieved by the new coordinates.
“I expect Apocalypse,” the Prime snapped at him. “Do you think I would make such a terrible decision for anything less!”
“Who?” Topp looked at the map, as though a study of it would reveal lurking enemies. “I see targets in Eastprime, Afriprime…”
“The military mind perceives the threat. I judge them. And the threat I see, I judge worthy of this form of brinkmanship.” He continued to pace, glancing casually at the flag from the pre-Change world. Stars and stripes forever -the Prime stifled a smile. “Let us hope it does not come to that, but you will launch on my command. Do you understand?”
“Do we evacuate?” Topp’s face was like a child’s.
“Hardly a threat then… I must be able to trust you to follow my order.” The Prime moved his bulk close to the General’s back.
Topp snapped to attention. “I can. I will”
“Topp-I order this base to full alert effective immediately. Central Operatives have informed me that events will unfold quickly.” He neglected to mention that most of the information came from his supernatural operatives. “I will keep you apprised of all developments.” He began to walk to the doors. “Program them yourself. I’ll leave my man, Lincoln Carter, here to assist.”
“We’ll be ready, Prime.” The General’s head did not turn. His shoulders drooped at mention of Carter.
“Be ready!” The Prime couldn’t resist the urge to bully. He opened the door. The leader of Westprime walked out pleased with the process, pausing only to wink at Carter. He had arranged for the possession of his aide by a Demon who would not scruple about marking millions of people for death, or who never hesitate to kill Topp at the first sign of insubordination.
42 – Sister
Karen Cawood sat up. Her head still hurt to the touch, but it stopped aching. She saw the same small sparsely furnished room. The walls were papered with a busy pink and yellow floral pattern. There was a bed, a small desk and a lamp. There was a door across from her, but it was locked. A narrow barred window was set high in the wall. The murderer brought her here the night before.
He left her blindfolded and tied to the steering wheel while he got out of the car. When he returned, he led her across an open space and down a spiral of steps into a damp, musty smelling place. She was pushed through cool air ahead of him and shoved into a room where she was ordered to take her blindfold off. The door closed.
And here she was, awake again with nothing to do but wait. Her memories jumped over the last days.