girl’s skin crawl. Nursie pressed her large nose to Dawn’s head and neck and started snuffling like a dog. “Nuff,” she snuffled, and then to Dawn’s utter amazement, the woman licked the back of her neck, starting right at the nape and licking upward, the big wet tongue pushed her hair forward.

“No touch, hem say, for Nursie-no touch!” Nursie shook her head, lips smacking, and then her eyes caught Meg in the next bed. She grabbed for the girl. “Ou les viandes douces…”

Meg let out a squeak and tried to leap out of the way but Nursie lifted her up by the left wrist. The monstrous woman started snuffling and licking Meg under the arm. Then to Dawn’s utter embarrassment, the woman blew Meg’s nightshirt aside with a puff of breath and snuffled at her friend’s legs and crotch, bouncing the girl on her oversized mouth and nose. Then Nursie dropped Meg absentmindedly onto the bed. She turned back to Dawn, licking her lips.

“Nein…” Nurse said; her dark eyes lost in mascara and shadow. “Same. The same. Not First-mother no.” Then a bright gleam entered the woman’s eyes. “Mayhap your scent tells Nursie, why.” The enormous woman shifting her enormous shoulders and head forward to bend forward at the waist. She braced her great weight against her knees. Her nose was snuffling; the nostrils gleamed with mucous. Her gigantic tongue flicked out, smeared her lipstick farther onto her cheeks. She inched forward. “La primera madre?”

Dawn inched toward her headboard, disgust like a tight wire running up her spine. Nursie reached out, but fell forward and caught her weight on the bed. The other kids started chanting Dawn’s name, and were now standing on their beds watching the spectacle. Meg crawled off her bed and stumbled away. Tears covered the forever girl’s cheeks, and the sight filled Dawn with anger.

“To taste,” Nursie moaned, drool hanging from her chin. “First Moeder!”

“ Run!” said the grownup voice in Dawn’s head but something stronger held her in place. Instead, she smacked Nursie on her big round nose. The impact sent a fine cloud of powder drifting onto the bed. Nursie froze, amazement on her face and the room went quiet.

Dawn moved away now, slid to the side of her bed and off as the first quiver and tremble ran up the horrible woman’s arms. Her massive shoulders began to shake. Her skin was turning purple. Nursie’s eyes suddenly burned red from beneath the bleached bang and her lips curled away from her teeth.

“Whore!” Nursie hissed. Dawn saw now that something was changing in the woman. The skin on her face began to shift and shimmer, grow thin, and stretch back over bone. And as it did this, Dawn saw the first hint of something under there. Nursie’s enormous breasts, barely covered by the taut fabric of her dress, like the material began to thin, began to shift toward translucent.

“Slut!” the woman bellowed and pushed herself back onto her legs, but Dawn could see that those were changing too. Gone were the thick calves and fat feet jammed into shoes. In their place were gnarled, fingerlike toes on broad muscular paws. The legs were hairless and bowed outward from a long female gash of scarlet flesh. As Nursie’s shape flickered back and forth, Dawn saw glimpses of the long and weasel-like body beneath. The heavy torso sprang up to thin arms with catching claws. Spaced up the front of the long abdomen at intervals were thick purple nipples leaking yellow milk or pus. And flickering back to her barely human over-make-upped face, Nursie shifted again, and the features beneath were monstrous. Long teeth, ravenous red eyes in a head that tapered to a thick neck covered in bright red muscle. She shifted back to human form and back to monster.

The forever children, shocked first into silence, now screamed and leapt off their beds, running and clambering away from Nursie, as the monster-thing took two hesitant steps toward Dawn.

“La primera madre.” The thing swung its head, and Dawn felt saliva and drool fleck her bare legs as she cowered against the wall.

“De First-whore!” Nursie flickered back to her human form and back to monster as she took a slavering step forward. The mammoth tongue dropped out, dribbling saliva and Nursie snapped her long teeth. “Nursie mangia la prostituta!”

And the head coiled back on the long neck and flicked forward like a serpent strike. Dawn barely rolled out of the way in time. She came up under Meg’s bed, and then pushed herself toward the wall. Drool pooled on the tiles as Dawn’s heart pounded in her chest. Nursie’s enormous alien feet stamped toward the bed.

“Hem say Nursie no bother girl!” Nursie’s voice had changed too. It was bestial and her oversized teeth tore the words. “Nursie say much bother!” A long-taloned hand whipped down and seized the side of the bed.

Dawn screamed as it was flung away and Nursie loomed over her. Saliva dribbled down in streams, Dawn shrank from its hot touch.

“Nursie take little bite!” the monster said and smiled.

“NURSIE!” a voice shouted over the din of screaming forever children.

The monster turned quickly, already Dawn could see its shape sliding and flickering back to its human form.

The Doctor was storming up the aisle between the beds. He was carrying his black bag and was wearing a blood-spattered medical robe.

“Nursie!” he repeated as he came near. His eyes were wild with terror. “The Prime said the First-mother must not be touched.”

Nursie’s body was shifting and shrinking in size. Her head, now human and hideously make-upped, was bowed. Her long blonde locks fell forward.

“Nursie worried-poor girl,” the large woman whined, gestured to Dawn. The forever girl watched with horror as the woman’s dress knitted up the side, replacing hideous skin with cotton whiteness.

“Do as you’re told!” the Doctor barked, marching up and seizing Dawn’s arm. He yanked her to her feet. She was trembling. Her skin crawled under the man’s touch.

“You,” Nursie hissed, face wrinkling as she spoke. She moved her oversized features close to the Doctor’s face. “You no tell Nursie what she do.” Nursie shook her massive head. “Prime, hem Boss of Nursie.”

And the gigantic woman turned on her heel. She stamped across the room pausing for a moment by a group of cowering children. “Oh!” she exclaimed, looking down at the gathering. They were backed against a wall. “Naughty kids!” she crowed and caught a pair of boys with her large hands. They screamed as she pulled them close. “Bathe de dirty boys.” She snuffled at their chests and licked their faces, then carried them screaming from the room.

“See what you’ve done?” the Doctor scolded shaking Dawn by the arm as the doors closed behind Nursie.

The forever girl’s face was wet with tears. “I didn’t…”

“You did!” The Doctor bent over and glared into her face. “You were lucky this time! Those boys weren’t. Forget them!” He squeezed until her arm throbbed around his fingertips. “Nursie was too curious about you!”

Dawn tried to pull free of the man. She saw the other children were shaking off their terror and moving away from the tight groups they’d formed. When the Doctor let go Dawn ran to her bed. She threw herself on it sobbing.

He yelled something and stormed out. Two dead workers started straightening up Nursie’s mess with mop and pail.

There was a tug at her sleeve. She looked up to see Meg’s tear-stained face. The little girl climbed into bed with her and hugged her.

“Don’t worry,” Meg whispered, “it wasn’t your fault.”

62 – Aftermath

Stoneworthy looked at his hands. Christ went to Hell for us, cannot I? They were numb from shock and concussion. They were red with blood. He stumbled on a ragged limb, a leg. He couldn’t react. His face had already frozen into a mask of horror. All around him bodies laid, those who were dead before the battle maintained a semblance of life. Moving, twitching shapes intertwined with contortions of pain that transcended the physical. He had thrown his gun away. It ran out of bullets by the time the armies met. The minister was forced to use it as a club. He jerked free of a tangle of clutching body parts. Moaning filled the air. His own mouth quivered with broken words. The new death he had experienced did not spare him the smell of burnt flesh.

… man is very far gone from original righteousness, and is of his own nature inclined to evil, so that the flesh

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