Mae stoked the fire, added wood, and got the coffee on. She set bacon to cook in a pan, and mixed water and cornmeal together for jonny cakes. By the time the jonny cakes were in the pan sopping up the bacon grease, Mr. Hunt was done dressing and had walked out into the room.

“Could you reach down the honey from that shelf?” Mae asked.

Cedar did so, his bare feet making little sound against the boards.

“This here?” he asked.

Mae set the empty bowl down on the table and glanced over at him. It was an odd thing seeing a man in her husband’s clothes. He had on Jeb’s work breeches, belted around his narrower waist, and the blue flannel shirt tucked in tight to show the width of his shoulders. No undershirt, no shoes. Looked like he was at home, comfortable in a state of undress around a woman. But he kept his left arm near his side, still holding the compress there, she’d wager.

He was pointing to the top shelf with his other hand, his hazel gaze watching her with an expression she could not quite place.

“That’s the one,” Mae said, taking her eyes off the man and off the clothes he wore. She swallowed back a lump of pain. Wouldn’t do for nothing to cry. Wouldn’t make Jeb come back alive, or bring justice down on his killer. No, that was in her hands alone now.

Cedar Hunt put the honey on the table, found two plates, and set them out also, then stood there uncertain while Mae flipped the jonny cakes and turned the bacon.

“Have a seat, Mr. Hunt. It will be done in a moment or two.”

Cedar pulled a chair away from the table and sat.

“How did you know,” Cedar began, more of a voice in his words again, “last night—how did you know it was me?”

“I told you—I can see your curse. Though there’s more to it than I thought. You’ve angered someone in a terrible manner. Someone very powerful. What did you do, Mr. Hunt?”


“Don’t think whoever cursed you did it just because you’re breathing. You’re certain you did nothing to anger them?” She pulled the pan off the rack and turned toward him. She slid one jonny cake and a bit of bacon onto her own plate, then filled Cedar’s plate near heaping with the rest of the breakfast.

He eyed the food, and Mae could tell it took everything he had not to dig in and start eating. She wondered what held him back, then realized it was manners. He picked up the fork and waited for her.

“I walked on the wrong land,” he said, while she poured coffee for them both and took her seat. “Pawnee land. I did no harm other than to be under the wrong god’s scrutiny.” He glanced over at her, his knuckles white around the fork, holding back a hunger she could almost feel from across the table.

She picked up her cup and took a sip, nodding at him slightly. “Eat your fill, Mr. Hunt.”

Cedar fell to the meal in front of him with vigor and made short work of the food. She wondered if the change to wolf made him ferociously hungry or if it was because of his wounds.

Mae ate more slowly. “A lot of men have crossed the gods, I’d imagine, and not been turned into a wolf for it. Have you any idea why the Pawnee gods would curse you so?”

Cedar swallowed coffee, even though it was hot enough to scald. “Told me there were Strange rising in the land. Told me I was to hunt them. Kill them.”

“Have you?” Mae asked.

Cedar paused, the cup not yet tipped to his mouth. “Yes, ma’am, I have.”

“And that hasn’t broken the curse,” Mae mused. “Have you tried any other things to break the curse?”

“By the time I came to my senses, I was walking west.” He took another drink. “I’ve stopped in any town that had books, but there aren’t many universities out this way. Any book I’ve found that mentions curses is a conflagration of legend and myth with very little scientific thinking to support the theories. . . .”

He took down another forkful of food and chewed thoughtfully. “There’s no logical, tested remedy that I could find; that much I can say.”

Mae took another sip of her coffee to cover her surprise. The man who sat across the table from her right that moment was more than a hunter, a loner, a mountain man. He was thoughtful, educated. She had never suspected he might have been university bound before he wandered out this way.

“Maybe in the books back East? The library in Philadelphia?” Mae finally said.

Cedar nodded. “It’s crossed my mind.” He spent some time and attention on the food again. “Haven’t had a lot of desire to head back that way. More people, more chances I could harm more than just the Strange.”

“How often does it strike you?” Mae asked.

“Every full moon. And I come out of it hungry as if I’ve been a week into a fast.” He drained his cup, then poured himself another, and looked up, the pot still in his hand, offering to pour for her.

Mae held her cup out, enjoying his company and the meal despite the circumstance for it. “And when you’re beneath the thrall of the wolf, can you reason things out? Remember what you do?”

“Not before the Madders gave me this chain.” He poured the coffee. “Last night is the first of my recollections as a wolf.”

“Is that why you went out to their mine?”

“No. Went out asking for something to help me find the Gregor boy.” Mae was silent at that.

Cedar waited a bit, then finally asked, “Did you find that man you were hunting for?”

Mae met his eyes, hazel with flecks of copper thick at the center, and more green at the ring. There was a kindness behind them, a compassion. It surprised her.

“I know who killed him. What killed him. That Mr. Shunt. And I cannot bear to think what he must have done to turn that child into such a beast. . . .”

“Wasn’t a child. It was a Strange too, come out of the pocket of Shunt.”

“He looked so much like Elbert. Warm, soft. He even cried like a child.”

“It wasn’t a child,” Cedar said again. “Had the smell of the boy upon it, though. The blood of him.”

Mae took another drink of coffee. “I’ve never seen such a Strange,” she said. “So . . . alive and solid.”

“They’re more than storybook tales and wisps of light,” Cedar said. “They’ve always been around, been more alive than God-fearing folk want to believe. I’ve yet to see any good follow in their path. Pain, madness, blight— seems to be all the Strange leave behind them. Maybe the Pawnee god wanted them killed before they became a force.”

Mae finished her food, and placed her fork on her plate. “Dark words, Mr. Hunt. Do you think the Strange are here to kill?”

“I haven’t seen proof otherwise.” He looked away from his coffee cup and up at her. “Have you?”

Mae could not hold that gaze. She pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders.

“I should thank you, Mr. Hunt, for coming to my aid in the forest last night. I don’t know how I would have come out of that unscathed. What can I do to repay you?”

Cedar rested the cup between his palms. He took a long bit before he answered, seeming to be thinking through many things, and discarding them one by one. Finally, “Other than a fine hot meal?”

Mae smiled at that, and he smiled back, then grew serious. “You can see my curse. Can you break it?”

“I can do some good for you,” Mae said. “But I am not sure if I can break such a powerful thing on my own. It would be best done at the time of your change, when body and soul are tugged by the moon. I will need some things. Some herbs. Maybe . . . maybe my sisters.”

“Think it will take some time?”

“To break a god’s curse? Yes. A night, I’d say. Maybe a day too. And we will both need to be strong. Certainly stronger than I’m feeling now.”

Cedar nodded. “Then it will wait.”

“Perhaps I’ll be strong enough tonight.” Mae stood and gathered the plates.

“Not so sure I want to be free of the curse tonight,” he murmured.

“Have you seen that other wolf before?” Mae asked.


The tone of his voice, more breath than word, made her turn.

“But you know of it?”

Cedar drained his cup. He weighed something, decided something. She walked back around to the fire, and

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