“Callie, there’s no way. They’ve invested years…”

“I’m serious, Donovan.”

This was so unlike Callie that I was having trouble wrapping my head around the conversation. I understood what she was trying to say, but she knew how the system worked. Sure, Eva’s an artist, a gifted entertainer. But that doesn’t make her life any more valuable than the literature professor I guarded, or the dozen other civilians who are going through life, completely oblivious that we’re monitoring their every move. I could see no reason why Callie should care one way or other about Eva.


“Are you sleeping with her?” I said.

Callie took a deep breath, held it a moment, and slowly exhaled. She looked away.

“Holy shit!” I said.

Chapter 21

Callie suddenly had the slightest smile going. I guessed it probably felt good to share the secret.

“I can’t let her die,” she said.

“Give me a sec,” I said. “I’m trying to visualize the two of you doing it.”

“What? Oh, grow up, Creed!”

“Every man’s fantasy, Cal. Bear with me.”

“Are you…oh, my God, you’re checking me out! Jesus, Donovan!”

“Relax,” I said. “I’m always checking you out. You just never noticed before.”

“Oh yeah, well, men are pigs.”


“And you’re the king pig.”


She took another deep breath.

“I hate myself for saying this,” she said, “but I need your help.”

“Yes you do.”

Just then I noticed an elderly lady standing by the seafood tower. I took out my phone, handed it to Callie and nodded in the direction of the lady.

“For Kathleen,” I said.

“You’re kidding.”

“C’mon, you know the drill.”

“Are you wearing panties, Creed? It starts with the panties, you know.”

“Relax. I just don’t want Kathleen to stress, okay? She’s got trust issues.”

“I think you need a spine implant.”

“I’ll keep it in mind. Now come with me and do your part, okay?”

We walked across the floor to the lady.

“Pardon me,” I said, “but would you do me the honor of taking a picture with me?”

“Why on earth would you want my picture?” she said. “Your lady friend is gorgeous. I should take a picture of the

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