'Same sort of stuff I do here, I suppose. Demonstrations, sales. Bit of modelling maybe. Catalogue stuff, you know? Got to be something, hasn't there? Better'n this.' She coughed and fidgeted a tissue out from her sweat- pants pocket. 'Bastards like that Repton, sneaking round.'

'He's been to see you again?'

'Oh, yeah.'

'Tell me.'

Vicki pushed a hand up through her hair. 'First it was like before, right? Wants to know if anyone's been to see me, asking questions. No, I said, course not. Why would they? I never mentioned you. Didn't want to drop you in it, did I? Then he changed tack, didn't he? Come out with all the smarm. Why don't we go out for a drink, something to eat, enjoy ourselves? All the while he can't take his eyes off my tits. Tongue hanging out so far he could practically lick his own dick.'

Elder smiled. 'It was a no, then?'

'Too bloody right.'

'And you've not seen him since?'

'Be feeling sorry for himself, won't he?' She snorted dismissively. 'His sort, they can never get it up anyway.'

'His sort?'

'Something about them, blokes like him, you can see it in their eyes. Get off on watching. Or that business, you know, where they stuff oranges in their mouths and pretend to hang themselves – what's that called?'


'Yeah, that's it. Sad bastards.'

'And you think Repton's one of those?'

'Yeah. Wouldn't be surprised.' Suddenly her face brightened. 'Maybe I could get a job as one of them sex therapists, what do you think?'

'Maybe you could.'

'Bet you need qualifications though, even for that. Some bloody degree. NVQs.'

Elder was looking at the clip-framed photograph across the room.

'Lovely, isn't it?' Vicki said, following his gaze.

It showed the two of them, Grant and Vicki, together, standing in front of a low stone wall, the sky behind them a tremulous blue.

'Mykonos,' she said. 'Last year.'

Elder nodded.

Vicki blew her nose. 'He was a good bloke, you know? Straight.'

'Are there any others?' Elder said. 'That I could see.'

There were only a few that she'd been keeping flat in the back of a book, mostly shots of her and Grant, one of him on his own.

'Any idea where this was taken?' Elder asked.

Vicki shrugged. 'Cyprus, I think.'

He handed the photographs back.

'He never talked about Mallory, I suppose?'

'Jimmy? Talk about the copper? Why would he do that?'

'I don't know – some history between them. Bad blood.'

Vicki shook her head. 'Never as much as mentioned him. Never heard of him, had I? Not till the bastard shot poor Jimmy dead.'


St Ann's was one of those areas in the inner city which had, amidst much protest, been largely demolished in the sixties at the expense of new, more modern housing; now some of it was being knocked down and replaced again. The flat which Summers had fingered as a dealer's safe house was on the upper floor of a block of twelve, six and six. Only one of the lights in the central stairway was still functioning; the narrow walkway stank of sour piss and sick and excrement. More than half of the flats were boarded up and several of the others had old sheets or blankets draped across the windows in place of curtains. One, close to the head of the stairs, had a small light shining above the bell-push at the centre of the door, artificial flowers inside a plastic holder alongside, a sticker proclaiming Jesus Loves You, a mat on the ground, worn but clean.

Bland came up the stairs first, Eaglin behind him. Both men were wearing leather jackets, black and brown respectively, jeans and trainers. For heavy men they were soft upon the stairs. Bland's Audi was parked a street away. Both men were armed. Eaglin was holding a heavy-duty torch in his left hand.

The flat they were looking for was at the far end, black material taped across the windows.

Hip-hop beats drifted up from the floor below.

Bland stood with his ear pressed to the door, listening, before stepping back.

'Police,' he shouted through the letter-box. 'Open up!'

No response.

With a look at his partner, Bland took one pace back and then another, swung his leg and drove the underside of his foot against the side of the door, close to the lock. As the door splintered open and swung back, Eaglin ducked inside, Bland following, both with pistols drawn.

'Police!' Eaglin shouted in the darkness. 'Armed police.'

And switched on the torch.

The room was bare, save for a few posters still remaining on the walls; save for Resnick sitting in a lopsided easy chair, trying not to smile.

'What the fuck!' Eaglin said, rooted to the floor.

'Ricky,' Resnick said pleasantly. 'Dave.'

'Charlie,' Bland said, recovering, 'what are you doing here?' But inside he already knew.

Eaglin also. Dropping the torch, weapon at his side, he spun round and went back fast through the door and as he did a searchlight hit him full on. Two armed officers were on the walkway opposite the stairs, one kneeling, one standing with legs slightly apart. Both were aiming their MP5 rifles at Eaglin's chest.

'Drop the gun,' came the instruction. 'Drop it now.'

Eaglin dropped the gun.

'Now kick it away. Over here. Over here.'

Resnick and Bland were still staring at one another inside the flat.

'We got a tip-off,' Bland said. 'Some scum using this as a safe house. Drugs stashed. Money too.'

'This is official?' Resnick said.

'Of course. What else?'

'You'll have a warrant then?'

'Charlie, come on. We just got word, less than an hour ago. There wasn't time.'

'I know just when you got word,' Resnick said. 'And who from. What you promised him, too, his share of what you took down. I'll play you the tape later, Ricky. Refresh your mind.'

Outside, Eaglin was face down on the concrete, arms cuffed at his back.


When the call came, Elder was sitting with a glass of Jameson's, reading, the radio doodling in the background.

'It's done,' Maureen said. 'Safe in custody, both of them.'


'Not yet. But they will.'

'Okay, Maureen. Thanks.'

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