you see anyone? How long have I been out?”

“Dunno. I had another drink then I remembered I’d left me boomerang in your car. Thought I’d catch you up at Sharkey’s. Came out and saw the car was still here. Didn’t see no-one though.”

I put my hand up and felt the back of my head; the hair was clammy and matted. I pressed down and located the cut, it didn’t quite run from my forehead to the nape of my neck and it wasn’t six inches wide, but it’d do. Sunday eased me back against the seat and fumbled around in the car. He straightened up and leaned resignedly against the open door.

“Fuckin’ gone. Best one I had.”

“Don’t worry, he probably threw it away – it’ll come back.”

He groaned. “Jokes. I should leave you here.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Couldn’t have you on me conscience. If you can’t have two beers and get into your car without getting done there’s no hope for you. Come round to Sharkey’s and get cleaned up.”

I remembered that that was where I had been going and there seemed no good reason not to go now. I nodded and every hair on my head turned to a needle and dug in. I eased myself across and Sunday got in behind the wheel, started the car and drove up past the pub. We stopped in front of a house on a corner block. The street light lit up a rusty gate. The fence pickets started a few feet off from the gate on one side and marched off irregularly with many missing from the ranks. The house was a wide, double-fronted weatherboard. A wooden porch ran across the front of it behind two beds of healthy, waist-high weeds.

I pushed the car door open and swung my feet out onto the ground. Sunday came around and helped me through the gate and up the path. He lowered me onto the arm of a derelict sofa standing beside the front door and rapped his knuckles on the weatherboards.

I looked up and light flared painfully into my eyes from the glass pane above the door. The door opened and a girl stood there holding open the tattered fly wire screen door. She looked about seventeen, she was tall, slim and flat-breasted, in jeans and a tight, high-waisted sweater. Tears were making silver streaks down her coffee- coloured face. My brain was still reacting to the blow and for a crazy second I was convinced that she was crying for me. But she wasn’t; she couldn’t see me. She pushed the screen door wide open and lurched forward onto Sunday’s chest. He caught her, put his arms around her tentatively and tried to keep his head clear of hers.

“What’s the matter Penny?” He jerked his head out of the way of her thrashing frizzy mop and looked down at me, puzzled. The girl sobbed and couldn’t make it on her first attempt to speak. Then she got it out.

“It’s Ricky,” she wailed. “He’s dead.”

Sunday took her full weight and let her head fall on his shoulder. Her voice came through muffled and incoherent but I thought I caught the word “Noni.” The rough horsehair springing through the ripped fabric stuck into me through my clothes and I wriggled. The girl caught the noise and movement. She jerked free of Sunday.

“Who’s that?” she hissed.

“Take it easy Penny, it’s just a bloke been in a fight. I brought him here to tidy up. Let’s go inside. Jesus… Ricky. He wasn’t twenty.”

He pushed the girl in ahead of him and I followed them through. We went down a short passage and into a small living room, part of which had been partitioned off to make another bedroom. An enormously fat black woman was sitting in an armchair. Her breasts rested comfortably in her lap and grief had twisted her face out of shape. She looked like a perpetual smiler and the lamentation had forced an unaccustomed arrangement of her features. A thin man with grooved, teak-coloured face was sitting at the table cutting his fingernails with a penknife. The sight of the thin, sharp blade slicing into the pink cartilage curdled my blood. His face was an older male version of the girl’s – thin with high cheekbones and a perfect symmetry between the thick lips and the flared nostrils. But his hair was an iron-grey crop whereas the girl’s was brushed out into an Afro frizz.

Sunday went over to the woman and put his arm around her. He spoke softly to her. She rocked slowly back and forth and I realised that she was chanting the Lord’s prayer. I stood feeling useless, like something inedible cast up on an island of starving men. Sunday detached himself from the woman and beckoned me across the room. I went and stood near him across the table from the man. The girl threw herself down in a chair and sobbed quietly.

“Where is everybody Rupe?” Sunday asked. “Thing like this, people should be around.”

The man sliced a thin, curling paring from his nail and didn’t answer.

“Uncle Rupe,” Sunday said urgently, “snap out of it and tell us what happened.”

The man looked up. His eyes travelled across Sunday’s face and came to rest on mine.

“Who the fuck’s this?” he said softly.

I was conscious of my appearance and irrelevance. I put my hand on Sunday’s arm. “It’s a bad time for me to be here. I’ll push off.”

Sunday snaked out his hand and hooked me back. “No, hang around Hardy, we might need some help here.” He tapped his pockets and then held out a hand for the makings. I handed them over and he dropped the packet on the table.

“He’s a mate, see Rupe? Have a smoke and let’s hear about it.”

Rupe drew a deep breath and reached for the packet. He teased some tobacco and rubbed it on his palm.

“OK Jim. Bit of a shock.” His voice was slow and harsh like a file on metal. He gave me another look, pulled out a cigarette paper and rolled his smoke.

“Not much to tell, Jim. Copper come around here about an hour ago and said they’d found a body on the rocks at Bare Island. He was a bit of a mess but they reckoned it was Ricky from the clothes. Young Clivie went with them…”

“Them?” Sunday interjected.

“Noni was with the copper.”

“Where is she now?” I blurted out the words unintentionally, knowing it was a mistake as I did so. They distanced me from the people in the room, cancelling out the spark of good will and arousing suspicion. I was asking about my own when one of theirs was hardly cold.

Rupe stared at Jimmy before deliberately crushing out his half-smoked cigarette. “Who is this bugger Jim? I’m not sure I want him around.”

Sunday glared at me. I felt his approval dropping in notches like a mechanical jack. There was no warmth in his voice when he spoke.

“Yeah, well, he’s looking for Noni. Her father hired him.”

Rupe looked at me as if deciding whether to spit. After a time he shrugged and reached for more tobacco.

“Keep lookin’ then. She pissed off, don’t know where.”

“What were Noni and Ricky doing down here?”

“Hanging around, same as usual.”

“Anything unusual happen today, Mr Sharkey?”

The courtesy didn’t noticeably soften him. Maybe he just felt better dealing directly with questions relating to Ricky’s death.

“Yes – Ricky seemed excited today, but I don’t know why.”

“A letter, telegram?”

He looked across at the woman who stopped praying and was taking an interest. She shook her head.


“Was the girl excited too?”

“Hard to tell with her, she just tagged along with Ricky. She didn’t seem no different today.”

“I’m sorry for all the questions. Just one more. What did Ricky and Noni do down here, really?”

“They talked to people.”

“What about?”

He shook his head and relit the cigarette which had gone out while we were talking. I’d run out of questions and answers.

“I’m sorry about Ricky,” I said to the room in general.

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