'We meet in interesting places,' I said. 'Under interesting circumstances.'

'No,' she said. 'We don't. Who are you, again?'

'Jacob Burn. Son of Alexander, fifth of my line.'

'Ah. I've got two more men on the roof. My best shots.'

'I see,' I said, rubbing my nose. 'Is that relevant to the conversation? I mean, beyond the four guys here, about to put lead through my chest. Do the two guys on the roof somehow make that more or less important?'

'You're being a smartass.'

'Oh, love,' I said, spreading my arms. 'You have no idea.'

'Take his gun. And check for anything he might have hidden.'

They gave me a thorough going over, then gave Ms. Bright my revolver and the badge. Wish they hadn't found the badge. She gave it a puzzled look and was on the verge of asking some embarrassing questions, so I cut her off.

'This is quite a reception for just knocking on your door,' I looked around at the four shortrifles, the shotgun at the crack in the door. Tried to see the theoretical snipers up on the roof. 'Some special occasion?'

'I'm just going to assume that you're an idiot. I'll ask again, and then I'm throwing you out into the street. Without your little pistol.' She offered me the badge. 'What do you want?'

'This isn't mine, by the way. Wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression. I took it off a guy.'

'Explains the bullet hole,' she muttered.

'Yeah, uh. Look. Can we go inside? I know this is your property and everything, but I really don't think we should be outside during the curfew.'

She looked uncertainly at me, then the empty street at the end of the drive. Finally, she shrugged and nodded at the door. It opened. It really was a kid, holding that shotgun. A young girl.

Inside was pretty much what you'd expect of the new rich. A perfectly good generations-old somber grandeur was shattered with a crowd of brand new furniture, contemporary art hangings, even an autonomic sculpture that writhed liquidly in the center of the foyer. Veronica dropped my revolver onto a stand by the door that held a startling number of similar weapons, then pushed me towards the drawing room. The little girl with the shotgun followed us to the door, then locked us in and disappeared.

'What the hell is going on around here?' I asked.

'I really can't stress this enough,' she said, rattling ice into a tumbler and pouring herself a glass of whiskey. 'I'm not going to answer any of your questions. Not today. So you need to decide what you're going to tell me about your visit, and start telling it.' She drank and winced. 'Because today is not the kind of day where I'm going to take a lot of shit.'

'I can see why you and Angela get along so well. Fine. Last night I ran into some people. Two kids, looked like they were rich kids slumming, and an older guy. Their chaperone. Only he was drugging them, and then he drugged me, and talked a lot about how it was just bad luck.'

'Oh! You mean Richard Holbern. Yeah, the cops found him and his sister and one of their servants. Servant was shot dead. The girl said something about a homeless guy stumbling out of the dark and threatening them all.'

'Homeless guy? Honestly, do I look homeless to you?'

'You look homeless to a pampered girl who's drunk too much. So it was you? You shot their man Jeremy?'

'He drugged me! He drugged the girl.' I was seated on a bench by the window. The door was locked and I couldn't see any other way out, so if this conversation went badly enough I might have to dive through the glass. Wouldn't be the first time. 'And that guy, Jeremy whatever. I don't think he was on the up-and-up.'

'Uh huh. Look, if you'll just stay right here, I'm going to go get some guards and they'll…'

'No, you won't. Not because you think I shot that guy, at least. Look around this place. You're all on lastrites alert, every damn person I've seen is carrying a gun or a rifle or… for gods' sake, or a shotgun,' I snapped, pointing out to the foyer where I assumed the little girl was still standing guard. 'If you really thought I was a threat, you would have just put me down on the door mat. So you don't think that, do you?'

She didn't move much, just stood there leaning against the drinks cabinet, holding the glass against the fat swell of her lower lip and looking me up and down. Finally she sighed.

'Might not matter what I think, Mister Burn.' She finished the glass and set it on the cabinet, then pushed herself to her feet. 'Kind of day we're having, it might just be useful having a guy like you in our back pocket.'

'What kind of day are you having, then? Because everyone around here looks scared as hell, yet you let a complete stranger, an armed man, into your drawing room. Then you stand in here with him, alone, drinking.'

The door burst open then, and I almost screamed. The lady who came through deserved to be screamed about. She was older, her hair wild and loose, and she was dressed in a blood-stained house dress. She held her hands in front of her. At first I thought she was wearing red lace gloves that ran down to her elbows. It was blood. She was covered in it.

'Veronica, quit fucking around and give me a hand with…' She stopped when she saw me. I must have looked white as a sheet. Without realizing it, I had backed to the opposite side of the room from her and her exquisitely bloody hands. 'Who's the wetnurse?'

'Mother, this is Jacob Burn. Fifth of his line, I believe?' She crossed to her mother, walked past her and out of the room. She called back to me as she left. 'Perhaps, Jacob, you're just not the kind of man I find very frightening. Wait here, will you?'

She left, and her mother with her. The door closed with a click. The door handles were slick with that blood, like paint smeared across brass.

I sat by the window, making myself drink after drink, and seriously thinking about taking a header through the window. Crashing through and running out the garden. Maybe even going home. Maybe going to Angela. Just getting out of here.

When the door opened again, maybe ten minutes later, it was the little girl. She didn't have the shotgun.

'You aren't one of them,' she said, her little voice lilting and soft.

'One of whom?' I asked. I don't know what it is about kids that brings out the grammar. I hoped it was right.

'The black teeth men. The smiley guys,' she answered, then smiled in a way that showed all her teeth and made a noise like the world's cutest porcupine being poked in the belly with a hot poker. ' Rrrruuuugghhrrrr.'

'Ah. No, I am not one of them,' I said, and smiled broadly to show her that my teeth were not black. She nodded.

'You want a sandwich?' she asked.

I hesitated to take food in a house where everyone ran around with blood on their hands. I demurred. 'Not hungry. What's your name?'

'I'm not going to tell you. You might be gone later, and then you'll forget it, and I'll have to tell you again. I don't care for that.'

'Oh. Kay. Um. And where is your mother? Or your sister?' Frankly, where is anyone but you, child? Where is an adult?

Happily, Veronica walked in. She didn't look blood-speckled at all, which was a relief. Or perhaps she had the sense to wear gloves when she was butchering. She patted the nameless child on the head and shooed her out into the foyer, but didn't close the door. An exciting development.

'Her sister is here, Mr. Burn. Sorry for the interruption. Now, you were trying to explain how you hadn't shot Jeremy Whatever-his-name-is.'

'No, I did. I shot him right dead. And took that badge off him.'

'Which is a silly thing to say, because Jeremy is not a cop. He's a manservant to his Lordship, the Duke Holbern. Try again.'

'I swear, I didn't expect it either. One second he's passing the bottle around, the next he's got a knife to the girl's throat and offering to exchange her if I'll just go away and leave him with the boy.'

She gave me the kind of look that statement deserved, I know, but life is sometimes weird. Especially

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