'His name is Ezekiel Crane,' I said. 'And he is in the employ of the Family Tomb.'

Chapter Fifteen

Tearing Apart the God

She didn't know.

Angela stood staring at me, as much shock on her face as her little brass pistons could manage. The rest of the room exploded. There were calls to arrest her, to unhand her, calls for guards, guards. They were all met with silence.

At the middle of the storm, I stood with Angela.

'What are you doing to me?' she asked.

'You didn't know it was him?'

'No,' she shook her head. 'I didn't… I had no idea. He was a doctor, for papa. He's very sick.'

Papa. Not a word I'd ever heard her say. Ever expected to hear her say. Strange little machine-girl, and her papa-in-a-tomb. Tried to get my head around that.

'I think he followed Alexander in,' I said. 'Met him on that trip upriver. He… gods, it's loud in here.'

Wilson slid up next to me, nodded to the Lady Tomb, then handed me my shotgun.

'Are you sure you weren't a butler in a past life?' I asked him.

'Be serious, Jacob. I was a monster in a past life.'

'Well, either way. Thank you.'

I raised the shotgun and fired into the air. The report reverberated through the chamber, and the buck went up into that priceless stained glass dome, shattering it. The splinters seemed to hang in the air for a second, and then rained down on us in glittering shards of pure light. When the last of the panes had scattered on the marble floor, I raised my head and looked up at the raging sky.

'Forgot that was there,' I said.

Angela giggled (actually giggled!) and held her hand over her mouth.

'Oh, Jacob. You make such a mess of things.'

'I do, don't I?' I shouldered the shotgun and walked around the circle, glass crunching under my boots. 'Listen, people. She was deceived, just like my father was deceived. And yes, Alexander was nearly mad by the end of it, and the Tombs were tricked into thinking that this man Crane could save the Patron from his inevitable death.' I stopped on my heel and turned to Angela. 'And he couldn't.'

It took a second for that to settle into the minds of the Councilors. Plumer got it first.

'The Patron is dead,' he whispered.

Another round of hubbub, Angela shaking her head at me all the while. I went to her.

'No more time for politics, Angela. See what Crane has done to you. Done to the city. This Council is still yours, as it always was.' I handed her the shotgun. 'Take them, and avenge yourself on Ezekiel Crane.'

She grimaced at me, at the weapon in her hand. A coldness came over her face. I stepped away, taking Wilson with me. We returned to the Burn dais and settled in for the show.

'Enough!' she yelled. There was still some conversation, most of it among the industrialists. Angela scurried across the room and put the butt of the gun heavily into the dais of the Trotter-Heights. It resounded like a gong. 'Enough!'

They stopped, and they looked at her. It was all she needed.

'The succession will continue. Tomorrow, if there's still a city. Tomorrow, if we're still alive to surrender the seat. The Patron clung to life, but mostly he clung to the Council. Let's not throw him off without a fight. Ezekiel Crane has done my family a great harm. I would harm him back.'

'It was you called the curfew, Tomb. It was you who suggested we hide the attacks and separate a portion of the Badge to suppress it. It's you they report to, Lady Tomb.' The speaker was the Councilor for one of the older industrialist families. He saw a Founder falling, and he loved it. Wanted to stand where she fell. 'Tell us why we don't throw you out of the Chamber this very second, and take our own direction.'

'Your own direction? Nathan, you couldn't take your own piss. We have talked enough. Jacob is right. The time has come to act against this threat.'

'Your honor, with all due respect…' Nathan protested, with enunciation as sharp as the shattered glass on the floor.

'With due respect,' Angela interrupted, 'you can throw me out tomorrow, if you can get your nerve up by then. Councilor Burn,' she said, turning to me. 'You have the most experience with this man, excluding the ruse he has been playing on my family's hospitality. What can you tell us of him? What are his goals, his intentions?'

I sat up from where I had been lounging in my Council seat. Honestly, I had felt like my part in this conversation was done. I was hoping that Angela would just take the authority and run with it, and let me scuttle back into the shadows. Oh well.

'He has revenge on his mind. Best we've been able to piece together, he's the last remnant of one of the Founding Families, come back to knock Veridon on its ass.'

'Which family?' Plumer asked. 'One of the lines that fell out of favor, probably. Let's see, who among us died out? Lever? Mastingway? The Hoat?'

'Maker,' I said. They met me with blank stares.

'That must be a stage name, or something,' Nathan said. 'My family's records of the lineages of Veridon are quite extensive, as you all know. The name means nothing to me.'

'They won't be in your books. Nor will they be mentioned in the histories of the city, or on the plagues of Memory. They have been removed. Utterly.'

'But how is that…' Nathan began, then understood. 'A Rite of Purge.'

'Correct. Maker seems to have been allied with the Artificers Guild. Not sure what their role was in the trials, if they were accused or merely worked to defend the Guild. Either way, it seems that the result was pretty severe.'

'A Rite of Purge is very thorough, Jacob,' Angela said. 'If one was leveled at these Makers, there wouldn't be any left.'

'Or any survivors would have to live in such isolation that the subsequent centuries would have driven them mad,' I answered. They settled back in their chairs, thought about what they'd seen in the past few months. They were beginning to see it.

'But what is his goal?' Angela said. 'Surely there's more to it than this?'

'He has shut the city down and apparently murdered two of the most prominent members of this Council,' Nathan said nervously. 'I hardly think that's insignificant.'

'He made it clear to us that he intended to strike down the heart of Veridon. I don't think he wants to level the city, or kill massive numbers of the population. But he wants to change the city forever.' I spread my hands. 'Whether that means upsetting the balance of power, or making the Council that purged his family irrelevant to the future of the city, I don't know.'

'Make us irrelevant?' Plumer squawked, much like the crows outside. 'How could he do such a thing?'

'He could start by killing all of us,' Angela said. That settled the room down some. 'So, what do you think, Jacob?'

'I think there's more going on in this room than most of you are admitting. Tomb and Burn have suffered losses,' I looked around the room, my eyes only briefly pausing on Veronica Bright. 'Have any other families been struck?'

There was nervous shuffling of papers, proud Councilors unwilling to make eye contact. Finally Plumer sighed and stood.

'We have lost three sons. The next three in succession.' This fat man had no sons of his own, I remembered. It was his brother who was mourning. 'But not today. This happened two weeks ago. We didn't think it had anything to do with the attacks. It seemed to be the work of a human agent.' He glanced up at me. 'They were shot, while on cruise on the Reine.'

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