tubs of oil-the Keep’s first defence against the Demondim-to another walled projection like a coign several levels above the open gates of the tower. From this vantage, they could see a wide arc of Revelstone’s environs: north toward a region of newly planted fields, south and west among the hills that buttressed the Keep’s jutting plateau, and east down the long gradual slope of the bare plain where the previous day Linden and her company had emerged from her caesure, pursued by monsters.
Glancing down, she saw Handir and the Humbled on a similar coign one level below her. Their attention was fixed to the east. As soon as she looked in that direction, she saw what held their eyes.
Some distance away, perhaps half a league, the horde of the Demondim was plainly visible, advancing in an undifferentiated tumult toward the Keep. Even from so far away, the Vile-spawn seemed potent enough to overwhelm the Keep. Their malice howled at Linden’s senses, and a clangour of opalescence stung the skin of her cheeks. At intervals, rank emerald flashed into the skies, staining her vision with images of violence; and concussions followed after them, hard blows which kicked up spouts and ripples of dust all around the horde. Despite the distance, faint tremors reached the watchtower. The stone seemed to shiver in reply, spreading visceral dread along her nerves.
Briefly the effects of the Illearth Stone consumed Linden’s attention. But then Stave pointed out over the plain; and she saw a small cluster of riders racing ahead of the onslaught.
Four Masters mounted on horses galloped for their lives. She could not guess how long or how far they had fled: the frenzy of the horses suggested that they had been ridden hard. But they had opened a gap between themselves and the Demondim. If they did not fall or falter, they would reach the watchtower ahead of their pursuers; in time for Revelstone’s defenders to close the gates.
Peering fearfully across the distance, Linden counted four horses, four Masters. But two of the mounts bore other riders as well: the beasts were badly overburdened. Although their terror goaded them, they were falling behind their companions. And they looked like they were about to founder. At erratic intervals, they stumbled under the weight of their riders.
When she saw them clearly, Linden’s heart seemed to fail her, and she sank to her knees. The Staff clattered, forgotten, to the stone beside her.
The Masters had not rescued
One was Jeremiah; her son beyond question. As the Master’s mount pounded the dirt, the boy waved his arms, urging the horse to run faster, and shouted encouragement to the other riders.
Even from so far away, Linden could see that his eyes were afire with excitement.
The other
Acence: a Stonedownor, sister of Atiaran
Ahamkara: Hoerkin, “the Door” Ahanna: painter, daughter of Hanna
Aimil: daughter of Anest, wife of Sunder
a-Jeroth of the Seven Hells: Lord of wickedness; Clave-name for Lord Foul the Despiser
ak-Haru: a supreme Haruchai honorific
Akkasri na-Mhoram-cro: a member of the Clave
aliantha: treasure-berries
Alif, the Lady: a woman Favoured of the gaddhi
amanibhavam: horse-healing grass, dangerous to humans Amatin: a Lord, daughter of Matin
Amith: a woman of Crystal Stonedown
Amok: mysterious guide to ancient Lore
Amorine: First Haft, later Hiltmark
Anchormaster: second in command aboard a Giantship
Andelain, the Hills of Andelain, the Andelainian Hills: a region of the Land which embodies health and beauty
Andelainscion: a region in the Centre Plains
Anele: a deranged old man; son of Sunder and Hollian
Anest: a woman of Mithil Stonedown, sister of Kalina
Annoy: a Courser
anundivian yajna: “lost” Ramen craft of bone-sculpting
Appointed, the: an Elohim chosen to bear a particular burden; Findail
Arch of Time, the: symbol of the existence and structure of time; conditions which make the existence of time possible
arghule/arghuleh: ferocious ice-beasts
Asuraka: Staff-Elder of the Loresraat
Atiaran Trell-mate: a Stonedownor, daughter of Tiaran; mother of Lena
Aumbrie of the Clave, the: storeroom for former Lore
Auspice, the: throne of the gaddhi
aussat Befylam: child-form of the jheherrin
Bahgoon the Unbearable: character in a Giantish tale
Banas Nimoram: the Celebration of Spring
Bandsoil Bounds: region north of Soulsease River
Banefire, the: fire by which the Clave affects the Sunbane
Bann: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Trevor
Bannor: a Bloodguard, assigned to Thomas Covenant
Baradakas: a Hirebrand of Soaring Woodhelven
Bareisle: an island off the coast of Elemesnedene
Benj, the Lady: a woman favoured by the gaddhi
Berek Halfhand: Heartthew, Lord-Fatherer, first of the Old Lords
Bern: Haruchai lost to the Clave
Bhapa: a Cord of the Ramen, Sahah’s half-brother; companion of Linden Avery
Bhrathair: a people met by the wandering Giants, residents of Bhrathairealm on the verge of the Great Desert
Bhrathairain: the town of the Bhrathair
Bhrathairain Harbour: the port of the Bhrathair
Bhrathairealm: the land of the Bhrathair
Birinair: a Hirebrand, Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
Bloodguard, the: Haruchai, a people living in the Westron Mountains; the defenders of the Lords
bone-sculpting: ancient Ramen craft; marrowmeld
Borillar: a Hirebrand, Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
Bornin: a Haruchai, a Master of the Land
Brabha: a Ranyhyn, Korik’s mount
Branl: a Haruchai, a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
Brannil: man of Stonemight Woodhelven
Brinn: a leader of the Haruchai, protector of Thomas Covenant; later Guardian of the One Tree
Brow Gnarlfist: a Giant; father of the First of the Search