Revelwood: seat of the Loresraat, tree city grown by Lords
rhadhamaerl: stone-lore; masters of stone-lore
rhee: a thick mush, a Ramen food
Rhohm: a Ranyhyn stallion, mount of Liand
rhysh: a community of Waynhim; “stead”
rhyshyshim: a gathering of rhysh; a place in which such gathering occurs
Riddenstretch: a region north of the Soulsease River
Rider: a member of the Clave
Ridjeck Thome: Foul’s Creche; the Despiser’s home
rillinlure: healing wood dust
Ringthane: Ramen name for Thomas Covenant, then Linden Avery
ring-wielder: Elohim term of reference for Thomas Covenant
Rire Grist: a Caitiffin of the gaddhi’s Horse
Rites of Unfettering: the ceremony of becoming Unfettered
Ritual of Desecration: act of despair by which High Lord Kevin destroyed the Old Lords and ruined most of the Land
Riversward: a region north of the Soulsease River
Rockbrother, Rocksister: terms of affection between men and Giants
rocklight: light emitted by glowing stone
roge Befylam: Cavewight-form of the jheherrin
Roveheartswind, the: the Questsimoon
Rue: a Manethrall, formerly named Gay
Ruel: a Bloodguard, assigned to Hile Troy
rukh: iron talisman by which a Rider wields the power of the Sunbane
Runnik: a Bloodguard
Rustah: a Cord of the Ramen
sacred enclosure: Vespers-hall at Revelstone
Sahah: a Cord of the Ramen
Saltheart Foamfollower: a Giant; friend of Thomas Covenant
Saltroamrest: bunk hold for the crew in a Giantship
Salttooth: jutting rock in the harbour of Giants’ Home
samadhi: a Raver, Sheol, Satansfist
Sandgorgons: monsters of the Great Desert of Bhrathairealm
Sandgorgons Doom: imprisoning storm created by Kasreyn to trap the Sandgorgons
Sandhold, the: the gaddhi’s castle in Bhrathairealm
Sandwall, the: the great wall defending Bhrathairain
Santonin na-Mhoram-in: a Rider of the Clave
Sarangrave Flat: a region of the Lower Land; the Great Swamp
Satansfist: a Giant-Raver, Sheol, samadhi
Satansheart: Giantish name for Lord Foul
Search, the: quest of the Giants for the wound in the Earth; later the quest for the Isle of the One Tree
Seareach: region of the Land occupied by the Unhomed
Seasauce: a Giant; cook of Starfare’s Gem; husband of Hearthcoal
Seatheme: dead wife of Sevinhand
Second Circinate: second level of the Sandhold
Second Ward: second unit of Kevin’s hidden knowledge
setrock: a type of stone used with pitch to repair stone
Seven Hells, the: a-Jeroth’s demesne: desert, rain, pestilence, fertility, war, savagery, and darkness
Seven Wards, the: collection of knowledge hidden by High Lord Kevin
Seven Words, the: words of power from Kevin’s Lore
Sevinhand: Anchormaster of Starfare’s Gem; a Giant
Shattered Hills: a region of the Land near Foul’s Creche
Sheol: a Raver, Satansfist, samadhi
Shetra Verement-mate: a Lord
shola: a small wooden glen where a stream runs between unwooded hills
Shipsheartthew: the wheel of a Giantship
Shull: a Bloodguard
Sill: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Hyrim
Sivit na-Mhoram-wist: a Rider of the Clave
skest: acid-creatures serving the lurker of the Sarangrave
skurj: ominous, unexplained beings
Slen Terass-mate: a Stonedownor
soft-ones: the jheherrin
Somo: horse taken by Liand from Mithil Stonedown
soothreader: a seer
soothtell: ritual of revelation practiced by the Clave
Soranal: a Woodhelvennin Heer, son of Thiller
Soulbiter, the: a dangerous ocean of Giantish legend
Soulbiter’s Teeth: reefs in the Soulbiter
Soulcrusher: Giantish name for Lord Foul
Sparlimb Keelsetter: a Giant, father of triplets
Spikes, the: guard-towers at the mouth of Bhrathairain Harbour
Spray Forthsurge: a Giant; mother of the First of the Search
springwine: a mild, refreshing liquor
Staff, the: a branch of Kevin’s Lore
Staff of Law, the: a tool of Earthpower; the first Staff was formed by Berek from the One Tree and later destroyed by Thomas Covenant; the second was formed by Linden Avery by using wild magic to merge Vain and Findail
Stallion of the First Herd, the: Kelenbhrabanal
Starfare’s Gem: Giantship used by the Search
Starkin: one of the Elohim
Stave: a Haruchai; a Master of the Land; companion of Linden Avery
Stell: one of the Haruchai; protector of Sunder
Stonedown: a stone-village
Stonedownor: one who lives in a stone-village
Stonemight, the: a fragment of the Illearth Stone
Stonemight Woodhelven: a village in the South Plains
Storesmaster: third in command aboard a Giantship
Stricken Stone: region of the Land; now called Trothgard
Sunbane, the: a power arising from the corruption of nature by Lord Foul
Sunbirth Sea: ocean east of the Land
Sunder: son of Nassic; Graveler of Mithil Stonedown
Sun-Sage: one who can affect the Sunbane
Sunstone: orcrest
sur-jheherrin: descendants of the jheherrin; inhabitants of Sarangrave Flat