Reincarnation in Christianity by Geddes MacGregor
The Great Secret by Maurice Maeterlinck
Experiment in Depth by P.W. Martin
The Western Way by Caitlin and John Matthews
Simon Magus by G.R.S. Mead
The Secret of the West by Dimitri Merezhkovsky
The Ascent of Man by Eleanor Merry
Studies in Symbolism by Marguerite Mertens-Stienon
Ancient Christian Magic by Meyer and Smith
Outline of Metaphysics by L. Furze Morrish
Rudolf Steiner’s Vision of Love by Bernard Nesfield-Cookson
The Mark by Maurice Nicoll
The New Man by Maurice Nicoll
Simple explanation of work ideas by Maurice Nicoll
The Idea of the Holy by Rudolf Otto
The Secrets of Nostradamus by David Ovason*
Metamorphoses by Ovid translated by David Raeburn
Gurdjieff by Louis Pauwels
Les Societes Secretes by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
Select works of Plotinus edited by G.R.S Mead
The Double Flame: Essays on Love and Eroticism by Octavio Paz
The Cycle of the Seasons and Seven Liberal Arts by Sergei O. Prokofieff
Prophecy of the Russian Epic by Sergei O. Prokofieff
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Other Pythagoran Fragments translated by Florence M. Firth
The Tarot of the Bohemians by Papus
King Arthur: the true story by Graham Philips and Martin Keatman
Freemasonry by Alexander Piatigorsky
Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais, translated by J.M. Cohen
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones by Paul Reps
Letters to a young poet by Rainer Maria Rilke*
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke
The Followers of Horus by David Rohl
Dionysius the Areopagite by C.E.Rolt
Pan and the Nightmare by Heinrich Roscher and James Hillman*
Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age by Richard Rudgley
The Philosophy of Magic by Eusebe Salverte
The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria by W. Scott-Elliot
Studies in comparative religion by Frithjof Schuon
The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald
Annotations of the sacred writings of the Hindus by Edward Sellon
Lights Out For The Territory by Iain Sinclair
The Sufis by Idries Shah
Esoteric Buddhism by A.P. Sinnett
Man, creator of forms by V. Wallace Slater
Jesus the Magician by Morton Smith
The Occult Causes of the Present War by Lewis Spence
Egypt, myths and legends by Lewis Spence
Epiphany by Owen St. Victor
The Present Age by W.J. Stein
The principle of reincarnation by W.J. Stein
Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky by George Steiner
Atlantis and Lemuria by Rudolf Steiner
The Book with Fourteen Seals by Rudolf Steiner
The Concepts of Original Sin and Grace by Rudolf Steiner
The Dead Are With Us by Rudolf Steiner
Deeper Secrets of Human History in the Light of the Gospel of St Matthew by Rudolf Steiner
Egyptian myths and mysteries by Rudolf Steiner
The Evolution of Consciousness, and The Sun Initiation of the Druid Priest and his Moon-Science by Rudolf Steiner
From Symptom to Reality in Modern History by Rudolf Steiner
Inner Impulses of Evolution by Rudolf Steiner
The Karma of Untruthfulness vols I and II by Rudolf Steiner
Karmic relationships Vols I and II by Rudolf Steiner
Life Between Death and Rebirth by Rudolf Steiner
Manifestations of Karma by Rudolph Steiner
Occult History by Rudolf Steiner
The occult movement in the nineteenth century by Rudolf Steiner*
The Occult Significance of Blood by Rudolf Steiner
The Origins of Natural Science by Rudolf Steiner
Reincarnation and Karma by Rudolf Steiner
Results of spiritual investigation by Rudolf Steiner
The Temple Legend by Rudolf Steiner
Three Streams in Human Evolution by Rudolf Steiner
Verses and Meditations by Rudolph Steiner
Wonders of the World by Rudolf Steiner
The World of the Desert Fathers by Columba Stewart
Witchcraft and Black Magic by Montague Summers
Conjugal Love by Emanuel Swedenborg
Heaven and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg
Conversations with Eternity by Robert Temple*
He Who Saw Everything — a translation of the Gilgamesh epic by Robert Temple
Mysteries and secrets of magic by C.J.S. Thompson
The Elizabethan World Picture by E.M.W Tillyard
Tracks in the Snow — studies in English science and art by Ruthven Todd
The Tragic Sense of Life by Miguel de Unamuno
Primitive Man by Cesar de Vesme
Reincarnation by Guenther Wachsmuth
Raymund Lully, Illuminated Doctor, Alchemist and Christian Mystic by A.E. Waite
Gnosticism by Benjamin Walker
Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon by Peter Washington
Tao, the Watercourse Way by Alan Watts
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta Webster