'Not cool,' said Hector, watching the interrogation.

'I mean, this has been their home for months,' I said. 'And we just barge in and take over? What are they supposed to think?'

Julian said, 'Hey, survival of the fittest.'

I was disappointed in him. 'That's not right,' I said. 'We have to come together, especially now.'

'Dream on.'

Approaching Mr. Robles, who looked miserably cold, I asked, 'What's going on? Why is everybody here?'

'We're salvaging whatever we can off this ship.'

'Really?' My heart sank. Cowper's medicine was one thing, but… 'That's a long way to carry stuff,' I said.

'We'll rig up something. Maybe open a loading bay. Don't worry.' Trying to cheer himself up, he asked, 'So how is it in there?'

I thought about the cold, the bodies, the dark. He wasn't asking about that. Looking at his beaming expression, I replied, 'It's a fucking extravaganza.'

The next few days were full of hard physical work, but I can't say it wasn't interesting. Using the sub's massive sailplanes as levers, a crane was improvised to hoist the forward escape trunk out of its bed, leaving the bathysphere-like pod dangling in midair above a large well in the deck. Objects up to seven feet wide could be taken aboard. While the men were handling this delicate operation, the boys and I were given long lists of provisions and sent off to scour the liner.

It was decided-wisely, I think-to leave the ship in its deep freeze, with only a small backup generator running to provide light. Whether or not Xombies could revive after being frozen was unknown, and we wanted it to remain that way. Apart from that, there were concerns about heat or vibration destabilizing the ice mass on the ship's superstructure.

Mr. DeLuca had managed to activate the liner's communications suite, though there was nothing coming over the airwaves that the sub's array couldn't already pick up. As civilians we weren't allowed to listen in, but by all accounts it was a weird and troubling international chorus of despair, the last struggling pockets of humanity. If we did send a Mayday, it would only join that hopeless din, but anyone who wanted to could try it-they just had to wait for the submarine to leave the area first. It was a gamble Coombs knew no one would take.

Using the Englishmen as guides, pack routes were established throughout the ship, and I organized parties to loot the various regions. It bothered me to be doing this without seeking the Blackpudlians' consent, but I kept reminding myself that it was not really their ship.

They looked a lot different once they had gotten cleaned up and trimmed their beards and hair. First, they were quite young, all under thirty. Second, though they were third- and fourth-generation citizens of the UK, all were ethnic Pakistanis-Reggie, for instance, was actually Rajeev Jinnah. Two of them were practicing Muslims. Much as he loved the Beatles, Commander Coombs was not pleased to have these aliens aboard.

Large cargo sledges were cobbled together from lifeboats and heaped high with goods. The mountains of booty included food and drink, bedding, towels, toilet paper (probably the most eagerly anticipated item), furniture, appliances, plumbing, electronics, building supplies, sporting goods (including a brace of shotguns for skeet), cookware, silver, fine china, clothing, bulk fabric, laundry supplies (also much awaited), freezer components to expand our cold-storage capacity, and medical supplies-including Cowper's Lanoxin. Diesel fuel, oil, and various other substances usable by the sub were also tapped, though our reactor, of course, required nothing.

Then the task was dragging this treasure trove to the boat and finding room for it belowdecks. The Big Room became something of a warehouse again, but at least this time with the promise of greater comforts to come.

The cold was our bitter taskmaster. With the sub wide open and tons of subzero groceries being stowed, heat was retained only in certain sections, and these were not the sections most frequented by civilians. A couple of barely adequate warming stations (heated tents) were set up for us, but my requests for more were answered with, The sooner you're done, the sooner we can close the hatch. The officers hated leaving the boat open like this-it was too vulnerable to attack. They wouldn't let us relax until we finished.

The only ones who did not seem uncomfortable were the four Brits. They actually requested to stay in the more familiar environs of their ship until it was time to leave, and could be glimpsed from time to time following their own routines like backwoods trappers encroached upon by modernity.

As it turned out, we left a bit sooner than expected. Four days after our first sight of the Northern Queen, and just as we were dragging our umpteenth sledgeload through a deep groove in the ice, the boys and I were shocked to hear the sub's deafening horn. We could see the crew up top rushing to replace the escape trunk.

'Holy shit!' said Julian. 'We're under attack!' We dropped the lines and ran.

But it was not an attack, it was a leak. There was serious flooding on the liner-the boys stripping the carpentry shop had noticed it and flashed a signal to the officer on watch. The ship was sinking. It was not happening so quickly that there was any danger, but Coombs wanted to be sure the sub was in one piece and we were all on board in case of any ice upheaval.

The Blackpudlians-Wally, Phil, Dick, and Reggie-were the last to come below, lugging their instruments.

'Well, that's it then.' Wally sighed, taking a final look at the ship.

'That's it, mate,' said Dick.

'Feels like a lifetime we been on her.'

'It does at that.'

Turning to Mr. Robles, Phil asked, 'How much longer d'ye reckon she'll last?'

'A little while,' Robles said. 'Few hours, maybe. Strange how she popped all her gaskets at once.'

'Bloody mysterious,' said Dick.

Robles shook his head. 'I guess it's a miracle she's lasted this long.'

'Hear that, Reg?' said Phil. 'A miracle.'

'Auld girl did right by us.'

'And we by her.'

We left the awesome, ghostly sight, shutting ourselves once more in the confines of the submarine. There was something melancholy about it, about turning our backs on that lost ship, and I was reminded of the times when my mother and I had taken walks along a pasture, bringing slices of Wonder Bread to a huge old horse that lived there. I was four or five, and the animal was wonderful and terrifying. My mother was always the one who did the feeding, holding each slice on her wide-open palm in such a way that the horse could nibble it off with its giant lips. She made it look easy, and the day came when I begged her to let me feed the horse. Are you sure? she asked. I swore I was, and she showed me just how to do it, palm flat. But when the great animal came at me I panicked, clutching the bread in my outstretched fingers so that the horse accidentally bit them. I screamed. My mother tried to soothe me, saying, Honey, look-your fingers are fine, but I was childishly hurt and petulant, crying, I never want to see that horse again! Promise me, Mummy! Promise me we'll never come here again! And as I said it, part of me prayed she wouldn't hold me to it, that she'd see me through the tantrum and give me a chance to make up with the horse. But she never took us back there.

'Sir?' It was sonarman Gus DeLuca. 'I'm picking up sounds from the ship.'

Coombs was impatient. 'What kind of sounds?'

'She's foundering, sir.'

'All stop.'

'All stop, aye.'

I sat back from my workstation, cocking an ear toward the sonar room. Everyone became very quiet. Coombs put on the earphones, tilting his head in concentration. Then he straightened up and gave the headset back. Crossing very deliberately to his station, he announced, 'Gentlemen, I need a periscope sighting if you please.' He seemed to be gritting his teeth.

We maneuvered around until we located a small polynya, just big enough to raise the periscope. Coombs broadcast the view over every monitor in the boat.

There was the Northern Queen, blue in the twilight. She was several miles south, but at full magnification,

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