down at the same time.

'Now it's game time, baby. Get naked,' he commanded, a cruel glint in his eyes that told her he meant what he said.

Linda stared across the room in disbelief. She had been trying to hold the loose brassiere in place with her hands, but when he stood in front of her completely naked, his thick hard cock standing out toward her from beneath his slight paunch, she unconsciously let the garment fall away from her shoulder.

Furness glared hungrily at the exposed whiteness of her vibrantly out-thrust breasts with a lewd grin on his lips and began stroking the heavy uncircumcised foreskin back and forth over his hard bulbous cock-head.

'Like that, honey?' he smiled, enjoying the brutal torment he was subjecting her to. 'Bet your husband never had anything like that to shove up in you,' he continued, sadistically, enjoying the horrified girl's torment, watching the contorted expressions of paralyzing fear cross over her face. Linda tried to speak in protest, but she was completely frozen on the bed as she watched him lewdly stroking himself before her. Against her will, her eyes dropped again to the rigid fleshy penis he was holding in his hand.

My God, it was thick!

In spite of her fear, she found her mind wondering how a woman could take such a thing up inside her without being split completely apart. He was built and he knew it, and stood for a moment longer reveling in the fear the menacing hardness of his still swelling cock brought to her eyes.

He started slowly toward her.

'D-don't touch me,' Linda finally managed to stammer through her immobilizing fear, her voice a husky whisper over which she had no control. She knew she could never escape him now – he was going to ravish her helpless body no matter how she pleaded with him not to do it.

'Are you going to take off those panties, or do I have to do it for you?' he snarled, reaching out a threatening hand.

Linda mustered all her strength and will power and made a desperate lunge, vainly attempting to duck under his arm and run for the door. But he was too fast for her, and she felt his vise-like grip clamp around her wrist and jerk her up into a standing position between Furness and the bed. She stood motionless, all hope gone. There was nothing else she could do against his strength and determination. She was completely at his mercy to do with as he wished. Her brassiere was hanging loose from her upper arms, useless below her ripely rounded breasts, and he reached out with his other hand and lightly removed it, dropping it carelessly to the floor beside them.

Then he suddenly without warning jerked her hard against him, cupping her face in his palms. With an evil triumphant grin he pressed his wet lips tightly down over hers, this time thrusting his tongue deep up into the depths of her mouth before she had time to clamp her teeth together.

Linda stood limply in front of him now, feeling the hardness of his penis digging into the yielding softness of her stomach. A last faint thought of trying to tear herself away from him flickered through her mind but faded with the pain of his fingers digging into the sides of her face.

'That's a girl,' he breathed into her mouth softly. 'I'm going to do it to you nice and easy.'

The aghast young bride's eyes closed to blot out the horror and ugliness of it all. She was dimly aware of his hands leaving her face and snaking around her rib cage to fondle and pinch lightly at the resilient roundness of her sensitive heaving breasts, holding her in place by pulling at the pinkly erect nipples. She heard him mutter a faint sigh of lusty appreciation as he explored them with his fingertips, and then his lips left her mouth as he dropped down before her. She swayed above him, her eyes still closed as he took first one, and then the other sensitive nipple in his hotly working mouth, his nibbling teeth sending surprising chills running up and down her spine. Her breath was coming in great gasps now, as she struggled to keep from fainting and falling backward onto the bed, and then she felt his fingers hooking in the elastic waistband of her white nylon panties and slowly pulling downward.

She sucked in breath to fill her lungs and then held it, tightly clenching her upper thighs together to prevent him from totally exposing her most secret parts to his eyes. But he pulled the panties slowly down over the quivering smoothness of her fully rounded buttocks, and when they caught at the juncture of her pressed-together thighs, he gave one swift downward jerk, ripping the flimsy material into useless shreds.

There was nothing left. She stood before him completely naked like a vestal virgin before an altar of sacrifice in times of old, except that before her on his knees she could hear him panting in lustful jubilation. She swayed dangerously, almost losing her balance as she felt his lips slip wetly down over her quivering belly and then press tightly into her defenselessly naked flesh, his tongue boring like an obscene worm into her navel. The sudden indecently darting contact sent another chill racing through her body and she automatically reached forward with her hands, locking them in his hair to keep from falling. Mistaking this for total surrender he dropped his lips to the 'vee' up between her marble-white thighs, spreading the soft blonde pubic hair with his thumbs and flicking his tongue lizard-like into the moistly flowering slit of her vagina.

Linda jumped from the sudden, electrifying contact with the tiny quivering bud of her clitoris, losing her balance and falling backward toward the bed. The edge of the mattress caught her behind the knees and she sprawled flat on her back, her legs opening wide as she landed.

Fred Furness leaped forward and caught her in that position as she kicked to close her legs. He clamped his sweating palms against the wriggling insides of her straining thighs and held her as she landed. Legs spread wide apart and eyes open wide in abject terror, she struggled to close them but it was a hopeless one-sided battle. She could see him now kneeling on all fours down between her widespread thighs grinning up at her between her proud upstanding breasts like a beast of prey about to pounce on its helpless, fear-stricken victim and devour it in savage feast. The moistly trembling flesh of her naked vagina was presented up to his leering face in defenseless sacrifice and she lay frozen to the mattress, her humiliation complete as she watched his tongue slowly circling his thick sensual lips in preparation for the ravishment about to take place.

Again, he placed his palms flat against the inside of her thighs, his thumbs resting on the softly quaking flanges of her cunt. Then, with a slow torturing outward movement of the thumbs he drew the pink outer folds slowly apart, exposing the moist inner mouth to the mercy of his gaze. He watched it greedily for a moment and then with an animal-like groan he dropped his head to bury the full length of his darting slippery tongue snakelike up into the warmly throbbing walls of her pussy.

She jerked, a soul-shattering moan escaping from deep in her chest, her buttocks grinding down into the mattress trying to escape the maddening assault on her secret almost virginal genitals.

'Oh God! Ooooooh, oooooh!' she whimpered before his depraved attack, her head up off the mattress, watching in horrified disbelief that this nightmare was actually happening to her as his head began to rock up and down in greedy feast between her legs below.

'It can't be, it can't be,' she groaned over and over to herself in undisguised humiliation, her head falling back on the mattress and flailing helplessly from side to side as his tongue speared in and out of the involuntarily dilating lips of her cunt. In spite of her terror and revulsion at the horrible things being done to her defenseless cunt, tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure began to ripple deep down in her belly and her arms lay tensed at her sides while her firmly rounded breasts jiggled slightly from the buffeting her body was undergoing.

Once more she desperately tried to squirm free, but Furness' fingers held her relentlessly, pressing hard into her thighs, holding the unprotected plane of her nakedly spread vagina open wide to his unnatural attack.

'Nooooo… oooooo God…' she moaned again as he slipped his hotly probing tongue over the full length of her instinctively cringing vaginal slit, unable to understand the weird, almost delicious sensations he was causing to rise obscenely inside her. She held her breath as his tongue continued its salacious illicit exploration of her cringing cunt, dipping and probing the wet velvety folds, searching in the moist recesses, tantalizing her out of her innocence by teasing her moistly pulsing flesh.

'Now that's not so bad, is it baby?' Furness leered up at her from his position down between her trembling thighs, stopping his oral rape of her inexperienced vagina for a moment. Linda didn't give him an answer, though something deep inside her had to almost agree, and when, a second later, he dropped his head back down again, it was almost with a sense of profound relief that she felt his slithering tongue recommence its wanton probings. He positioned himself between her lewdly outstretched legs, licking and sucking at the moist slit, beginning to stab at the enticing furrow with renewed vigor, darting and flicking with his greedily prodding tongue, swirling and rotating around in the soft wet folds of quivering cuntal flesh. Linda moaned, her body trembling as her almost virginal pussy adjusted to the alien touch of the tireless tongue maddeningly twisting around her now hotly burning

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