reached a point – a point – in which she had felt she was enjoying herself more than any good girl should.

It was hard to describe the feelings that had assailed her aching loins. A sizable part of it had been so sweet that she was afraid she was going to die from it. A sunburst of pleasure had, seemed on the verge of arriving, but then had subsided as her husband suddenly came, emptying all of his hot wet sperm deep into her writhing young cunt. And then his penis had deflated so fast that she quickly lost interest, even though a moment before, she had thought she would go out of her mind if he didn't continue.

And that was the last time they had had sex. An entire week ago. Ralph seemed to be increasingly disinterested in sex, and more and more tied up at all hours at the new clinic downtown. Little wonder that she had been seeing so much of the Franklins, of late. In the evenings they were really the only people she had to turn to.

Mark and Cleonora Franklin were a beautiful and apparently wealthy couple living in a large stone house further south along the coast road by about two hundred yards. Living there alone with the largest and most dangerous-looking German shepherd Laura had ever seen. Rover was a big, sleek-furred animal with an intelligent face and huge canines that looked as if they could crunch a man in half with little trouble.

But he was also sweet, the sweetest dog Laura knew. Although she had been somewhat afraid of him at first, she had quickly come to rely upon his friendliness and warm personality. Rover often came over to her to lie down with his bushy head in her lap as she stroked her fingers around his large and steeply-pointed ears. He was an affectionate dog and she had never known him to bark or make the slightest untoward move to anyone, and yet to look at him you would think he was the most ferocious thing on two feet.

Laura sighed and went over to the telephone, her slender hand pausing momentarily on the receiver. Should she call Cleonora? She couldn't decide. Sometimes it even crossed her mind that she spent a little too much time at the Franklins. But Ralph didn't seem to mind. Indeed it seemed as if he welcomed the fact that she had found a few friends in Park Palisades. He knew very well that she was lonely during the long hours that he was away at work.

And what friends they were, too. Mark and Cleonora had the most magnificent house she had ever seen. Even though it was basically stone, it rose on stilts right out of the very cliffside of the irregular Pacific coastline. Its views were out of this world, and in the evening when the light had gone down, and Cleonora had opened the drapes on the west side of the huge, high-ceilinged and elegantly beamed living room, the house became so relaxing, like a warm womb into which one could retire for a restful doze.

Mark and Cleonora were beautiful people in the sense that they seemed to do everything with such dash and style. She had never known anyone quite like them. When they wanted to go somewhere they were as likely to rent a helicopter as take the ordinary modes of transportation. They kept two big Cadillacs as well as a Rolls- Royce with a built-in bar and a telephone. They never seemed to lack for anything. They were maximum consumers, and bought whatever they wanted whenever they pleased.

She had never in her young life known anyone who lived like that. Her own home life had been fairly frugal, and Ralph had come from a modest background as well. And during his term in medical school money had not come easy. But now they were going to live a new kind of life. She had a car for herself – a new Mustang – and they didn't have to count pennies. Even as a new doctor still wet-behind-the-ears, Ralph made more money than many middle-aged executives who had worked all their lives to get where they were.

So they had money now; they didn't have to scrimp. And Laura could feel free to use part of that money to run a car so that she could spin over to Cleonora's whenever she felt like it.

And why shouldn't she?

She picked up the telephone receiver and began to dial.


'Why yes, dear. That would be fine. All alone again? Well, never fear. We're always here. Just come around when it suits you. Bye now.'

Voluptuous, black-haired Cleonora quickly laid the phone in its cradle and turned to face her handsome husband, who was lying on the nearby sofa without a stitch of clothing on. His tall, long-legged body was covered with a ragged mass of black curly hairs ranging from his ankles upward over his belly to his wide squarish chest, and over the top of his pectorals almost to his neck. At his loins was a healthy accumulation of thick black curls which fanned the base and foundation for his powerful looking penis now held throbbing in his hand. His hand moved slowly on his pulsating rod of warm male flesh, pulling the foreskin up and over the purplish glans. With his other hand he stroked the soft fur at the nape of his German shepherd's neck.

The big dog lay on all four paws by the side of the sofa, his longish tongue hanging out, glistening with moisture. When his sensitive ears caught Laura Saunders' lilting young voice on the telephone, his head jerked up attentively, and a rush of blood flooded his throbbing animal loins. Rover liked the tall, lushly molded young blonde, and whenever he saw her, or heard her throaty voice and gay, happy laugh in the Franklin home, his nostrils flared and it was all he could do to control himself.

But Rover was a well-trained dog, and he would never have dreamed of mounting Laura Saunders without being properly cued. Indeed, everything in him would have rebelled against it. He had been brought up to respond to specific commands and cue words. Despite his menacing appearance, Rover was an animal who never lost control of himself. And, thanks to the Franklins, elegant coaching, this seemed to pay dividends in the long run. The Franklins knew how to work women up until they were ready for him, and he was happy to rely upon their superior judgment.

'Was that Laura Saunders again?' Mark asked pleasantly, continuing to stroke Rover's deeply furred neck while pulling slowly on his own hotly throbbing organ.

Cleonora smiled. 'It was,' she said, lighting a cigarette. She sat down on the couch next to her husband and passed the cigarette to him. Glancing down she saw that the slightest amount of shining clear pre-cum had issued from the tip of his penis, and she licked her lips in lusty anticipation. She could almost taste Mark's cum on her tongue. It was a drink she almost never tired of quaffing.

'Is that for me or for Laura?' she asked, not even faintly jealous.

'For Rover here,' Mark told her, pinching the big dog's throat fur in his fingers. 'He gives me more than the both of you put together.'

Cleonora pinched her lips together and punched him in the side, making him exclaim. She said, 'You are mean, you bastard.'

Mark laughed, wrapping his hand around his jerking cock which was waving lewdly about in the air like a redwood tree not quite knowing which way to fall.

'Heh heh. Not so mean as this thing here,' he said. His eyes looked mischievously up to hers. 'Think you've got the stomach for it?'

Her eyes dilated. He knew very well how much his penis meant to her, and how much she loved to swallow his fiery sperm. But this teasing was part of the game they played interminably. 'Maybe not,' she said, 'but I know I've got the throat for it.' And with this she slipped her hands underneath his buttocks, and then slowly lowered her head until her tongue-moistened lips came in contact with the smooth rubbery tip of his cock.

Her red glossed lips parted slightly as she savored the exquisite taste and scent of his throbbing male hardness and her eyelashes fluttered with an old, time-honored emotion. She had fallen in love with Mark Franklin's cock when she was just a schoolgirl in Trenton, New Jersey, and had adored it ever since. Next to Rover's which, of course, was exceptional, Mark's penis was absolutely the most tasty she'd ever run across in a lifetime of searching. Despite all the many cocks that had brought pleasure to her cunt since Mark had first deflowered her at the tender age of thirteen, and despite all the numerous ones that had flooded their cum down her hotly grasping throat as she sucked with a wanton fury on their towering members, Mark's was still the most excruciatingly satisfying rod of flesh she'd ever known in any form. She worshipped it slavishly, and she worshipped her husband with it. She would have done anything for him.

And had. For despite her initial dismay, she had eventually taken part actively in every debauchery he had ever suggested. And with marvelous results. Cleonora had suffered more orgasms than she could scarcely remember. Initially there had just been the usual bit of two-couple wife-swapping, and she had discovered to her

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