John Kellerman

The family threesome


When Merle pulled up to the curb, Mona reached for the door before he had turned the engine off. Someone, had left her porch light on and the glow through the evergreens by the walk seemed to make her all the more eager to end the date.

'Hey, you're going to invite me in, aren't you?' Merle said, taking her wrist.

'Merle darling, it's been a wonderful night.' She leaned over to kiss him on the mouth. His lips were hungry, eager. She let him nibble on her neck for a few moments and then pushed herself away. They looked at each other intently in the dim light.


'I'd love to. You know I would.' Her voice trembled. When Merle wanted her, she always got like that. It was at such times when she sensed what a man really was. A powerful, carnal animal with a great hard thing that pew from between his legs. This image always excited her tremendously.

'If you'd love to, well, why don't we…'

'Merle. I told you why we couldn't tonight.'

'Your brother. I know.' He let out a breath and leaned back in the seat. The clock on the dash ticked. Merle leaned towards her again. 'Look Mona, the kid is twenty-one, isn't he? He knows a woman with your looks and intelligence is going to have a life of her own. You're not expected to be a saint.'

'I'd feel funny about just bringing you in to my bed. Sheri has accepted you, she understands how it is. But I haven't seen Robby for years.'

Merle slapped the steering wheel. 'For Christ's sake, Mona, he's not your ex-husband or your son or anything. He's just your brother. Do you think he'd really care if you went to bed with me tonight?'

Mona pursed her lips. 'Maybe it's not him. Maybe it's me; I'm just too discreet. I guess that's the only word to use.'

'Discreet, or ashamed to be dating me.'

'I didn't say that.' Mona felt herself growing brittle.

'Maybe you're ashamed because we go to bed and make it. You're shamed to enjoy yourself.'

'Mona, you're putting words in my mouth…' He smiled at her then. Mona felt the tension break.

'Honey, that's not the only thing I'd like to put in your mouth.'

'Ohh Merle, honey… let's not fight.' She hugged him. Yet the excitement was gone now. She wanted to end the date and get inside. Merle felt her tugging back towards the door.

'Mona, you're thirty-six years old. You have the right to take what you want from life. Brother or no brother…'

'Robby is so young… he might not understand.'

'Twenty-one isn't that young. He's getting his share, don't you worry.'

'You make it mound so…'

'Sexy,' Merle growled and laughed. He worked a hand under her blouse. Mona looked wistfully at the porch light. She wanted to be up by it unlocking the door. Why? Was she really worried about what her younger brother might think of her? A cloud of confusing thoughts nomad to veil her mind. Merle was loosening her bra now. His fingers gingerly pinched the large brown nipple and, as it filled with blood, Mona sucked a sharp breath.

'Nooo!' She caught his wrist hard. Merle slumped back in his seat. She could tell he was mad. 'Merle… I…' She saw the bulging swell at the crotch of his pants. There would be only one way to get rid of him without hurting his feelings further. She found his fly and unzipped it quickly.

'Mona, baby…!'

'Do you have something I can use? Something gooey?' Merle's disappointment was obvious when he understood what she meant. He'd been trying to talk her into giving him head for two months. Mona couldn't bring herself to do it. She had a knot in her thinking when it came to that. The thought made her gag. A man's cock! In her mouth! Not that she thought a man's cock was ugly or nasty. But there were some things a woman just didn't put in her mouth. Mona couldn't understand why pictures of couples doing that very thing turned her on something awful. It was a contradiction she chose to ignore and she chose to ignore it now.

'Mona, I sure would did it if you'd…'

'No.' She reached for the door handle again. 'Do you have anything gooey or not?' She was irritated with him now. She wanted to get it over with and get inside. Robby might have noticed the car pulling up. He was probably wondering what they were doing out here.

'There's some hand lotion in the glove compartment,' Merle said. 'You left it last time, remember?'

Mona remembered. They'd come out of Merle's restaurant after dinner and drinks and he'd wanted to play. Mona didn't like carrying on in public, not even in the deep, dark back seat of Merle's Cadillac. So she'd agreed to give him a hand job.

She got the lotion out and squeezed a huge glop of it into her palm. She didn't care whether she got it on his clothes or not. To hell with him. All he wanted to do was jet his come all over the place. Her fascination with his maleness had quickly ebbed. Instead of her usual fascination for that hard, thick cock, she felt disgust. Merle had opened the front of his pants completely to give her room and to could see it.

As her fingers smoothed the white cream down over the hot and tumid head of Merle's cock, Mona felt her disgust weaken like smoke in the wind, it dissolved. Now she concentrated on the shape of his prick. The way the head bulged out like a mushroom. The way her palm and fingers slid easily over the veined, bumpy surface. The swollen tube along the bottom swelled as she began to jack him. And the lotion made a crackling, slick sound. Rhythmic. Sexy. Mona's panty crotch went suddenly damp. She closed her eyes and fought to control her breathing.

'That's it… Jesus… ohh wow!'

'Slow?' she asked, knowing he liked it slow, but wanting to hear him speak. His words of passion were so… so hungry sounding. She thought of the old movie where the man turned into a wolf. Merle sounded a little like a wolf now. His face was twisted in the agonized pleasure she'd seen so often. When his cock was inside her, he looked the same way. She thought of the feel of that long, hard thing penetrating her deeply and then being pulled slowly out. Her closed hand worked steadily as the lotion dribbled down her wrist, into Merle's pubic hair. His tight curls were as dark as the hair on his head. Merle. It meant blackbird, she thought. They made a nice couple, since her own hair was very dark too. Merle twisted his hips, flicking upwards from the car seat as the subtle, sliding friction began to get to him. Mona lightened her touch and went slower. She felt the power of holding a man's passion in the palm of her hand. The power excited her. She squirmed her hips on the seat and felt the damp lips of her pussy part slightly as the nylon slipped up.

'Mona… Ohhh… you got me, baby, you got me!'

In the dim light from the dash, Mona saw the head of Merle's cock. It looked dark, angry. The tiny slit at the top throbbed open slightly and she stopped her up-and-down movement to study him. Very gently she squeezed with her nails. She milked him, pressing with the finger closest to his balls, then pressing in each of her other fingers in order until she squeezed just under that flared crown. The nail of her index finger went into the spongy flesh. Merle's cry was choked off as he twisted violently in the seat.

That we when Mona saw a tiny droplet of milky fluid appear. The droplet was like a fortune teller's crystal. Inside it a swirl of thicker cream swirled. Merle's prick pounded against her squeezed fingers. And then a white string leaped into the air.

'Do it… God damn Mona… do it!' Mona massaged her lotion-drenched finger along the convulsing meat. More hot jizz flooded out, some jetting, some just frothing out in glops that leaked down her wrist to join the hand cream.


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