'Yessss! Ohhhh God damn!'
'Ohhh I can feel it coming… Huuuhhhhh mmmmmmmnnnn!'
The sound of her uncle's cock spearing in and out of her cunt was lovely. She could hear the soft suck of her petals around the stiff thing when he pulled back. And when he rammed again, there was a different sound. A squishy, sliding sound as her young pussy was filled. Holding it inside her deeply, Robby returned her furious kisses. He had her around her small waist, holding her down oh him as she wiggled with breathless passion.
'Thank God I found you,' she breathed, nibbling his lip.
'You'd better pull off.' Robby's muscles began to tense up, 'Damn it Sheri, you'd better slow down!'
'Ohh, I've waited so long! I can't stop now. I'm gonna come, Robby! Let me come darling… please let me come!'
'But I'm gonna come too. We can't make a baby.'
'Sheri… Jesus!'
At that instant Sheri remembered something Annie had been talking about that very day. Something about how a girl could cool it for a man if she knew the right place to touch. Sheri had never tried it. But Annie had given her pretty good instructions. It had to do with that powerful gland up between a man's legs, just behind his ballsac. A girl could get to it by shoving a finger up a man's ass. Or she could exert pressure from the outside. Annie hinted that the asshole method was the best. Sheri wasn't sure she wanted to do that. Even if Robby let her, it would be a little rough on him without any Vaseline handy.
But he was breathing faster all the time. She knew that he would jerk away just before he spurted. And if he did that it would spoil her lovely climax. It dangled there before her. It would take only a little more friction, a little more nabbing. A few more seconds having that wonderfully slender prick up inside her softness.
'Wait for me, Robby,' she gasped. 'Don't come yet!' She touched the place Annie had told her about. There was a lump up inside him. Just behind his balls like Annie had said. She pinched the flesh out with a thumb and finger. Yes, the lump was hard and it was pulsing. She squeezed more and the pulsing stayed about the same. She squeezed oven tighter and the throbbing died away a little. But Robby was making funny sounds in his throat.
'Jeeeeeesus Chriiiiiist!'
Robby's fingers fluttered over her ass like he wasn't sure exactly what to do. But his cock was still very hard. Sheri didn't waste any time. She thrust her hips forward and back with frenzied jerks. Her clit was engorged with blood. It raked the sickened skin of her uncle's prick. She let her weight down on the ramrod inside her, keeping her fingers pinches on his prostate all the while.
Sheri knew that a fantastic pressure was building inside her uncle's body. His coming was being held off by the mere pressure of her fingers. But his cock tip had gotten huge inside her. She could feel how it was swelling, pounding. And it jerked with a steady, potent rhythm. If by accident her squeezing grasp slipped… And it was a dangerous time of the month for her, too!
But it wouldn't be long now. She could feel her thundering pleasure. The tickling lust poured through every nerve of her body. Her breasts glowed. Her nipples burned. Her cunt felt as if it was being shot at by some magic ray gun. Pleasure flowed through her in blinding spasms. Her head flopped on her uncle's shoulder as she bucked her young body in delirious excitement.
As she came, she cried out. Robby covered her mouth with his hand but she moaned loudly through his fingers, biting them, licking them. Her ass wouldn't stop now. It was like she was having a seizure. Somehow she managed to keep her uncle's gland pinched tightly. But even that wouldn't work forever. She could tell by the rigid hardness of his cock that his come would explode in a few more seconds.
'Don't come in me,' she breathed, fucking her pussy down hard against him. The last tremor of excitement made her twitch and drool against her uncle's cock. Then he was pushing her body up off of him. She felt his prick slip from her pussy. And a he pushed her aside, her grasp of the magic gland between his lets slipped at last.
Robby starred back a foot or two, his cock jutting upwards at a sharp angle. The first jet of cum leaped high in the air. The second spattered white flecks over Sheri's dress. Robby's face looked like someone was whipping him with barbed wire.
'God… Ohhhh shit!'
'Ohh Robby, let me help!' Sheri grabbed his slender shaft and began to jack him.
'Ahhhh… Yeah!' he grunted, relaxing against her shoulder, she milked the hot sap from his body. A puddle began to form on the floor between them and the strings plopped down. At last no more came out. Sheri wiped her hands on her dress and watched Robby force his blood thickened cock back into his underwear.
He kissed her goodbye and patted her bore bottom, mumbling something about seeing her later. Sheri felt good. She took a last look at her uncle wiping his glasses and opening a book again.
As she went up the stain to the main floor, she felt wonderfully wicked. What a naughty thing she'd done. And right in the middle of a stuffy old library.
An attendant at the desk eyed her with obvious lust as she passed through the turnstile. She smiled at him and slinked down the hall and out of the building. She felt the relief that only good sex could bring her. But before she went home, she began to tense up again. Could she want more already? Yes, she did! It was unbelievable, but she could almost feel another cock forcing its way into her body. She wanted to spread her legs and get fucked again. Right that moment! It was kinda scary.
'What's happening to me?' she said aloud as she turned up the walk to her house. 'Am I sick or something?'
Sheri stopped just inside the front door. Roger! What was he doing standing there with Mona. He had his arm around her. They were smiling at her. She frowned, tilted her blonde head.
'Roger? Mona?' Mona came forward and hugged Sheri to her.
'Sheri, I have some wonderful news. It all happened so quickly, I'm not sure it's real. But… well…'
'What is it, mother?'
'I guess I'd better start by telling you who Roger really is.' She bit her lip, then went on. 'I made him promise he wouldn't tell you himself. But I've been a fool. Sheri darling, Roger is your father. Your real father.'
Mona looked at Sheri. Sheri felt her knees give. She stared at the tall, blue-jeaned man with hair the same color as her own. He shook his head and frowned, signaling her not to blab what had happened.
'God,' she mumbled, 'my dad?'
'Yes,' Mona gushed, 'and we're going to try living together again. We're going to remarry.' Mona held Sheri back from her and smiled. 'You'll have a father. Won't that be wonderful?'
'Yeah. Sure.' Sheri felt like someone had struck her between the eyes. Out of Mona's sight, Roger was still motioning her to keep still. She gave him a brief nod. She was too much in shock to start pouring out the succulent details of their little romp in the woods. Now she could understand why Roger had acted so strangely. She blushed remembering the blatant way she'd thrown herself at him. He'd resisted, but she'd finally broken him down. She'd used her coltish body, her youth, her sexuality. She'd made the temptation too good for him to resist. Even though he washer very own father! She slumped against her mother. The guilt was there. Fucking her dad was pretty heavy. When it came to good old-fashioned sin, it sure beat hell out of making it with Uncle Rob. But as soon as the first shock had passed through her consciousness, Sheri was surprised and a little upset to find her emotions about her father still very much intact. He was a beautiful man. Mature, good-looking. Suddenly she was getting excited. She was thinking about the size of his cock?
'I better go upstairs,' she blurted. 'I'm very happy for both of you.'
'She'll be okay,' she heard her mother say.
Sheri closed her bedroom door and sat on the bed.
'Damn it,' she hissed, 'he's mine! He's my daddy! Mona can't have him. She just can't.'
That evening after supper Mona was feeling better than she had in years. She and Roger sat in the front