And the harder he stroked my clit, the more apparent it became to me that I was about to have another climax, more intense than the first. What a beautiful day this is, I told myself, allowing that come to hit me like a big ocean wave, and as it faded there was still another to take its place. I stopped thinking about that time and threw all my energies into my blinding, shattering response.

So much so that I scarcely noticed when Greg's own explosion came. I was vaguely aware that his cock had begun to rabbit-fuck inside me, driving in and out with desperate, penetrating jabs, and I think I felt the shudders of him as he unloaded deep in my cunt, but by then I was nearly numb from the intensity of what my own body was feeling, and the most important thing I drew from Greg was the warm closeness that seemed to radiate from his body as we rocked and bucked and thrust together in our own private realms of excitement.

And when it was over, when the waves had subsided and my body sprawled in contentment with their passing, when Greg's tool had popped from my cunt to allow the seepage of thick streams of our fuck juice, when we lay together side by side, kissing and purring and touching each other where it felt best, he looked into my eyes and I looked into his and we saw only pleasure and delight.

'One more, time?' I asked, and there seemed to be an echo in the room. Until I realized that he had asked me precisely the same question just as I spoke. We both laughed, and he put his lips to my breasts while my hand sought out his dick, and I hoped we could get at least one more fuck in before his family arrived from Columbus.


We did, and we even managed to get downstairs and into our clothes before the Pettits pulled up in front of the house. Jill squealed happily when she saw me standing with Greg beside the front door.

'Oh, Didi!' she hollered, running across the lawn. She took my hands and bounced on her heels, eyeing me this way and that before leaning in to plant a kiss an my cheek. 'How are you?' she asked breathlessly. 'Why didn't you write? Did you get my last letter? I said some kinda nasty things in it, but I didn't mean any of them! Honest! You look funny. Is something wrong with you, Di? Have you been sick or something?'

I wondered if she could tell by looking at me that I'd just gone twice round the Horn with her incredibly sexy stud of a big brother. They say that a girl's eyes look different once she's been busted. Maybe that's what she noticed. But, no. It couldn't be. I looked back at Jill, and she seemed to be exactly the same as always. No telltale hints of knowledge, of experience, lurking in her blue eyes, no sneaky wrinkles at the corners of her mouth, no smirky set to her chin. She looked like the same old Jill.

'How come you're back so early?' I asked. 'You were supposed to stay another week.' My voice dropped. 'Or am I treading on dangerous ground?'

'Huh?' she asked, clearly not understanding. 'Oh, the weather was hideous. It rained half the time, and it was cold the rest. Look at me. Spend three weeks on the beach and – God, Di, you got a better tan in Albany than I did in South Carolina!'

It was true. She looked pale. Her parents had already gone into the house, greeting me on the way. Greg followed them, giving me a look of love with his eyes, Jill didn't even notice. 'C'mon,' she said, 'help me carry my stuff up. I have a present for you. It's a poster of The Fonz. I saw it and knew you'd love it. He's got this hoody grin on his face, and he's holding his hands up, so, c'mon, Didi!'

As soon as we got into her room, while she was rummaging through her vacation luggage for my present, I shut the door firmly and turned to face her. 'For Christ's sake, Jill!' I exploded, 'you are talking about everything under the sun except what I want to hear. How many guys did you make it with, all told?'

She looked up. 'Guys?' I nodded. Jill's eyes sparkled and she began to laugh in her silvery voice. 'What are you talking about, Didi?'

'Your letters,' I said. 'Kerry, Ned with the yacht, the three guys who were doing it to you at once…'

Her laughter became almost hysterical. I started to blush because I couldn't see what was funny.

'For-for God's sake!' she sputtered. Jill managed to get partial control of herself and she sat down on the edge of the bed. 'Weren't those letters gorgeous?' she trilled. 'Be honest with me, Didi – I bet you frigged yourself while you read them, didn't you? Did they turn you on? God, sometimes I'd be writing and I'd start to tinge inside, and I'd have to reach down and rub my clit till I could calm down enough to go on writing. But I showed you, didn't I? You're not the only one who can cook it up.'

'I don't think I understand you, Jill,' I said, realization starting to dawn, unwillingly, on me. 'Didn't all that – didn't it happen?'

'Oh, you poor child!' Jill said, her eyes enlarging. 'So that's why you didn't write to me! You read those letters, and you thought it was all real, and you – you – I bet you felt all left out and jealous! Oh, Didi! Couldn't you tell it was a goof? God, I larded it on so thick I thought you'd know!'

'I didn't,' I said blankly. 'It sounded real.'

'Oh, come off it,' Jill taunted. 'You know damned well that it was only a scram! What else was I supposed to do when it was raining and drizzling and too cold to go on the beach? I sat on the balcony and made up a story for you. Just like the one you made up for me that day, remember? About you and me and Greg, you nasty-minded child! Of course, mine was longer and better connected. I wonder if I have a future in literature? Jesus, Didi, I thought you'd see through it right from the start. That was why I got mad when you didn't answer my letters. I figured you'd send me a few of your own little fantasies and we could at least share our hot dreams through the mail. God, can you actually see me doing any of those things I wrote about? The only person less likely for it is you, I guess. Let's face it, kid. We're both chicken, no matter how much we think we want it. But pretending doesn't hurt, does it?'

'I guess not,' I said.

Jill stood up. 'Here we are!' She handed me a rolled-up poster. 'Your very own Fonz. See – I'm your pal, kid. I brought you home a man! Or at least the closest to a man we're going to get for quite a while to come.'

'You know,' she went on, 'you really do look funny, Didi. It's your eyes, I think. They don't look quite right. Are you having trouble with them? God, I hope you don't have to get gasses! So anyway, how were things in Albany while I was gone? My letters were probably the only thrill on the market, huh? God, I can't get over how gullible you're turning out to be. Don't go to New York – or, if you do, watch out, because somebody will probably try to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. Listen to me. I'm doing all the talking, as usual. Say something to me. Share the latest news and gossip, huh? Or has the cat got your tongue?'

She stood rocking on her heels, eyes blue and bright, her smile chipper and innocent, and now I really knew what she had meant by a twist ending. Jill suddenly seemed like a child to me, a winning, ingratiating, lovable child, but a child all the same. She was precisely what I'd feared appearing in her eyes. But I still loved her like a sister, and it I could help her, I'd do it. She had pushed me into becoming a woman, unintentionally, and the least I could do was return the favor. 'Jill,' I told her, 'why don't you sit down again? I have a hell of a lot of news for you, and I'm not entirely sure how you're going to take it. So, if you're ready to listen…'

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