Wildly, her body wanted it all, wanted her naked breasts to be handled, massaged and caressed, wanted the hardness of their cocks in her own hands… and then wanted them thrusting deep up into her pussy. She could almost feel it already. It would be so marvelous… so naughty, yet so nice.

Suddenly however, something snapped inside of her, what was she thinking about, what would Philip think, how could she allow these young animals to ravage her body… she must be mad!

Julie twisted her head aside, freeing it from Pete's strong-fingered grasp and breaking the deep kiss, as she realized that she had begun to kiss him back, her own tongue entertwining with his and sliding momentarily into his mouth.

'No!' she gasped. 'Please… I-I can't. I can't…'

'Baby, you're going to get yourself good and fucked!' Tim leered behind her.

'No… no, please let me go,' she pleaded, 'I don't even know you.'

'Pretty soon you'll know us though,' Pete grinned, reaching down to untie the lacing at the side of her bikini bottoms.

'No,' she screamed thrusting her hand down to her side to stop him.

Pete pushed her hand aside and continued to untie her bikini, 'Don't tell me you don't want it baby, it's obvious, it's written all over your face, you're hot baby, hot to fuck, really hot to fuck!'

Pushing her bikini bottoms down over her hips, he stripped the tiny garment down over the sveltely curved columns of her legs. The blonde hair of her pussy was revealed curling softly at the apex of her thighs, which she clamped tightly together, her hand moving down instinctively to cover the nakedness of her loins. Julie blushed, and her eyes dropped down to see her only material defense draped around her ankles.

'Ooooooh, my God!' she groaned. 'Oh, no!'

Tim was now deftly removing her short white cover-up pulling it off of her with firm hands. Not quite realizing what was happening, Julie desperately tried to cover her nakedness as she was finally stripped.

She felt confused, her head was swirling, it was almost as if her body wanted them to fuck her and yet her head didn't. She couldn't quite understand what was happening and yet her body felt like a traitor to her.

Then, Pete, who was still standing in front of her was loosening the tie of his swim trunks, and with excruciating slowness began to lower them over his slim muscular hips. She watched hypnotically, unaware that Tim was already unfastening the single snap of her bikini top and pushing the shoulder straps down over her upper arms. Then, almost instantly, Tim's hands captured her smooth globular white breasts, his fingers digging into the tender flesh to knead and massage. A tiny moan escaped her lips as her aching breasts quivered in the palms of his greedy hands, their coral-pink nipples distended and hard with wanting, while just at that moment Pete freed the long thick length of his cock, exposing it fully to her rapt gaze. She couldn't help but gasp with surprise at the size of it.

Quickly, Pete stepped out of the bathing trunks and kicked them aside, then with a top-sided leer, he reached down to grasp the throbbing length of his penis. As he slowly retracted the heavy foreskin, he chortled. 'How would you like to have this shoved all the way up into your cute little cunt?'

'I-I wouldn't!' she cried out but she couldn't look away from it as a fiery bolt of lightning flashed in her loins, searing her with a demanding desire she couldn't ignore.

Pete came close to her then and plucked away the bikini top that still dangled by its shoulder straps from her elbows. Julie let him do it.

Why she did she didn't know but the next instant she had stepped out of her bottoms also and now she was shamefully naked before the two lusting men.

Her body had won over, her traitorous body was willing to give itself to these two brutes, she thought shamefully to herself… I'll never be the same again.

'And she said she didn't want it,' sneered Tim behind her, 'she wants it alright, she's so hot for it she can't stand it.'

'I'll say she wants it, she can't keep her eyes off my cock,' sneered Pete as he stood close to her and guided the blood-filled head of his cock into the tiny crease of her pussy showing faintly through its soft covering of blonde hair at the angle of her thighs. 'Isn't that right Julie?'

'N-no! It's just that it's so huge… I've never seen one so big,' she gasped.

Pete began to enfold her in his arms now while at the same time Tim released the ripe melons of her breasts and stepped back from her. She was crushed against Pete's muscular chest now, his hips pushed hard against her to insinuate the bloated head of his penis against the pulsing bud of her clitoris.

Suddenly, Julie knew she could stand no longer. Her knees were beginning to collapse. Deep in her belly a roaring furnace door was opened as the moist warmth of his cock-head touched the key to her sexuality, and involuntarily her tightly clamped thighs relaxed to allow that monster cudgel to bore in between her legs. It felt to her as though she were rising a huge log as his thick hard and long cock seemed to be making contact with every square centimeter of her inflamed cunt flesh. Moaning uncontrollably she slumped against him. Oh God! I can't hold out any longer, she groaned inwardly to herself, I'm going to give myself to him.

'Okay baby,' Pete growled now, 'there's no turning back now, you're going to give yourself to both of us.'

'No!' her voice gasped with the last vestige of reason as her body tingled with a new expectancy for something she had never experienced.

Two potently virile men fucking her at the same time. Two! Two men… at the s-same time! 'Oooooooooh!' her mewling moan contained a new tone of excitement, muffled against Pete's broad hairy chest.

'Come on Pete!' It was Tim's voice off somewhere behind her. 'Let's get her into the bedroom… I've got everything ready.'

Dumbly Julie allowed herself to be led to the bed, like a cow to the slaughter, into the bedroom with it's queen-sized bed where Tim waited them, naked now too and stretched out on the bed, his fully erect penis reaching upward above his hairy loins like a fleshy pylon.

She gasped. Unbelieving, she stared at it. The slightly shorter more compact Tim, broad-shouldered, his torso narrowing to slim hips and muscular legs bore a veritable monster cock in his loins. It reared above him like a jackknife, seeming to be firmly embedded in a foundation of tufting sandy hair.

Smiling at her surprise, Tim grinned up at her, his hazel eyes filled with a lust she had never seen before. 'What's the matter Julie baby? Haven't you ever seen a cock before?'

'Y-yes… but…' her gaze switched to Pete standing beside her then back again to Tim on the bed.

'But what?' Pete asked pushing her toward the bed firmly.

'I-I can't! I w-won't! You're both so… so…'

'Ready to fuck you?' Tim smiled, showing white even teeth. He reached out for her, grasped one of her hands and pulled her down to the soft mattress beside him.

Pete lay down beside her to sandwich her sensation-ridden body between the two virile men as real fear mixed with perverse anticipation caromed around inside her skull. It was all so real to her, yet there was a tinge of fantasy to it. God! They're so big! Both of them! How can I possibly l-let them d-do it to m-me? Even as she questioned it, her body yearned for them… both of them, huge as they were… more huge than she had ever imagined a man's sex organ could be.

Now, she was enfolded between them, the men's warm and muscularly hard bodies pressed tight against her, both long and hardened cocks pressuring into the soft smooth flesh of her thighs on either side. She could plainly feel the heat of them against her quivering skin.

Before she could answer with an objection, Tim had smothered her mouth with his, his tongue surging out to burst into her oral cavern. For a desperate moment, Julie tried to twist away from him to break his slavering kiss, her tongue skirmishing with his, but when Pete's lips captured one of her spikily distended nipples sucking it up into the warmth of his mouth, his teeth grazing it slightly as he toyed with it, all of her reservations her shaky resolve, dissolved in a long shuddering moan of desire. Her jaw relaxed, her mouth opening wide, and she sucked Tim's lingual member deep into her own mouth. At that point, she knew that she was truly lost. She was beyond the point of no return. It was going to happen and nothing in heaven or hell could or would stop it.

Her body keened shiveringly as delightfully sensual things happened to her. She kissed Tim back with fierce passion, her own tongue now slipping searchingly into his mouth to probe and taste, while his hand massaged carressingly at her other aching breast, his thumb and forefinger rolling her sensitively erect nipple to even greater hardness. At the same time, Pete sucked hard at its twin, taking the entire aureola deep into the warm moistness

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