“I'm yours.”

He dropped his brow to hers. Those were the words he'd wanted. The ones he'd needed. Taking the ring from the box, he slipped it onto her finger. “You're mine.” He kissed her fingers, then her lips. “I'm yours.” Bringing her close again, he remembered his grandfather's words. “Eternally.”

Chapter Twelve

Suzanna took the children to the shop with her in the morning. She couldn't tell the rest of her family the news until she'd gauged Alex's and Jenny's feelings. The day was bright and hot. Knowing it would be a busy one, she arrived a full hour before opening. Because they wanted to check the herbs they had planted, she took them into the greenhouse to look at the tender shoots.

She let them argue for a while over whose plants would be the biggest or the best, supervising as they gave the shoots their morning drink.

“Do you guys like Holt?” she asked casually, nerves drumming.

“He's neat.” Alex was tempted to turn the sprayer on his sister, but he'd gotten in trouble the last time he'd indulged himself.

“He plays with us sometimes.” Jenny danced from foot to foot, waiting her turn. “I like when he throws me up in the air.”

“I like him, too.” Suzanna relaxed a little.

“Does he throw you up in the air?” Jenny wanted to know. “No.” With a laugh, Suzanna ruffled her hair.

“He could. He's got big muscles.” Reluctantly Alex passed the sprayer to his sister. “He let me feel them.” Screwing up his face, Alex flexed his own. Obliging, Suzanna pinched the tiny biceps.

“Wow. You're pretty tough.” “That's what he said.”

“I was wondering...” Suzanna wiped nervous hands on her jeans. “How would you feel if he lived with us, all the time?”

“That'd be good,” Jenny decided. “He plays with us even when we don't ask.”

One down, Suzanna thought and turned to her son. “Alex?”

He shuffled his feet, frowning a little. “Are you going to get married like C.C. and Amanda?”

Sharp little devil, she thought, and crouched down. “I was thinking about it. What do you think?”

“Do I have to wear a dumb tuxedo again?” She smiled and stroked his cheek. “Probably.”

“Is he going to be our uncle, like Trent and Sloan and Max?” Jenny asked.

Suzanna got up to turn off the spray before answering her daughter. “No. He'd be your stepfather.”

Brother and sister exchanged looks. “Would he still like us?” “Of course he would, Jenny.”

“Would we have to go away and live someplace else?”

She sighed and combed a hand through Alex's hair. “No. He would come to live with us at The Towers, or maybe we'd go and live with him at his cottage. We'd be a family.”

Alex thought it over. “Would he be Kevin's stepfather, too?”

“No.” She had to kiss him. “Megan's Kevin's mom, and maybe one day she'll fall in love and get married. Then Kevin will have a father.”

“Did you fall in love with Holt?” Jenny asked.

“Yes, I did.” She felt Alex shift uncomfortably and smiled. “I'd like to marry him so we could all live together. But Holt and I both wanted to see how you felt about it.”

“I like him,” Jenny announced. “He lets me ride on his shoulders.” Alex shrugged, a bit more cautious. “Maybe it's okay.”

Concerned, Suzanna rose. “We can talk about it some more. Let's go set up.”

They stepped out of the greenhouse just as Holt pulled up in the graveled lot. He knew he'd told her he'd wait until lunchtime, but he hadn't been able to. He'd awakened realizing he'd rather face another alley than those two kids who could so easily reject him. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and tried to look casual.


“Hi.” Suzanna wanted to reach out to him, but her children held her hands. “I thought I'd drop by and...how's it going?”

Jenny gave him a shy smile and huddled closer to her mother. “Mom says you're going to get married and be our stepfather and live with us.”

Holt had to knock back an urge to shuffle his feet. “That's the plan.”

Alex tightened his fingers around Suzanna's as he stared up at Holt. “Are you going to yell at us?”

After a quick glance at Suzanna, Holt stooped down until he was eye to eye with the boy. “Maybe. If you need it.”

Alex trusted that answer more than he would have an unqualified no. “Do you hit?” He remembered the swats he'd received during his vacation.

They'd insulted more than hurt, but he still resented it.

Holt put a hand under the boy's chin and held it firm. “No,” he said, and the look in his eyes made Alex believe. “But I might hang you up by your thumbs, or boil you in oil. If I get really mad, I'll stake you to an anthill.”

Alex's lips twitched, but he wasn't finished with the interrogation. “Are you going to make Mom cry like he did?”

“Alex,” Suzanna began, but Holt cut her off.

“I might sometimes, if I'm stupid. But not on purpose. I love her a lot, so I want to make her happy. Sometimes I might screw up.”

Alex frowned and considered. “Are you going to do all that kissing stuff? Since Trent and Sloan and Max came, there's always kissing.”

“Yeah.” Holt's face relaxed into a smile. “I'm going to do all that kissing stuff.”

“But you won't like it,” Alex said, hopeful. “You'll just do it 'cause Mom likes it.”

“Sorry, I like it, too.”

“Jeez,” Alex muttered, deflated.

“Do it now.” Jenny danced and giggled. “Do it now so I can see.”

Willing to oblige, Holt straightened and pulled Suzanna close. When he took his lips from Suzanna's, Alex was red faced and Jenny was clapping. “I hate to tell you,” Holt said soberly, “but one day you'll like it, too.”

“Uh – uh. I'd rather eat dirt.”

With a laugh, Holt hoisted him up, relieved and delighted when Alex slung a friendly arm around his neck. “Tell me that in ten years.”

“I like it,” Jenny insisted, and tugged on his leg. “I like it now. Kiss me.” He hauled her in his other arm and kissed her tiny, waiting lips. She smiled, big blue eyes beaming. “You kissed Mom different.”

“That's 'cause she's the mom and you're the kid.”

She liked the way he smelted, the way his arm supported her. When she rubbed a hand over his cheek, she was a little disappointed that it was smooth today. “Can I call you Daddy?” she asked, and Holt felt his heart lurch in his chest.

“I – ah – sure. If you want.”

“Daddy's for babies,” Alex said in disgust. “But you can be Dad.” “Okay.” He looked over at Suzanna. “Okay.”

Holt wished he could have spent the day with them, but there were things that had to be done. He had a family now – it still dazed him – and he meant to protect them. He'd already put in calls to his contacts in Portland and was awaiting the rundowns on the four names from Trent's list. While he waited, he put in calls to the Department of Motor Vehicles, the credit bureau and the Internal Revenue, stretching it a bit by giving his old badge number and rank.

Between information and instinct, he whittled the four names down to two. While he waited for another call back, he read over his grandfather's diary.

He understood the feelings beneath the words, the longing, the devption. He understood the rage his

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