Her teenage pussy was just as tight and hot and juicy as he'd remembered it, and he started fucking her without restraint, ramming his rock-hard prick roughly up and down in the searing wet pulp of her twat. Tracy responded with hungry jerks of her hips, impaling her thirsty little box on the thick spike of his dick. She creamed huge flood of juice, and his reaming cock made an obscene slurping and sucking noise.

'Good for you, honey?' Jim panted. 'You dig the way I'm fucking you?'

'Ohhhhh, shit, yes,' Tracy moaned. 'I love to fuck, Jim. I don't think I'll ever get enough.'

He believed her. He'd never seen anything like this fuck-crazy little girl. He knew that one man would never be enough for her, that his wouldn't be the only swollen hard cock pounding in her deliciously tight pussy. It didn't matter. He'd enjoy her while he had her – and enjoy he did.


Tracy couldn't believe her eyes when she reported for her next babysitting job – a teenage boy who still needed a sitter? The family's name was Dixon, and their son was actually taller than Tracy. She tried to keep a straight-face as Mrs. Dixon explained what her duties would be.

'Donald is allowed one small snack after dinner,' Mrs. Dixon said. 'See that he does his homework and that he goes to bed by ten. No TV unless he finishes his homework. Is all that clear, Tracy?'

'Yes, ma'am,' Tracy said solemnly. 'Have a nice evening. When can I expect you home?'

'We're going to the open,' Mr. Dixon sighed, 'and that's five hours at the least. Don't expect us back till after midnight.'

The Dixons left, and Tracy turned to get a better look at their son Donald. He was a tall, lanky kid with dark brown hair, and he might have been good-looking if he hadn't been wearing thick horn-rimmed glasses. Right now he looked mortified, blushing hotly as Tracy scrutinized him.

'Don't say it,' he moaned.

'Say what?' Tracy asked.

'Aw, you know,' Donald sighed. 'Why a guy my age has to have a babysitter. It sure as hell wasn't my idea. My folks insisted on it.'

'But why?' Tracy said. 'You're plenty old enough to stay by yourself.'

'I know that, but they don't,' Donald said miserably. 'See, I'm an only child, and they didn't have me till they were pretty old, and I guess they're just super uptight about me.'

'What a bummer,' Tracy said.

'You're telling me,' he sighed. 'Just promise me something, okay? Don't tell any of the kids at school about this.'

'Sure,' Tracy said.

She was beginning to feel sorry for Donald. She was also getting some pretty interesting ideas about how they could spend the evening. His parents might think he was just a little kid, but that lean lanky body belonged to a man. And Tracy was feeling horny as usual. She hadn't been laid in several days. Here was a chance to do something about it.

She walked over to Donald and stopped within a foot of him. 'Do you think I'm pretty, Donald?' she asked.

'Wow, I sure do, Tracy,' he said eagerly. 'But do me a favor, okay, and call me Don?'

'Sure, Don,' Tracy purred. 'And you can do me a favor and take off your glasses. I think you'd look, much neater without them.'

Don instantly whipped off his glasses and, sure enough, he was a really nice-looking boy. Tracy's interest increased. Considering his over-protective parents, it was likely that he'd never had anything to do with girls. That could be a drag but it was nothing Tracy couldn't handle.

'Have you ever been out with a girl, Don?' she said.

'Are you kidding?' he sighed. 'My folks say I have to wait till I'm eighteen before I can even date.'

'What a pisser,' Tracy said. 'It must be awful hard for you to wait.'

He just gave her a look of horny anguish. There was nothing abnormal about this kid. His parents might be a little weird, but Don clearly had all the natural instincts of a typically horny teenage boy. Tracy saw that he'd be putty in her hands. She smiled and brushed against him, and he shivered with longing.

'Maybe you won't have to wait till you're eighteen, Don,' she purred. 'For instance, you could kiss me right now if you want.'

'Oh, boy, do I ever,' he croaked.

He jammed his mouth clumsily onto hers, but the movements of Tracy's lips soon taught him what to do. She showed him how to give deep sensuous tongue kisses that had both of them squirming with horniness. He was a very fast learner, anxious to please. Tracy felt her little pussy getting all wet and hot and swollen as they continued their lessons in kissing.

'Mmmmmmm, that's nice, Don,' she said. 'So nice – I'm getting dizzy. Why don't we go sit on the couch?'

'Sure, Tracy, whatever you say,' he panted.

On the couch Don eagerly continued kissing her, but Tracy was getting restless for more action. She waited till the flush-faced kid came up for air, then gave him a big sexy grin. Don almost moaned aloud.

'I bet you've never played with a girl's tits before, right?' she leered.

'Right,' Don groaned. He glanced down and saw her ripe round tits swelling under her skin-tight jersey. 'Could I play with yours, Tracy, please?'

'Sure, Don, I'd like that,' she cooed.

His hot moist hands instantly closed over the globes of her tits. She could feel the heat of his hands even through her jersey and bra. He molded and squeezed, getting more excited by the second. Tracy endured his amateurish fondling for a few moments, then took his hands and drew them away from her tits.

'I didn't mean play with them through my clothes, Don,' she grinned. 'It's a lot more fun if you take the girl's clothes off. Here, I'll help you.'

Don could scarcely believe his eyes when Tracy pulled off her jersey, tousling her short curly golden hair. He gawked at her tiny blue bikini bra. It barely contained her pale swelling tits. Tracy took his hands and guided them around behind her to the catch of her bra. He fumbled with it, his hands trembling and sweating, and finally got it open.

'Go ahead, Don,' Tracy purred. 'Take my bra off.'

'Oh, man,' he moaned.

He drew off her bra and stared at her naked tits. Like most boys his age, Don had a secret stash of girlie magazines that he studied and jacked off to, but he didn't think any of the girls in those pictures had nicer tits than Tracy's. He ogled the creamy-skinned globes and large light-pink nipples. Her tits stuck straight out, perfectly firm.

'You can touch my tits if you want to, Don,' she purred.

Don was too aroused even to reply. He moaned and cupped her luscious young tits, gently squeezing and molding. The skin was like silk. As he fondled her tits, her nipples went stiff and pointed, rubbing hungrily against his palms.

'Mmmmmmm, that feels so nice, Don,' she said huskily.

She wasn't kidding him. His hands were hot on her sensitive tits, and with each squeeze she felt a jolt of pleasure that ran right down to her hotly creaming pussy. She sneaked a glance at Don's crotch and saw that it was bulging with a super hard-on. She could hardly wait to fuck him, but she figured she'd better teach him a few things first. He was totally innocent when it came to girls.

'Do you like playing with my tits, Don?' she said.

'I sure do, Tracy,' he sighed. 'It's the most fun I ever had in my life.'

'Well, you're gonna have a lot more fun than that,' Tracy grinned, 'if you just learn how to turn a girl on. Want me to teach you?'

'Shit, yes,' Don said.

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